FinovateSpring 2015 / INETCO Systems

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: INETCO is a leading provider of real-time transaction monitoring and customer analytics software solutions. We make it easy for financial institutions to collect transaction data, reduce failed customer interactions, and adopt data-driven strategies that improve customer engagement and profitability across multi-channel banking environments.

How they describe their product/innovation: INETCO Analytics provides financial institutions with the game-changing knowledge of where, when and how customers interact with their channels. This application makes it easy for business managers to instantly access the transaction data they need to drive consumer banking engagement strategies and deliver greater profitability across all banking channels.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through other fintech companies and platforms, licensed


Bus. Dev.: Andy Kozma, VP Global Bus. Dev., [email protected], 778-999-7783
Press: Stacy Gorkoff, VP Marketing, [email protected], 604-828-5548
Sales: Darren Horne, VP Sales, [email protected], 604-760-5142

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