FinovateEurope 2016 /

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: is the first voice biometrics producer in Poland, established in 2011. The company develops and implements new technologies which are unique on a global scale. Its leading product is the VoicePIN system – the effect of many years voice biometrics R&D. The system allows users to safely log in and authenticate without the necessity to remember passwords or PIN numbers. The company’s employees are both experienced scientists and entrepreneurs. The team is constantly working on new product functions and implementing new solutions what results in outstanding outcomes.

How they describe their product/innovation: VoicePIN is a biometric system for easy and secure user authentication, based on the analysis of his voice. This technology allows you to securely log on to a system without having to remember difficult passwords or pin numbers. What distinguishes us?

  • Very simple and quick installation and configuration
  • Passive enrollment (generating voiceprints from previously recorded data)
  • Verification of the biometric password is lexical and language-independent (no ASR needed). Using tools provided by VoicePIN the implementation and integration of a new voice system runs smoothly and efficiently.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms


Bus. Dev.: Jakub Szydłak, VP Bus. Dev., [email protected], +48 695 739 511

Press: Karolina Kiepas, Marketing Manager, [email protected], +48 500 235 593

Sales: Lucyna Szaszkiewicz, Sales Director, [email protected], +48 726 503 403

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