FinovateEurope 2016 / Finhorizon

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: In essence, Finhorizon is a finance information firm. Our team represents a combination of profound skills and experiences in economics, higher mathematics, managing risks in banking and advising investors face-to-face or online. We refine financial data scientifically to measure risks and estimate returns. The results of our activity are performance ratings, which make us the first ever Investment Performance Rating Agency. Investors and those servicing investors buy our information to make better fact-based decisions. Our performance ratings and risk-return-time-benchmarks in the investor’s home currency are comprehensible to any investor, independent of the level of financial literacy.

How they describe their product/innovation: Our performance ratings are used to consistently compare all financial products across all asset classes. fairvalues© has the power to inject A-Z transparency in any investment advisory process. The transparency stems from our impartial across-all-asset-classes-estimation process, combining multiple approaches to investment analysis. Our profiling process (1) takes into account the investor’s preferences regarding risk-return, reference currency and time horizons, (2) provides an investor-specific, fair and fully understandable assessment of the risk-return trade-offs available and (3) finally leads to investor-unique portfolios. Firms servicing investors benefit from the inherent compliance with regulatory requirements.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions


Bus. Dev.: Christian Hafner, CEO, ,+41 79 213 07 88

Press & Sales: Dr. Andreas Zimmermann, Chairman,, +41 79 223 73 79

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