FinovateEurope 2016 / SwipeStox

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: SwipeStox was founded by passionate entrepreneurs and finance geeks. Our team combines many years of professional experiences in financial institutions, e-commerce & m-commerce and start-ups. Backed by a former bank founder we are aiming to bring the idea of social trading to the smartphones of every investor and trader worldwide.

How they describe their product/innovation: SwipeStox is the first mobile social trading application that allows everyone to trade Forex, Indices, and CFDs (we will also offer the possibility to trade physical stocks) simply by copying single trades. Everyone can swipe through the trades other experienced traders have created and profit from their knowledge about the markets. By connecting traders from all over the world in one network, users can see live trades and copy them – rather than relying on fundamental or technical trading decisions alone. As a trader you can either leverage this information to execute own trades or simply follow and copy other traders and their trades. The SwipeStox iOS & Android App offers in addition a wide range of features:

  • Community: Check the leaderboard, connect and create own profiles
  • Real-Time-Chat: Share your thoughts on single trades and make friends!
  • Trader Radar: See people trading around you, allowing you to build a local trading club
  • Social Card: Post a status, upload a video/image or watch all activities of your friends
  • Contests: Create own battles, set a buy-in and subscribe to trading contests
  •  Video-Pitches: Pitch your trade uploading a film-selfie or swipe through other video pitches!

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms, licensed


Bus. Dev. & Sales: Wladimir Huber, [email protected]

Press: Tobias Drewling, Head of Communication, [email protected], +49 172 45 122 45

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