FinovateEurope 2014 / Plutus Software

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Plutus Software was incorporated in Singapore in February 2012. We saw a great opportunity to create a web and mobile ecosystem specifically to cater to the needs of the large and ever growing consumer finance sector in Asia. Our goal is to develop apps and platform products that are geared towards fulfilling this objective.

For our first major overseas market, Indonesia, our flagship product,, is known as, and it was launched in May 2013. It aims to empower Indonesian consumers by acting as a ‘one stop shop’ where they can choose from a curated selection of various financial products with the best rates available at any given time and from the most reliable and reputable lenders in the market.

How they describe their product/innovation: In addition to the comparison functionality for the various financial products, features predictive analytics to aid both borrowers and lenders. For borrowers, this potentially enables creditworthy individuals to gain access to financing that they normally would not be able to obtain based on traditional credit scoring methods. At the same time, this analytics capability enables lenders on our platform to more accurately assess the risk of borrowers so as to better price the products that they are disbursing. Our proprietary credit scoring system aims to produce a more holistic assessment of a borrower’s creditworthiness via incorporating multiple data sources, including social media.

Product Distribution Strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), licensed


Bus. Dev., Press & Sales: Aidil Zulkifli, CEO & Founder, [email protected], +65 9320 0041 Shaiful Bahri, VP Operations & Strategy, [email protected], +65 9062 8572

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