FinovateEurope 2014 / EZBOB
Presenter Profile:
How they describe themselves: EZBOB is the first web based and fully automated lending platform for SMEs in the UK backed by the UK government’s Angel Co-Fund and appointed as financial intermediary for Project Microfinance by the EU. EZBOB is a profitable alternative lender changing the way business owners can access the funding they need for working capital, growth, or other business opportunities.
The company’s proprietary lending platform is an industry leader, providing for a simplified, customer centric, web based application process. Any UK business is able to apply online, in under 10 minutes with no paperwork and no face-to-face meetings. EZBOB algorithms are able to analyse the business and its directors’ creditworthiness and affordability in real time. Once a funding decision has been made, borrowers can choose their repayment schedule exact funding amount; funds transferred directly to the business account within 30 minutes or less.
How they describe their product/innovation: EZBOB’s lending platform was initially designed to provide an automated funding solution for online retailers, such a people operating online shops on eBay, Amazon, or those using PayPal.
At Finovate EZBOB launched their new proprietary platform (EZ10.1), which allows for any of the 5 million SMEs in the UK to apply online in minutes and find out how much funding is available to them.
Now, all business applicants will enjoy EZBOB’s USP, which is a short online application with an automated lending decision and instant funding of up to £50,000.
Product Distribution Strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)
Bus. Dev.: Sharone Perlstein, [email protected], +972546965599