FinovateEurope 2014 /

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Foreign exchange companies bid. You win. Big corporates & FTSE 100 companies enjoy competitive pricing on their international payments. Why shouldn’t you? Think FXAll, 360T & Currenex for the SME market. is the world’s first venue for small to mid sized companies trading up to £200 million worth of currency per annum to access competitive international payment quotes from your currency providers in one place. Execute your business trades at the best prices at the click of a button. Our sister comparison websites & have helped private client customers transact over $600,000,000. In the past three years, we’ve partnered with the major FCA authorised and regulated non-bank foreign exchange companies.

How they describe their product/innovation: FX price feed aggregator and execution platform that takes the technology blue chip treasurers take for granted, and makes it accessible to the masses. We offer a price feed aggregation solution to problems SME’s trading internationally face, including: outdated phone based comparison, experiencing “honeymoon rates” & dreadfully expensive bank foreign exchange rates. Our goal is to create efficiency & total price transparency in an expensive, and opaque international money transfer industry. Version 1 features include: bidding platform, trade execution, multi broker registration & post trade history.

Product Distribution Strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through other FinTech companies and platforms


Press: [email protected]
Sales: Aviva Tabachnik, Partnerships, [email protected] &
Daniel Abrahams, Co-Founder & Head of Partnerships, [email protected]

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