FinovateEurope 2014 / Arxan Technologies

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Arxan protects mobile applications from hacker attacks and malware exploits with the world’s strongest and most deployed application security products. Arxan’s patented ‘Guarding’ technology is embedded directly into apps to yield self-defending, tamper-proof apps that are resistant to unauthorized code tampering and reverse engineering attacks. Arxan’s multi-operating system approach mitigates risk, such as fraud or data compromise, by ensuring critical security and business logic are hardened from repacking and redistribution attempts and unauthorized access on untrusted devices. Arxan’s application integrity protection is deployed on over 250 million devices by Fortune 500 organizations in financial services, retail, healthcare, ISV, entertainment and other enterprises.

How they describe their product/innovation: Arxan’s mobile application hardening™ delivers critical defense and shielding at the application layer with static and active self-defend and tamper-proof attributes. By deploying Arxan protected apps, financial institutions can launch advanced and feature-rich mobile financial services with confidence. Our state of the art ‘Guards’ are small units of object code that “lockdown” applications with multiple and performance sensitive protection against attacks such as malware, fraud, data breach repackaging, unauthorized access, IP theft, removal of security or critical business logic – all of which would have significant consequences for financial institutions.

Product Distribution Strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)


Bus. Dev.: Jukka Alanen, VP Business Development, [email protected], +1 650 861 9659
Press: Jodi Wadhwa, VP Marketing, [email protected], +1 301 968 4290
Sales: Tom van Gorder, VP Worldwide Sales, [email protected], +1 301 968 4290 &
Mark Noctor, W. EMEA Sales Director, [email protected], +44 1491 5265 00

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