Ready Receipts, a company that offers merchants and consumers paperless access to their retail receipts, officially launched today:
“A new solution from Ready Receipts provides an online location where electronic versions of receipts can be stored and retrieved digitally… The company’s Receipt Assurance provides consumers online access to their receipts, and also will be able to stream purchase information to personal finance tools.”
Ready Receipts currently uses Magento shopping cart software and will be available on other brands of shopping cart software in the near future.
The Ready Receipts technology also supports retailers:
“Brick-and-mortar retailers can also work with Ready Receipts, although the process is a bit more involved. While the merchants can offer their customers Receipt Assurance for free, merchants will need to pay to gain access to the receipt data. The cost varies based on the retailer’s revenue and the analytical tools they choose.”
Analytical tools for retailers are in development. By using these tools, retailers will be able to analyze consumer spending and use promotions to target specific customer groups.