AuthenticID’s PictureID Heralds the End of ID Fraud

Thumbnail image for authenticIDLogo.jpgThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2013.

Our next presenter is authenticID, demoing their identity proofing solution, pictureID.
“authenticID’s identity authentication solution, pictureID annihilates ID fraud. It is the only system that’s invulnerable to fraud schemes. Our unique agreements allow pictureID to connect directly with document issuers in the U.S. and Canada. This allows companies to go directly to the source for identity authentication. 
Unlike current identity proofing providers – we don’t ‘guess.’ We provide absolute confirmation since document issuers records are unique to every citizen. There’s no way to trick pictureID – it returns a picture of the real consumer on file with the document issuer – with 100% accuracy.”
Product Launch: May 14, 2013
Metrics: Over $1M pledged; installed in nuclear facilities, either in or starting proof of concept with a major U.S. telecom, retailer, and a top 5 bank.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B) & through other fintech companies and platforms.
HQ: Atlanta, Georgia
Founded: January 2012
Twitter: @authenticID
Presenting Blair Cohen (CEO), Karl Perman (VP Business Development)


The full demo video will be available at in mid-September.

Build Your Own Branded App Store with MarketMaker from SaaS Markets


This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2013.

Up next is SaaS Markets. The enterprise app store company has developed a platform that allows FIs to build, brand, and launch their app store in weeks rather than months.

“SaaS Market’s MarketMaker Enterprise App Store Platform allows financial companies to deploy a fully branded app store containing your proprietary apps and/or selected software from our catalog of over 1,500+ pre-qualified business applications.”
Product Launch: January 2013
Metrics: Funding $3.5M (private) & 20+ employees in US and Europe
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B) & through financial institutions
HQ: San Mateo, California
Founded: November 2011
Twitter: @SaaSMarkets
Presenting Ferdi Roberts (CEO & Founder) and Cameron Ministri (Enterprise Sales Manager)
The full demo video will be available at in mid-September.

TipRanks Presents its Cloud-Based Accountability Engine for Investors

TipRanksLogo.jpgThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2013.

Next up in our second session of the day is TipRanks. TipRanks was recognized among the “Best of Show” at FinovateSpring 2013 in San Francisco.
“TipRanks is an independent, cloud-based service that collects, sorts, and presents unbiased, comparative metrics about stock recommendations published online from financial experts. TipRanks categorizes this advice by a combination of two key factors: the ability of a recommendation to generate excess profit above the S&P 500, and the percentage of times recommendations outperform the S&P 500.
“These metrics help communicate in real-time the accuracy and credibility of individuals providing such advice. It allows the individual investor to decide who to trust.”
Product Launch: April 2013
Metrics: $700,000 raised & 10 employees
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms, & licensed
HQ: Tel Aviv, Israel
Founded: June 2012
Twitter: @TipRanks
Presenting Gilad Gat (Co-Founder & CTO) and Tomer Turgeman (VP, Business Development)
The full demo video will be available at in mid-September

Deluxe and VerifyValid Team Up to Provide Secure Electronic Checking

newlogoDeluxeVerifyValid.jpgThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2013.

Next up is a joint presentation from Deluxe Corporation and VerifyValid. The two are teaming up to bring electronic check payments to small businesses and consumers.
“VerifyValid lets customers make/receive check payments entirely online, utilizing virtual lockbox and remote deposit capture systems, or by printing checks on plain paper.
The partnership between Deluxe and VerifyValid will soon introduce secure electronic check payments to the 4M small business and 5,700 bank customers currently served by Deluxe. 
Using an unprecedented secure platform and patented fraud prevention, VerifyValid can lower an organization’s costs while increasing efficiency, sustainability, and financial security with every payment.”
Product Launch: July 2013
Product distribution strategy: In presenting VerifyValid to its customer base, Deluxe will employ a multi-channel strategy, including printed and electronic marketing, a direct sales force, FI, and telecommunications client referrals, purchased search results from online search engines, and independent distributors and dealers to promote and sell a wide range of customized products and services.”
HQ: Deluxe Corp – Shoreview, Minnesota; VerifyValid – Grand Rapids, Michigan
Founded: Deluxe Corp – 1915; VerifyValid – 2010
Twitter: @deluxecorp | @verifyvalid
Presenting Paul Doyle (CEO & Founder, VerifyValid) and Malcolm McRoberts (SVP Small Business Services, Deluxe)
The full demo video will be available at in mid-September.

Versafe Presents its TotALL Online Fraud Protection Suite for Web and Mobile App Security


This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2013.

Versafe is making its way to the stage right now. The company’s solutions provide fraud protection for mobile and online applications.
“The TotALL Online Fraud Protection Suite protects the login, user profile & transaction communication between the endpoint and web and mobile applications in real-time, without requiring software download or any user involvement whatsoever. 
The solution leverages advanced application-layer encryption, sophisticated malware detection, and real-time behavioral analysis to proactively protect user credentials, accounts, and monies. And with several implementation models, including a rapid deployment option not requiring any application development, protection across an organization’s entire user base can begin as soon as tomorrow. 
Protect ALL online users. From ALL malware, threat types. On ALL devices. ALL transparently to the user.”
Product Launch: October 2010 (with several enhancements and versions since)
Metrics: 30+ customers internationally, Susquehanna Growth Equity investment of $5M, over 50 employees & over 50M online users protected. Transparently. 
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B) & via other fintech companies/platforms
HQ: Rishon Le Zion, Israel
Founded: September 2009
Presenting Jens Hinrichsen (VP, Marketing & Business Development) 
The full demo video will be available at in mid-September.

ZooZ Debuts the Transforming Checkout of its Global Payment Platform

Zoozlogo.jpgThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2013.

Zooz is making its way to the stage right now. The company specializes in helping online merchants enhance and speed up the checkout process as well as improve conversions.
“Zooz is a global payment platform that enables ecommerce merchants to optimize their checkout across all channels. We provide merchants and developers with a plug and play solution that lets them present their users with a fast, one-tap checkout experience and increase their conversion rates.
Zooz’s approach is focused on users’ behaviors and needs and not just on technical aspects of payments. Zooz has partnered with leading payment gateways, processors, and e-wallets in the world to ensure that both users and retailers enjoy full flexibility.”
Product Launch: September 2013
Metrics: $4.5M in funding, 20 employees, & over 7,000 registered apps and websites
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, & through other fintech companies and platforms
HQ: Raanana, Israel
Founded: June 2010
Twitter: @ZooZpayments
Presenting Noam Inbar (VP Business Development, Zooz) and Peter Donarski (Senior Executive, FirstData – a Zooz Strategic Partner)
The full demo video will be available at in mid-September.

Saved Plus Presents Their Smart Saving Solution for Mobile and the Web

savedpluslogo.jpgThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2013.

Next up to the stage is the team from Saved Plus with their solution to help individuals better and more efficiently save for the future.
“Saved Plus is a mobile and web-based financial tool that allows clients to automatically transfer a predetermined percentage of their daily expenditures to the destination account of their choice. 
Our bank independent software allows people to make small, but frequent, automatic monetary contributions to savings, investments, retirement, and charity accounts, or payments to credit cards or loans in any U.S. bank, credit union or other financial institutions.”
Product Launch: April 10, 2013
Metrics: $500,000 invested; $250,000 raised, 12 employees, over 500 registered users since launch
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), Direct to Consumer (B2C), through financial institutions, & licensed to retailers and other fintech companies.
HQ: Mountain View, California
Founded: February 2012
Twitter: @savedplus
Presenting Benjamin Taran (VP Strategic Partnerships)
The full demo video will be available at in mid-September.

Motif Debuts a New Kind of Online Broker That Lets You Invest in Ideas in One Click

motiflogo.jpgThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2013.

Welcome to FinovateFall 2013! Our first presenter here on Day One is Motif Investing.
“Motif will demo the first-of-its-kind crowdsourcing of a financial product that uses Motif’s innovative social technology. It enables investors to take concepts and ideas and in minutes create a motif, a collection of up to 30 securities that trades real time for only $9.95.
The investor can then publish it to the Motif website so it is discoverable and searchable for the broader community. The investor’s motif will also be featured in the Community Catalog, which is akin to an online app store. The catalog will provide intuitive categorization and search functionality that allows other customers to buy these mofits and when that happens, the motif’s creator will be paid a royalty.”
Product Launched: Target date is September 2013
Metrics: $51M raised to date & 41 FTE
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, & through other fintech companies and platforms.
HQ: San Mateo, California
Founded: June 2010
Twitter: @MotifInvesting
Presenting Hardeep Walia (Co-Founder & CEO) 

The full demo video will be available at in mid-September

FinovateFall 2013: “And Oh What Heights We’ll Hit”

FF13Button.jpg“On with the show, this is it!”

We’re busier than a hive of honeybees here on rehearsal day as we put the final touches on FinovateFall 2013. The show begins Tuesday morning, September 10th at 9:00 am, and continues through Wednesday. This year’s event is sold out, but fortunately there’s more than one way to enjoy the show.

Live blogging and tweeting
The Finovate team will be live-blogging each and every presentation as it happens here at the Manhattan Center in New York City. 
You can also follow us on Twitter as we’ll be tweeting from @Finovate all day long Tuesday and Wednesday. You’ll also get to read observations and reactions from our audience of more than 1,100 people who will be joining the conversation via the #finovate hashtag.
If you’re going to be with us tomorrow, know that registration begins at 8:00 am on both Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. The first company to demo will take the stage at 9:00 am sharp on both days.
This year FinovateFall is in a new location for us. We’re at the Manhattan Center on West 34th Street, just down the road from Madison Square Garden. More information on the venue is available here.
FinovateFall 2013 will feature 70 companies demoing some of the most exciting new products and services in the industry. So whether you’re joining us online or will be part of our live audience this week, there’s no better place to see tomorrow’s financial technology today.
Here’s a look at this year’s lineup of presenters:
To learn more about FinovateFall 2013, visit our FAQ page or email us at Thanks for your support. See you in New York City.

Finovate Alumni Driving Growth in Online Investment Advisory Industry


If an investment portfolio gets optimized through an online investment advisor, do brick and mortar brokers make a sound?

As noted in today’s Wall Street Journal, many of the kinds of services that once were accessible only by high net worth investors patronizing financial advisors and planners in person are now available to the rest of us. This includes everything from using computer algorithms to make investment decisions to automatic portfolio rebalancing and asset allocation.

And of the seven companies highlighted in the column for helping make this possible, every single one is a Finovate alum.
In fact, two of the seven – FutureAdvisor and LearnVest – will be demoing their latest technology on the Finovate stage in New York next week for FinovateFall 2013.
The reasons for the growth in online investment advisory are as varied as the companies themselves. Some cite a new generation of investors far more comfortable with both handling their own finances and trusting the Internet to help. Others suggest that with Wall Street falling into disfavor in the wake of the financial crisis, more investors are willing to seek out non-traditional – and less expensive – sources of information and advice.
Bill Doyle, an analyst for Forrester Research who has studied the industry for more than a decade and is quoted in the column, puts it this way: “I’m paying a lot more attention this time around because the software required to transform this industry finally works.”
Whatever the reason, there’s no doubt that venture capitalists believe this time is different. Consider the funding success of the above seven companies in the past two years ago:
Note also that Wealthfront, which helps get investors into low-cost diversified portfolios, has assets under management (AUM) of $300 million. Betterment has a similar model and has AUM of $250 million.

FinovateFall 2013: Big Lights, Big City, Big Show

Next week fintech startups and established enterprises from across the country and the world will begin arriving at the financial capital of the world New York City, New York to take part in FinovateFall 2013.

Take a look for yourself (click to enlarge):


FinovateFall 2013 is a great opportunity to meet the entrepreneurs and executives from some of the most forward-looking startups and established companies in the industry. We still see typically strong representation from the fintech of the coasts. But we also see a number of companies from the Midwest, the South, and from overseas, all stepping forward to meet the challenges of helping people and businesses make, manage, and move their money, 24/7, 365 days a year.


Selling our 1,100th ticket this morning, FinovateFall 2013 is officially sold out. But there are plenty of ways for you to catch all the action next week as our fintech innovators take the stage. Follow our Live Blog right here at starting on Tuesday morning at 9 am Eastern and continuing all day for both days of the show. You can also keep up with FinovateFall 2013 by following us on Twitter.
And if you’re still looking for a way to be a part of our audience, don’t despair! We have set up a waiting list in the event that there are last-minute cancellations. To get your name on the list, please email us at

Check Secures $24 Million Financing Round


Check announced this morning that it had completed a Series C investment round that will boost the company’s capital by $24 million.

This funding round was led by new investor Menlo Ventures, and included participation from current investors Morgenthaler Ventures and Pitango Venture Capital.

Check will put the capital to good use helping expand the business and grow the company’s role in making it easier for consumers to track, manage, and pay their bills. Said Check CEO, Guy Goldstein, “Americans make $4 trillion worth of bill payments per year, and Check is transforming the bill payment industry with a simple, fast, and easy-to-use mobile app.”


In addition to the funding, Check will also gain a pair of new board members. Doug Carlisle of Menlo Ventures will be joining the company’s board of directors, as will founder and former CEO of CompuCom, Avery More. This latest round puts Check’s total venture capital financing to date at $49 million.
Formerly Pageonce, Check is a leading innovator in the field of mobile payments. With nearly 10 million consumers using its mobile solution to pay bills and track finances, Check’s Bills & Money app is available as a free download from both the iTunes App Store and Google Play.
Our recent reporting on Check includes news of their partnership with Desert Water Agency in Palm Springs, California, as well as the company’s decision to add expedited payments to the service in June.
Check demoed their technology as part of FinovateSpring in 2010. See the company in action here.