FinDEVrSiliconValley 2015 /

Presenter Profile: is the leading provider of blockchain solutions to financial institutions. Chain enables enterprises, including Nasdaq, First Data, and others, to issue, store, and transfer digital assets. Chain’s solutions reduce the cost and friction of moving assets and create new growth opportunities. The company is based in San Francisco.


The Blockchain Is Eating Financial Services

Money is a special type of information, so it is no wonder that a new type of database would transform how it moves around the world. The blockchain is a shared database for financial instruments that is transforming how financial services companies store and move assets. is at the leading edge of this transformation, and in this presentation, Chain’s team will share technical case studies of how they are partnering with financial institutions to apply the blockchain in different markets.

What You’ll Learn

  • How the blockchain is being applied in financial markets
  • How Chain’s technology enables financial institutions to leverage digital assets
  • A special announcement from Chain


Adam Ludwin, CEO | @adamludwin |

Adam Ludwin is the CEO and Co-Founder of Prior to Chain, Adam was a VC at RRE Ventures in New York. Adam began his career at The Boston Consulting Group and IDEO, and he holds an MBA from Harvard and a BS from UC Berkeley.

Devon Gundry, Co-Founder

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