FinovateEurope 2014 / Tink

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Tink addresses the fundamental problem of people not having control over their financial life. We built an intelligent App and Web App for the ones that normally think personal finance is unexciting and time consuming. We want to make personal finance fun, beautiful, and convenient. Our ambition is to help users get control over their financial lives, make wiser financial decisions, and to save and spend smarter. The company was founded in June 2012, and in September 2013, the service was released to the Swedish market with great success. For 2014 we are planning an international launch.

How they describe their product/innovation: Tink is a free personal finance service that allows you to follow your money, wherever you are! The service automatically collects and categorizes up to 2 years of historical transactions and assets from the banks you decide to connect. Once connected, Tink presents your expenses and incomes, suggests budgets, sends alerts, and gives you a personalized feed. Tink removes all the unwanted noise, highlights what’s important, and provides intelligent insights into your finances. Following your money with the Tink feed is as effortless as browsing your Instagram feed!

Product Distribution Strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C)


Bus. Dev.: Daniel Kjellén, CEO & Founder, [email protected]
Press & Sales: Sandra Uddbäck, Marketing Manager, [email protected]

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