FinovateEurope 2019 / Microblink

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Microblink is a R&D company with a mission to simplify data entry in mobile and web apps using camera input. Using advanced AI methods, we develop state-of-the-art computer vision and data extraction technology, linking modern mobile apps with the physical world. We offer SDKs and APIs optimized for easy integration into any app. Businesses all over the world use our computer vision technology to streamline processes and create better user experience in their apps. Our client portfolio consists of banks, financial and government institutions, telecoms, retailers, insurance, system integrators, startups, and other companies.

How they describe their product/innovation: BlinkID is a computer vision software for identity document scanning. With improved UX and new features, it now enables seamless automated form filling for minimized friction in user onboarding processes. The new intelligent features include instant detection, classification, and interpretation of any identity document or payment card via mobile camera. BlinkID is a plug & play solution and an effortless first step in the customer journey that reduces operational costs, saves time, and delights users. It can be integrated within various onboarding processes, such as mobile/e-KYC, e-wallet registration, online shopping, telco user registration, visitor check-in, and many others.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through other fintech companies and platforms, licensed


Bus. Dev.: Valentina Kušek, Bus. Dev. Manager,, +385 99 427 1649
Press: Nina Šuljak, Marketing Manager,, +385 99 210 1171

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