FinovateEurope 2019 / LeapXpert

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: LeapXpert was founded by two people coming from totally different worlds – communication and banking, who were set to solve the unique communication challenges of financial institutions and law firms.

At LeapXpert we believe that communication between companies and their clients must be effortless and seamless, while compliance requirements by financial institutions should not create obstructions to that process. When new communication tools are introduced by the institutions, they need to bring value by enriching the conversations, instead of simply replacing already existing and established communication channels.

We set that to be our mission and have spent years on ideation and development to create our first product.

How they describe their product/innovation: LeapXpert product is an integrated communication experience, a platform that enables seamless and compliant communication between companies and their clients.

With our solution, companies securely own their data and remain compliant while providing state of the art communication channels to their clients, while clients have a choice to adopt a different tool for even more engaging communication, one that brings value for the conversation between both parties, or keep utilizing the communication apps they use in their daily lives.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, licensed


Bus. Dev.: Dima Gutzeit, Founder,, +85256345078

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