FinovateEurope 2019 / BlueRush

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: BlueRush has created IndiVideo, the interactive personalized video platform for financial services. IndiVideo is a highly scalable personalized video platform built to provide data-driven video content in an easy to understand, entertaining and compelling manner.

BlueRush also offers a SaaS-based content engagement platform called DigitalReach, which aligns marketing, sales and compliance. Used by financial advisors, DigitalReach allows for the centralization, personalization, distribution, and tracking of content to ensure complete control over what is sent and to whom. BlueRush’s products improve marketing and sales performance and generate greater client satisfaction and loyalty.

How they describe their product/innovation: Building on over 10 years of experience creating engaging digital journeys for the world’s most innovative financial institutions, BlueRush developed a completely new IndiVideo credit card selector and personalized video experience for their client, a Top 50 Global Bank.

The IndiVideo credit card selector provides:

  • a seamless customer journey and improved conversion rate for enhanced ROI,
  • a phenomenal “know me” customer experience using cutting-edge personalization technology and third-party data sources,
  • higher levels of customer engagement and satisfaction for increased up/cross-sell revenue,
  • the collection of valuable data-driven customer insights within an aggregate reporting ecosystem.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)


Bus. Dev.: Ted Mercer, VP Sales,, 416-203-0618 ext. 182
Press: Rielle Ullberg, Marketing Coordinator,, 416-203-0618 ext. 234

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