FinovateEurope 2019 / AccountScore

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: AccountScore is a highly innovative global data and analytics business that provides digital access to and analytics on bank transaction data for clients – typically banks and financial services companies, that want to make better-informed decisions during their customer assessment processes.

AccountScore operates the registered Account Information Service Provider (AISP) which is at the forefront of Open Banking in the UK.  The online Open Banking API platform carries out the collection and storage of bank transaction data belonging to the consenting customers of its B2B clients, in addition to providing a customer-facing platform where those customers can monitor access to their bank accounts and control what they share.

How they describe their product/innovation: The product being demoed will be the AccountScore Open Banking solution.

We will walk through the process as if we are a consumer sharing transaction data to a client of AccountScore’s. On show will be our newly developed consent management process for consumers sharing transaction data via Open Banking with third parties.

Furthermore, we will show businesses in the room how they can tap into Open Banking using our platform as well as how we successfully provide actionable insights from the Open Banking provided transaction data, allowing them to gain value from the data in practical products such as lending.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)


Bus. Dev.: Joseph Hungin, Head of International,
Press: Viali Munteanu, Cognito Media,

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