FinovateEurope 2015 / Encap Security

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Encap Security enables mobile identity for financial service providers. It is the only internet scale, device based, banking-grade authentication platform provider in the world. Encap Smarter Authentication turns any personal device into a security credential, removing the need for cumbersome and costly SMS codes and hardware. It makes authentication simple for users, enables innovation, reduces risk, and drives service adoption for financial institutions.

How they describe their product/innovation: Encap Security is the first authentication company in the world to integrate Apple Touch ID. Encap demonstrated how financial institutions can use Touch ID to provide access to and authenticate high-value financial services transactions. Touch ID integration showcased how Encap technology can detect and use device capabilities to layer on new authentication factors as they come to market. Financial institutions can then take advantage of these factors as they see fit, to ensure they are delivering the highest level of usability and security.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms


Bus. Dev.: John Burman, Europe Sales Director, [email protected],
+46 722198888
Press: Alan Miller, CCgroup PR, [email protected], +44 203 8187 183
Sales: Thomas Bostrøm Jørgensen, CEO, [email protected], +47 92032078

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