Finovate Alumni at BAI Retail Delivery Conference


The BAI Retail Delivery conference begins tomorrow with 29 Finovate alumni participating in sessions and/or exhibiting on the trade show floor.
Session Speakers
  • Tuesday, Global Game-Changer Session
    Speaker: Jim Taschetta from FreeMonee
  • Wednesday, Technology for Business Summit 
    Speaker: Mitch Jacobs from On Deck Capital
  • Wednesday, Technology for Business Summit Session 
    Speaker: David Eads from Kony Solutions
  • Thursday, Technology for Business Summit Session
    Speaker: Eric Connors from Yodlee
  • Thursday, Marketing & Product Management Summit Session 
    Speaker: Rod Witmond from Cardlytics
BAI Mobile Link
Mobile Link Panel Discussions
Solutions Theatre
Jim Bruene and I ( will be in attendance and will update the blog and Twitter with new developments throughout the event. 

Finovate Alumni News– October 7, 2011

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgMountain West Capital Network names Lendio fastest-growing company in Utah.
  • Business Insider recommends signing up for BillGuard if you’re a victim of ID theft.
  • Firmology profiles Samurai by FeeFighters.
  • Truaxis wins the Innotribe Start-Up Challenge for StatementRewards Platform.
  • Kony names Sriram Ramanthan as Chief Technology Officer.
  • The Examiner advises using Credit Karma’s Credit Simulator and reading LearnVest’s blog to keep aware of money matters.
  • Dave Enjoys’ blog highlights features of BankSimple.
  • Credit Karma’s CEO Ken Lin reports What Banks and Lenders Know About You From Social Media on Mashable.
  • KAPITALL launches interactive news site KAPITALL WIRE.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

KAPITALL Launches Interactive News Site KAPITALL WIRE


Earlier this week, online investing platform KAPITALL launched KAPITALL WIRE at

“KAPITALL WIRE features timely, in-depth analysis of individual and screened groups of companies, and is enhanced by KAPITALL’s interactive tools, which are embedded in each article. KAPITALL WIRE crunches the numbers so investors don’t have to do the heavy lifting themselves.”

In addition to the articles, it also has sections on investment ideas and investing 101.

To learn more about KAPITALL, watch its demo from FinovateStartup 2009.

Credit Karma’s New Feature Graphically Compares Credit Card Clientele

creditkarmalogo.jpgUsing data collected from 5+ million credit cards it tracks, Credit Karma recently released a new feature called Credit Card Statistics. It can be used by consumers, or banks, to compare the customer attributes of various cards or card issuers. 

The following portfolio metrics are available:

    • Credit-score distribution (see example below)
    • Average credit-limit distribution
    • Average balance distribution
    • Credit limit-utilized distribution
    • Age-of-cardholder distribution

It also provides a Yelp-like platform where clients can write and read reviews about the credit card.

To learn more about Credit Karma, watch its FinovateStartup 2009 demo.

Dynamics Announces Multiple Agreements with Card Issuers

Thumbnail image for DynamicsLogo9.11.jpgYesterday, Dynamics announced multiple volume agreements with undisclosed card issuers to implement its next generation payment-cards technology such as: 

    • MultiAccount
    • Hidden
    • Redemption
    • Dynamic Credit Card 
Dynamics CEO Jeff Mullen states:
“This step is an important milestone for Dynamics. Card issuers have acknowledged the importance of our technology to empower customers with choice at the point of sale. Dynamics is very pleased with the growing roster of leading issuers that have endorsed and adopted our next-generation magnetic stripe technology.”

Initial orders have already exceeded 1 million units. To meet this demand, production will begin immediately and scale through 2012.

To learn more about Dynamics, watch its FinovateFall 2010 demo.

Finovate Alumni News– October 6, 2011

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgNetbanker highlights BillGuard’s monthly credit/debit card scan report.
  • Offermatic unveils OfferMatch, a pay-for-performance marketing channel that brings customers.
  • NBC Chicago names Ben Milne, Dwolla CEO, as a person to watch during Ideas Week.
  • WealthTouch partners with TILE Financial to create portfolio-reporting offerings for high net worth young adults.
  • Wall Street and Technology lists Zecco as 1 of 6 brokerages leading the way in social media.
  • New York Times blog reports BankSimple to go live on the Web next month.
  • HelloWallet announces its fall webinar series.
  • Business Daily Africa compares Xero and Kashoo accounting services with QuickBooks.
  • Credit Karma’s new feature graphically compares credit card clientele.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

Lendio’s Partnership With Prosper Will Facilitate Small Business Funding

Thumbnail image for LendioLogo8.31.11.pngEarlier today, Salt Lake City-based Lendio announced a partnership with Prosper. Lendio CEO Brock Blake cites:

“In the short period of our partnership, about 80 Lendio 
clients have been approved to list through Prosper, resulting 

Thumbnail image for Prosper.jpg

in excess of $1,000,000 in potential loans.”
Through this partnership, Lendio and Prosper hope that they will enable more small businesses to secure funding through loans.
To learn more about Lendio and Prosper, watch Lendio’s FinovateSpring 2011 demo and Prosper’s FinovateStartup 2008 demo.

Finovate Alumni News– October 5, 2011

Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpg

  • The Future of Media blog refers to CLOVR Media as a disrupter in the industry.
  • Mindful Money lists Zopa as an alternative to receiving bank funding.
  • Josh Reich, CEO of BankSimple, speaks up on why he thinks traditional banks suck.
  • ProfitStars introduces Gladiator Enterprise Security Monitoring Module for NetTeller online banking clients.
  • Wonga CEO named Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year for eCommerce, UK.
  • CU Times reports MShift helps Alaska CU provide iPhone and Android Apps to its customers.
  • PayPal to Open a brick-and-mortar pop-up store in Manhattan.
  • edo Interactive is awarded DMA Innovation Award.
  • Lendio’s partnership with Prosper will facilitate small business funding.

This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

edo Interactive Awarded DMA Innovation Award

Thumbnail image for edo Logo10.11.pngEarlier this week, Nashville-based edo Interactive was presented with two awards from the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) for its Prewards Performance Marketing Platform:

    • Early Stage winner
    • Innovation Award winner in the Real Time and Trigger Marketing category 
The purpose of the DMA awards is to recognize the innovative advances being made in marketing technology.
To learn more about edo Interactive, watch its FinovateSpring 2011 demo video.

PayPal To Open A Brick-And-Mortar Pop-up Store in Manhattan

PayPalLogo.jpgToday, TechCrunch reported that PayPal is opening a brick-and-mortar pop-up store in downtown Manhattan to showcase its new tools and technology:

“The space will be located at 174 Hudson, which is located in the Tribeca neighborhood of Manhattan. Over the next three and a half months, PayPal will be inviting merchants to visit the space where they will have the opportunity to get real-time demos of the technologies in realistic point-of-sale scenarios.”

The store is set to open November 1 of this year.

To learn more about PayPal, watch its FinovateSpring 2011 demo video.

Finovate Alumni News– October 4, 2011

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgMountain Top Financial Services reviews Lending Club.
  • Bank Innovation discusses how Cartera Commerce and Offermatic are changing the daily deals space.
  • Equifax purchases Charleston-based e-Thority software company.
  • Lighter Capital searches for a company to fund that makes or sells sweet things.
  • San Francisco ABC 7 recommends in order to avoid bank fees.
  • T8 Webware CEO Wade Arnold discusses Grip on the Silicon Prairie’s PrairieCast.
  • The Washington Post profiles HelloWallet.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

CashStar Announces Its MobileGiftReward Mobile App

Thumbnail image for CashStar.jpg

CashStar announced its plans to roll out a mobile app called MobileGiftReward early next year that will be piloted by undisclosed financial institutions. The app will allow consumers to use unredeemed rewards points held by banks. The goal of this app is to remove the hassle from converting rewards points into usable items:

“With the app… users can convert unused rewards points into gift cards usable at CashStar client merchants.”

The merchants include The Gap, Starbucks, Home Depot, and many others. Here’s how it works:

“Users can choose the brand they want. The app then generates a bar code that can be scanned at any of that brand’s stores. In cases where the merchant doesn’t have a scanner at checkout, the clerk can key in a 16-digit number that appears with the bar code.”
CashStar demonstrated this app at FinovateFall 2011 last month in New York. A full-length demo will be posted within the next two weeks.