FinDEVr Live: Thinking Capital on Using Software for Underwriting, Compliance

FinDEVr Live: Thinking Capital on Using Software for Underwriting, Compliance

THinkingCapitalHomepage | | @ThinkingCapCA

ThinkingCapitalLogoThinking Capital is the leader in the Canadian alternative lending space, leveraging technology to be at the forefront of the fintech industry. Since 2006, the company has helped more than 10,000 small- to medium-sized Canadian businesses reach their full potential. By combining their people and technology, Thinking Capital is transforming the way business owners get the capital they need to grow.

To build or not to build
This Q&A session with Thinking Capital’s Pat Forgione, CTO, and Anthony Lipschitz, CSO, will delve into how a leading fintech organization uses SAS software to create a proprietary platform that facilitates underwriting, decision making, compliance and more.

Key takeaways:

  • How fintech developers can use technology to create unique competencies in finance
  • How to decide whether to build, outsource or customize fintech solutions
  • How a leading fintech organization can use SAS software to create a proprietary platform



Pat Forgione, CTO
Forgione joined Thinking Capital in 2013 after spending almost 20 years in the brokerage industry. As Thinking Capital’s CTO, Forgione is responsible for the positioning of the technology footprint, building a secure infrastructure aimed at providing state-of-the-art SaaS solutions to the financing market.

Anthony Lipschitz, Chief Strategy Officer
LinkedIn | @ant_lipschitz |
Lipschitz is a senior executive with a track record of successfully raising venture capital and creating value for shareholders. Prior to joining Thinking Capital, Lipschitz led StubHub as their Canada Country Manager. Anthony is a start-up mentor and has built businesses in South Africa, New York and Toronto.

FinDEVr Live: Braintree Shows How to Increase Checkout Conversion

FinDEVr Live: Braintree Shows How to Increase Checkout Conversion

BraintreeHomepage | @braintree_dev

braintree_logo_newAs the Braintree_PayPal developer and startup relations team, Braintree_dev works directly in the field to educate and support the community about the Braintree and PayPal APIs and SDKs. With unique programs including BattleHack, Startup Blueprint and Start Tank, Braintree_dev engages with the community to mentor, support and enable seamless commerce experiences through easy integrations around the globe.

Make me pay you! Increasing checkout conversion
Don’t you just wish you could talk to your users and ask them to “show the money!!” Sometimes your users just want to give you the money, but we make it so difficult for them. Increasing checkout conversion is part art, part science, part design, part engineering. I’ll talk through simple design patterns, like making sure you have a way for users to give feedback to engineering libraries—cool libraries that help you take a photo of a credit card instead of entering its info. By the end of this talk, I hope you will have found some interesting ways for your users to give you more money.

Key takeaways:

  • Design patterns, tools, tips, tricks and other developer resources you can use to build a
    great checkout experience.
  • Case studies on companies that made changes to their checkout flow that resulted in increase customer revenue.
  • Examples of great checkout experiences and some not-so-great checkout experiences that we can learn from.

Presenter: Justin Woo, Developer Advocate
LinkedIn | @jzwoo | | 408-376-7400
Justin Woo is a developer advocate at Braintree / PayPal and has been programming ever since he got his first IBM XT running DOS. He loves writing mobile applications—especially hybrid-HTML5 applications—and wishes everything could be done in LISP.

FinDEVr Live: Kofax’s Mortgage Borrower Onboarding

FinDEVr Live: Kofax’s Mortgage Borrower Onboarding

KofaxHomepage | @Kofax

KofaxLogoKofax® from Lexmark is a leading provider of software to simplify and transform the First Mile™ of customer engagement. Kofax Insight, our business analytics and process intelligence solution, monitors, analyzes and helps optimize operational business processes to ensure compliance, eliminate risk and gain unprecedented insights to achieve operational excellence. Common processes like new accounts, claims, mortgage applications, and more can be streamlined and accelerated for better customer engagement. More than 20,000 customers globally rely on Kofax software to improve the customer experience, reduce operating costs, differentiate and grow.

Onboarding process intelligence
Kofax Insight is an end-to-end, agnostic, elastic, responsive process-intelligent and process-aware platform that empowers data consumers to understand process fidelity, process regression, process deviation and other action-metrics in the context of their specific business challenge. Gain rich insight into business processes that span numerous disparate systems of record, off-premise technologies and multiple lines of business in a single and contiguous analytics engine. Our demo of Mortgage Borrower Onboarding will showcase:

  • Data/artifact life-cycle process that start here and finish there
  • Data/artifact process exceptions
  • End to end SLA monitoring of data/artifacts

Key takeaways:

  • How to leverage omnidata source-integration for driving efficient workflows and processes
  • How to leverage agnostic process-monitoring for insight into the data-artifact life-cycle
    process and data reconciliation
  • Process awareness/discovery: improve the effectiveness of operational processes, identifying potential fail-points before they cause business loss



Dimitri Seneca Snowden, Named Account Specialist, BI & Analytics Solutions
LinkedIn | @dimitrisnowden | | 215-554-0450
Dimitri Seneca Snowden, global enterprise business intelligence and analytics executive at Kofax, is responsible for creating value for businesses by choreographing specialized analytic solutions that solve unique and complex business challenges. His extraordinary ability to translate business requirements into a single-solution offering is a magical win-win for businesses and their customers.

Alex Dibeler, Sales Engineer, BI & Analytics Solutions
LinkedIn| | 484-423-6123
Alex Dibeler, Sales Engineer, BI & Analytics Solutions

Dibeler has worked in information technology and more specifically enterprise software for 10+ years. He has held various roles in project management/software implementation and more recently as a systems engineer with Lexmark.

FinDEVr Live: Corezoid Offers a Digital Core to Update Outdated Backends

FinDEVr Live: Corezoid Offers a Digital Core to Update Outdated Backends

CorezoidHomepage | | @Corezoid

COREZOID logo copyCorezoid is a company founded in 2014 and registered in the U.S., with a developer’s office in Dnipropetrovsk (Ukraine). Its biggest private investor is PrivatBank (Ukraine), the largest bank in Ukraine.

Build your company’s digital core with Corezoid is a cloud operating system. It is based on finite automata theory. Corezoid allows companies to do less hardcoding and concentrate on business growth. Digital core increases the speed of launching new products, reduces the cost of software support and development, and helps to fix an outdated company’s backend. It is a stem cell for software engineering, a completely new approach to the IT-solutions development, and a modern engine for any company that wants to rule the world.

Key takeaways:

  • Speed of IT project implementation
  • Establishing friendly relationships between various software complexes
  • Real-time dashboards



Sergii Danylenko, Chief Marketing Officer
LinkedIn | | +38 06 74 44 3781

Maxim Bondar, CTO
LinkedIn |

FinDEVr Live: BlockCypher Presents How Bitcoin and the Blockchain Enable Programmable Money

FinDEVr Live: BlockCypher Presents How Bitcoin and the Blockchain Enable Programmable Money

Blockcypherhomepage | @BlockCypher

BlockcypherLogoBlockCypher showed how it helps companies easily build reliable blockchain applications. The BlockCypher team built a generic blockchain platform, exposing simple web APIs for developers to build on. BlockCypher runs multiple blockchains on the same infrastructure, including their own blockchain. BlockCypher provides a cloud-optimized enterprise-grade blockchain platform with no single point of failure, linear scaling, and uptimes >99.99%.

Bitcoin, blockchain, and programmable money
See how Bitcoin and blockchains enable programmable money. From simple scripts to complex contracts, code can automate the transfer of value and make it traceable, distributed and cryptographically secure. Dedicated blockchains and smart contracts can automate trading with fast settlement as well as encode complex derivatives. Want to learn how blockchains can fundamentally impact finance and Wall Street? How about rebuilding a bank in two days without keeping funds in custody? Want a sneak peek at what blockchains and peer-to-peer distributed consensus can do? This session will put you on the right track and create a spark for you to build the next big finance thing.

Key takeaways:

  • Everything in bitcoin is code
  • What is the blockchain, what can you do with it, and how to code on it
  • Any good developer can now functionally replace a bank



Matthieu Riou, CTO, Co-founder
LinkedIn | @mriou |
Riou has architected many software systems at MommaZoo, C3, Intalio, BEA, Reef, BNP, and Societe Generale. He’s a member and former VP at the Apache Software Foundation and has founded and mentored many different open-source projects, from distributed databases to build tools. Matthieu holds both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in computer science and artificial intelligence.

Catheryne Nicholson, CEO, Co-founder
LinkedIn | @Catheryne_N |
Engineer, entrepreneur, mother, and former U.S. Navy officer, Nicholson has built large-scale software platforms in education, energy and emissions management, CRM, and defense systems for MommaZoo, C3, Siebel Systems, and Northrop-Grumman. She’s a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and Stanford University. Her credentials include: BSAE, MSCE, and PE MechE.

FinDEVr Live: MX Describes How it Delivers Better Code to Developers

FinDEVr Live: MX Describes How it Delivers Better Code to Developers

MXhomepage | | @MXenabled

MXMX launched its core Digital Money Management (DMM) solution, MoneyDesktop, in October 2010. In just five years, MX has become one of the fastest-growing fintech companies and the DMM provider-of-choice to more than 550 banks and credit unions. MX is committed to building online and mobile financial software that entices consumers to increase their financial intelligence through a user experience that makes money management feel natural, simple and gratifying. As the industry is disrupted at a rapid pace, MX is committed to keeping financial institutions relevant and on the forefront of innovation.

How you build something is more important than what you’re building
Is your code simple, clean and maintainable? That’s the first question you should be asking rather than focusing on function. Studies have shown that up to 70% of the cost of software is incurred during maintenance. Readability, or the ease of reading source code, can promote software maintainability and is at the core of MX’s philosophy. In this 20-minute session, Brandon Dewitt, MX’s CTO, is discussing the fundamentals of building technology and how MX is delivering innovation and better code directly into the hands of engineers responsible for technology in their financial institutions.

Key takeaways:

  • Building a maintainable platform
  • Why style of code matters
  • Facilitating a smooth transition as you onboard new engineers

Presenter: Brandon Dewitt, CTO
LinkedIn | @abrandoned |
Brandon Dewitt, CTO of MX, actively contributes to open-source projects and has worked in software engineering at Nike, BakerHill, and Experian. He leads the MX engineering team to produce cutting-edge solutions for the fintech industry.

FinDEVr Live: Deluxe Shows How to Leverage its eChecks in Your App

FinDEVr Live: Deluxe Shows How to Leverage its eChecks in Your App

DeluxeHomepage | | @deluxecorp

DeluxeLogoDeluxe Corporation is a changing, evolving, growing company. Strategic acquisitions have created a unique suite of services helping businesses and financial institutions to attract and retain customers, including marketing services and payment solutions. Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit—combined with the resources and strength of a well-established company—creates a culture expected at a startup rather than a Fortune 1000 company. Our customer base includes nearly 4.6 million businesses, approximately 5,600 financial institutions, and 6 million individual customers. The eCheck is cutting-edge technology combining the best of check writing with the convenience of email, giving businesses a fast, easy payment solution.

eChecks—electronically delivered checks
Financial institutions process 20 billion paper checks worth $30 trillion every year in the U.S. alone. Deluxe eChecks combines the best of check writing with the convenience and speed of email delivery. We’ll explain exactly how eChecks technology works, including the ability to integrate remittance data as well as securely send thousands of payments at one time, and how you can easily leverage them in your application to send/receive payments without paying transaction fees.

Key takeaways:

  • How the oldest form of non-cash payment, the check, has been modernized
  • How to easily leverage eChecks into your application to send/receive hundreds to
    thousands of dollars in payments at once
  • Why and how to use eChecks in your application


Dean Tribble, VP ePayment Product Engineering and Development
Tribble has been innovating in technology for 30+ years, including asynchronous Promises before the internet, hypertext technologies that led to the URL before the web, and information marketplaces before eBay. He was CTO and founder of Agorics Inc. His teams architected the first Java-based client-server brokerage-information system for Schwab, the first electronic check service for the FSTC, and an enterprise-wide application and infrastructure security system for Sun Microsystems. Tribble invented secure email technology for business that was acquired by Microsoft, where he then led development of security and compliance features for Microsoft Exchange. As a principal architect, he participated in security and operating system incubation work that led, for example, to new asynchronous features, such as “awaits” in C#. Tribble co-invented the eCheck service as a founder and CTO of VerifyValid and continues to lead that development as the VP of ePayment product engineering and development at Deluxe.

FinDEVr Live: Kashoo Gives Tips for White Labeling Products

FinDEVr Live: Kashoo Gives Tips for White Labeling Products

KashooHomepage | | @KashooOnline

KashooLogoWith more than 200,000 users in 180-plus countries, Kashoo is simple cloud accounting software for small businesses on the web and on the App Store (the most downloaded accounting iPad app), but it’s more than just that. Kashoo is peace of mind. It’s control. It’s your business’s financial health at your fingertips, whether you’re working from your home office or meeting with a customer. Kashoo lets you run your business on your terms. Get started at or download the app for iOS and Android.

White labeling: a CTO’s tales from the trenches
We’ve all been there: meeting rooms filled with suits, screens filled with PowerPoint slides, and images of graphs that go on for days. While the business side of white labeling is something that we’re all familiar with, I’m here to share my story as CTO at Kashoo Cloud Accounting, where we’ve successfully launched two major white-labeling partnerships with some of the leading companies in North America. If you’re thinking of white labeling your product or bringing a white labelled product into your business, join me for lessons learned, best practices, and other tips from the trenches!

Key takeaways:

  • What to expect from white-label partnerships—true stories!
  • Key questions to ask in white-label partnerships
  • Technical due diligence: what you need to know


Presenter: Chuck Clark, CTO
LinkedIn | @cziclix |
Chuck Clark is the CTO for Kashoo Cloud Accounting, the SaaS company behind the most downloaded iPad accounting application in the iTunes App Store. While delivering outstanding customer experiences over the last 20 years for sites like Orbitz, American Airlines, and Cheaptickets, Chuck routinely found himself as a developer hanging out with the operations team. As a technologist with a belief in the principles behind agile software development, it was a logical leap to embrace the devOps philosophy.

Prior to Kashoo, Chuck led product development at Vancouver-based Pulse Energy and before that was the chief architect for Orbitz Worldwide, based in Chicago, Illinois. When he’s not in front of a keyboard, he can be found with his family, either on a bike or supporting his adopted home team, the Vancouver Whitecaps.

Jim Secord, CEO

FinDEVr Live: American Express Corporate Payments Offer Solutions for Business Growth

FinDEVr Live: American Express Corporate Payments Offer Solutions for Business Growth

AmexHomepage |

AmericanExpressLogoAmerican Express Global Corporate Payments showed its corporate card programs and supplier payments solutions to help you as you grow your business.

The role of B2B payments in the evolving commerce ecosystem
The rapid growth of digital and cloud technologies, the evolution of fintech and the globalization of business, present exciting opportunities for the B2B commerce space. Learn how American Express is helping shape the future of commercial payments and the role that APIs and partners are playing in this journey.

Key takeaways:

  • How American Express is bringing commercial payments to the cloud
  • About partnership opportunities with American Express
  • See one of our API solutions in action


Andres Ricaurte, VP, API and Partnerships
LinkedIn |

Sathish Muthukrishnan, VP Engineering
LinkedIn |

FinDEVr Live: Mitek’s MiSnap SDK Helps Developers Build Mobile Capture Apps

FinDEVr Live: Mitek’s MiSnap SDK Helps Developers Build Mobile Capture Apps

MitekHomepage | | @miteksystems

MitekLogoHeadquartered in San Diego, California, Mitek (NASDAQ: MITK) is the leading innovator of mobile capture and identity solutions to improve customer acquisition. Mitek’s patented mobile photo technology automatically captures images of personal, financial and ID documents and then extracts relevant data. This enables consumers to use the Camera as a Keyboard™ to reduce friction for mobile check deposit, account opening, identity authentication and many other use-cases. This innovative technology is licensed by more than 4,000 organizations and used by tens of millions of consumers, enabling increased customer acquisition, retention and operational efficiency.

Amazing mobile capture experiences, made easy by Mitek
Today’s consumers expect excellence in their mobile user experience and fintech is no exception. Fintech developers are under constant pressure to deliver new features and functionality at a breakneck pace. With the explosive adoption of mobile deposit, your customers are embracing their device’s camera as a tool to simplify their lives. Join Mitek, the inventor of mobile deposit, as we demonstrate how to build a simple mobile capture app by leveraging our Android MiSnap SDK. Used by development teams in some of the biggest banks in the world, MiSnap powers millions of mobile transactions, and it can power yours too.

Key takeaways:

  • Learn to leverage the same technologies used by more than 4,000 financial institutions and
    millions of users
  • How to add an amazing mobile capture user-experience to your app while minimizing development efforts
  • Discover the many fintech use-cases that can be supported by deploying Mitek products in your technology stack



Steve Craig, Senior Product Owner
LinkedIn | | 858-309-1736
Craig drives product for Mitek’s market leading MiSnap SDKs. He has 10-plus years’ experience in the technology industry and has previously worked on SaaS and mobile solutions for Digital Insight, Intuit, and HP. Steve holds a master’s in business administration from the University of California, San Diego.

Ashok Singal, Project Manager, Lead Android Developer
LinkedIn | @singalashok | | 858-903-1741
With 13-plus years in the mobile industry, Ashok has worked internationally for different cell phone manufacturers, such as LG US, Siemens Germany, Samsung India, and BenQ Taiwan, programming on different mobile platforms to proprietary operating systems, and developing a number of applications.

FinDEVr Live: Kabbage Shows How Fintech developers Can Use its Lending Platform

FinDEVr Live: Kabbage Shows How Fintech developers Can Use its Lending Platform

KabbageHomepage | @kabbageinc

KabbageLogo2015Kabbage has pioneered the first financial services data and technology platform to provide fully automated funding to small business in minutes.

The Kabbage Platform:
Kabbage transformed the lending industry with its fast and automated lending platform. Most customers are approved and have money on the way in minutes. FinTech developers can now use the Kabbage platform to accelerate their own lending process. No need to build your own lending platform! We will show the Kabbage platform in action and walk through several integration patterns, from simple white-label to full customization. You can be using our platform to lend money to your customers in a matter of days.”

Key takeaways

  • Integrating with the world’s most automated lending platform is easy.
  • There are several important integration patterns to consider when choosing a platform.
  • Adding a lending platform to your application will create new opportunities for your business and your customers.


Andy Badstubner, CTO
LinkedIn| @abadstubner |
Andy Badstubner is the CTO at Kabbage and has over 17 years of experience in software development and IT leadership. He has worked in both public and private companies and was a member of the technical leadership team at Cbeyond during the company’s IPO.

FinDEVr Live: Linqto’s Otto API Helps Submit Apps to the App Store

FinDEVr Live: Linqto’s Otto API Helps Submit Apps to the App Store

LinqtoHomepage | | @linqtoinc

LinqtoLogoLinqto is a Silicon Valley software development company specializing in enterprise solutions for digital banking. Named a Top Ten Tech Company to Watch in 2015 by American Banker and winner of this year’s Most Innovative Monarch Award for Business Banking, Linqto is a leader in new tech innovation for banking. Linqto’s omnichannel One Tap Banking suite is one of the company’s latest offerings, delivering the face-to-face connectivity and relationship-building benefits remote customers are missing.

Otto API
Are your banking customers handicapped by an obsolete delivery process with a one-year presentation cycle and three- to five-year contracts with their vendor? Linqto is the only company that provides the delivery of digital banking software as a service. Imagine the flexibility and agility advantage if a community bank could go online, choose its software features and submit. This is Linqto’s Otto API. We will demonstrate how to use this API to submit your mobile apps to the Apple Store and Google Play Store. From development, to build, to deploy, to submit—in one easy process flow.”

Key takeaways:

  • How to automate the application-submission process to web, iOS and Android
  • How to incorporate video communication into your digital banking solutions
  • How to automate and individualize branding for every app submission



Bill Sarris, CEO
LinkedIn | @BillSarris | | 831-521-3605
Sarris is a recognized expert in streaming technology and has developed banking solutions for 20+ years. Bill’s clients have included Microsoft, Intuit, Digital Insight, NCR, Google and Stanford. Award-winning software includes Personal Banker and Community Banker.

Erik Thomas, Chief Software Architect
LinkedIn | | 303-304-1466
As Linqto’s Chief Software Architect, Thomas has developed enterprise financial solutions for Intuit, Digital Insight and NCR. Erik has designed and built online payment solutions, ACH and wire-transfer online applications and cross-sell applications used by thousands of financial institutions.