FinovateEurope 2019 / Exela Technologies
Presenter Profile:
How they describe themselves: Exela is a location-agnostic global BPA leader combining industry-specific and multi-industry enterprise software and solutions with decades of experience. Our BPA suite of solutions are deployed in banking, healthcare, insurance and other industries to support mission critical environments. Exela is a leader in work flow automation, attended and un-attended cognitive automation, digital mail rooms, print communications, and payment processing with deployments across the globe. Exela partners with customers to improve user experience and quality through operational efficiency. Exela serves over 3,700 customers across more than 50 countries, through a secure, cloud-enabled global delivery model. We employ over 22,000 employees.
How they describe their product/innovation: As required by UK’s New Payments Architecture, Confirmation of Payee ensures a payor validates the person or business being paid, ensuring protection against certain types of fraud, and alleviating accidental payment mistakes. Exela Technologies will demo its ability to take a Confirmation of Payee confirmation decision not only on name equality but like a human. The AI algorithm will allow a near miss and differentiate relevant, equivalent and non-relevant name parts in many configurable categories. Each approximation is controlled, and the decision is clearly explainable. We keep the fine line between security and customer annoyance.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B)
Bus. Dev. & Press: Huib Gerrits,