FinovateSpring 2008 / VaultStreet
Presenter Profile:
How they describe themselves: VaultStreet does what no online financial management application has attempted: makes it easy for institutions and their customers to make the move to paperless, secure online record keeping. An service of Docuthentic, LLC, VaultStreet enables financial institutions, accountants, tax preparers and other financial services providers to offer their consumers services and tools that streamline record keeping and reduce the effort and cost of acquiring financial documents from multiple web sites and online sources. VaultStreet services include automated online financial document collection, authentication of document originality, centralized secure document storage, and the ability to forward documents to a network of trusted advisors.
What they think makes them better: Unlike online personal financial management services, e.g. Mint and Wesabe, and accounting and tax preparation software, e.g. Quicken, VaultStreet makes it simple for consumers to automate the collection, organization, management, and online storage of financial documents from a variety of sources, including the top five online brokerages, nine leading online banks, and leading utilities. VaultStreet is in a unique position to provide institutions and their consumers with valuable, secure and reliable online document storage and organizational tools used mainly at tax preparation, credit loan application and financial advisement as more consumers use online banking and brokerage accounts.
Bus. Dev. & Sales: Paul Hutchins, VP of Bus. Dev. & Strategic Relations, [email protected], 214-500-7575
Press: Ann Dalrymple, Topaz Partners, [email protected], 781-404-2432