FinovateSpring 2010 / MoneyAisle

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: MoneyAisle provides consumers with great rates on auto refinancing, new and used auto loans, CDs, and high-yield savings accounts while simultaneously helping banks and credit unions attract new customers. MoneyAisle’s methodology is simple: have participating financial institutions compete with each other in live auctions for each individual consumer request on demand, 24/7. MoneyAisle’s patent-pending technology creates a safe, transparent platform for consumers to get great rates on deposits, auto loans, and additional soon-to-be-released lending products.

What they think makes them better: MoneyAisle differs from other online auction sites,
which are seller-centric, by providing buyer-centric auctions to consumers: sellers bid for the buyer’s business. MoneyAisle eliminates the buyer’s burden of time-consuming comparison-shopping by providing free, live, on-demand auctions, 24/7.


Bus. Dev.: Gretchen Saegh, Sr. Mkt. Dev. Mgr., 781-272-1774×257, [email protected]
Press: Kevin Cafferty, 781-272-1774×248, [email protected],
Sales: Bob Watterson, VP, Institutional Partnerships, 781-272-1774×223, [email protected]

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