Last Chance for Early Registration Tickets to FinovateEurope — Act Now to Save £100!


The deadline to get your early registration ticket to the upcoming FinovateEurope is this Wednesday, December 22nd.

Buying your ticket
before the end of December 22nd will get you a £100 discount and it will also ensure your attendance
at the event. We had capacity crowds at the last two Finovate
conferences and ticket sales are strong for this event as well.

The conference (February 1 in London) is shaping up phenomenally with three dozen great fintech companies scheduled to demo their latest Fintech innovations on stage:

If you’d like to attend the event and watch the future of European fintech debut on stage, you’ll be joining executives from organizations like Santander, Deutsche Bank, PayPal, Forrester, CIBC, TSYS, Microsoft, Accel Partners, Rabobank, ING, BBVA, Standard Chartered, PostFinance, Raiffeisenbank, Celent and many more.

We hope to see you in February in London!

FinovateEurope 2011 is sponsored by: BlueRock Consulting, Microsoft, Santander, Sapient & The Bancorp

FinovateEurope 2011 is partners with: 154 Consulting, BankerStuff,, Banking Automation Bulletin, CardWeb, Filene, Finance on Windows, The Financial Services Innovation Centre, &

Thanks to our December NetBanker Sponsors

We’d like to take a quick break in our usual monthly blogging activities to thank the sponsors that help keep NetBanker free and
high-quality. It’s been a great year on NetBanker and these companies’ support made it possible.

Please take a moment to check out our sponsors (listed below, in alphabetical order):

  • Backbase — They’re promoting their fall series of webinars about their fast-to-implement portal software for financial companies including Web 2.0 personalization and online marketing functionality. Sign up here.
  • Guardian Analytics — Promoting a complimentary whitepaper about building a holistic security practice. Grab a copy!
  • IntelliResponse — Get a complimentary whitepaper on how self-service via the mobile channel can improve your customer service and benefit your business. Download it now!
  • Intuit — Intuit is promoting their FinanceWorks platform. They’ve got a number of on-demand webinars that are worth checking out. 
  • Murphy & Company — We’re excited to welcome Murphy & Company back as a sponsor in just a few days. Earlier this year, they supported us and promoted their new series of tools
    to help financial institutions comply with the recent changes to
    Regulation E that require “opt-in” consent from consumers before
    charging overdraft fees on certain transactions.
  • MyBankTracker — MBT is a new financial community built by avid fans of the banking world. Check out how they’re innovating at
  • WorkLight — Offering (complimentary) results of a new survey on consumer satisfaction and concerns regarding banking applications for the iPhone, BlackBerry and Android.
  • Yodlee — They’re promoting their recent participation at BAI and the launch of the Yodlee FinApp Store. And wishing you all a happy holiday!

Thanks for taking a moment to check out our sponsors. Please let us know if you ever have any feedback on these companies or our blogging.

P.S. If you want to join these companies in supporting NetBanker, please drop me an email at

ericphoto.jpgEric Mattson is CEO of Online Financial Innovations, the parent company of NetBanker, Online Banking Report and the Finovate Conference Series. He can be reached at

Extreme PFM: Bundle Launches Restaurant Recommender and Move-O-Matic

image Once upon a time, personal financial management (PFM) software was used only by those with complicated finances (usually with lots of business expenses to keep track of) or those who made a hobby out of tracking their money.

This was enough to support Intuit’s Quicken, but every other software solution either lost money, remained small, or folded.

Then along came Web 2.0, and it looked like that might change. Dozens of online PFM providers launched, gained some early traction, then hit a wall, requiring them to fold (Wesabe, Rudder), re-focus on white labeling (Geezeo, Strands), or stay small. Only (now owned by Intuit) was able to make it as a major PFM destination riding a wave of publicity generated by being a tech darling.

So where does that leave us now? There are several obvious opportunities for personal finance companies:

  • Small businesses willing to pay for tools that save time and/or help them run their business better (, Kashoo, Xero and many others)
  • Tools that satisfy specific needs with almost immediate time savings (Expensify for expense reports)
  • Tools that watch over your accounts to make sure you are not defrauded, cheated, or billed in error (in development at a number of companies)

And then there’s the avenue that Bundle is working on:

  • Using the aggregated data to provide spending insights for everyone

Bundle’s new tools
This week, Finovate Fall Best of Show winner (video), Bundle, released two new tools under the tab, Everybody’s Money (as opposed to the other option, My Money)

  • Restaurant Recommender (see below)
  • Move-O-Matic: Clever name and revamped interface for a feature Bundle has been delivering since it launched a year ago (previous post) that provides spending comparisons between various cities (see note 1)
  • Restaurant Recommender is brilliant and could be a useful tool for anyone who eats out often (a much, much bigger audience than those that track their spending closely). It only works for NYC and LA right now, but more cities are in the plans.

Here’s how it works:

  • Type in a restaurant name (I chose Balthazar, a place my parents treated me to on a recent birthday; see first screenshot)
  • Click the green Find Restaurants button
  • Bundle returns a list of other restaurants that Balthazar customers frequent, complete with a “loyalty score” that quantifies how much customers spend at each restaurant along with a confidence measure on the recommendation (second screenshot)

And because the startup uses actual spending data from 20 million cards in its algorithm, the recommendations are based on real data, not the sometimes biased results of online review and popularity sites. As Bundle puts it, users “vote with their dollars.”

If Bundle and Yelp make APIs available, it would be great to see a mashup of Yelp reviews augmented with Bundle spending data. And it’s yet to be seen if they can convert casual drive-by data traffic into hardcore PFM users. But for now, Bundle is a great discovery tool, if you live in NYC or LA.

Bundle Restaurant Recommender (16 Dec. 2010)

Bundle Restaurant Recommender (16 Dec 2010)

Results for NYC search on “Balthazar”
Note: Bundle increased the transparency of the recommendation by disclosing how many transactions were used to derive the correlation. In the case of the Balthazar Bakery, the choice was based on more than 87,000 transactions. Bundle also provide a measure of how confident they are in the recommendation (the blue bar). 

Bundle Results for NYC search on "Balthazar"

Bundle move-o-matic compares Seattle to NYCNotes:
1. Regarding Move-O-Matic. Here’s my original footnote followed by the correction (in italics):
Unfortunately, when you drill into the data, the results sometimes seem strange. Does anyone really think the highest income folks ($125k+) in NYC really spend $230 less per month than those in Seattle excluding housing costs (see inset)? Granted, we spend a lot more on coffee; still, not sure I buy this result.
(Update 17 Dec. 2010: Looks like this was user error in part aided by the tool’s autofill which suggested NYC, which includes all 5 boroughs, when I typed N. If I’d have input “Manhattan” instead of NYC the results would be much different. The tool says I spend $1,500 more per month in Manhattan, that sounds much more realistic. My apologies.)
2. Bundle is backed by Citibank, Microsoft, and Morningstar
3. See Xero at FinovateEurope, Feb. 1.
4. For more on online personal financial management (OFM), see our recent Online Banking Report.

Announcing FinovateSpring 2011 — May 10 & 11 in San Francisco! Come See the Future!


We’re very excited to be announcing the dates for FinovateSpring 2011. The spring conference will return to San Francisco on May 10 & 11 with an expanded 2-day format and a new, larger location (since the show last year sold out after growing 50%).

There is a tremendous amount of innovation happening in fintech right now, a lot of it in the Bay Area / Silicon Valley region, and the two-day format will enable us to showcase more of it. We’re getting inquiries from interesting new companies on a daily basis and expect to feature an array of exciting, fast-paced 7-minute demos (no slides allowed!) on stage next May. 

If you’re a startup, established company, or financial institution innovating in financial or banking technology, we’d love to have you apply to demo your latest and greatest at the conference. To get more details, please email us at

If you’re interested in watching the future of financial and banking technology unfold live on stage (and can’t make it to FinovateEurope in February) then get your pre-sale ticket today for FinovateSpring 2011 and save $400 off the list price. Tickets have already started to sell strongly before this formal announcement and we don’t want you to miss out! We’ll see you in May! 

FinovateSpring 2011 is sponsored by: The Bancorp and more great companies to be announced.

FinovateSpring 2011 is partners with: 154 Consulting,, BankerStuff, CardWeb, Finance on and more great orgs to be announced.

Announcing FinovateSpring 2011 — May 10th & 11th in San Francisco! Come See the Future of FinTech!


We’re very excited to be announcing the dates for FinovateSpring 2011. The spring conference will return to San Francisco on May 10 & 11 with an expanded 2-day format and a new, larger location (since the show last year sold out after growing 50%).

There is a tremendous amount of innovation happening in fintech right now, a lot of it in the Bay Area / Silicon Valley region, and the two-day format will enable us to showcase more of it. We’re getting inquiries from interesting new companies on a daily basis and expect to feature an array of exciting, fast-paced 7-minute demos (no slides allowed!) on stage next May. 

If you’re a startup, established company, or financial institution innovating in financial or banking technology, we’d love to have you apply to demo your latest and greatest at the conference. To get more details, please email us at

If you’re interested in watching the future of financial and banking technology unfold live on stage (and can’t make it to FinovateEurope in February) then get your pre-sale ticket today for FinovateSpring 2011 and save $400 off the list price. Tickets have already started to sell strongly before this formal announcement and we don’t want you to miss out! We’ll see you in May! 

FinovateSpring 2011 is sponsored by: The Bancorp and more great companies to be announced.

FinovateSpring 2011 is partners with: 154 Consulting,, BankerStuff, CardWeb, Finance on and more great orgs to be announced.

2010 Saw 40-Fold Growth in the Number of Financial Institution iPhone Apps

image As hard as it is to believe, last year at this time only 30 financial institutions had apps in the U.S. iTunes App Store (note 1). And that was a full 18 months after Apple’s phone had opened its OS to third-party programs. A few in the industry still questioned whether smaller banks and credit unions would ever need a native iPhone app.

I think that question has been answered: In the past 12 months, the total financial institution app-count has rocketed upwards to more than 1,200, a 40-fold increase. That’s 100 new apps per month for the past 12 months.

In raw numbers, the past seven days have been relatively unremarkable with just 17 new FI apps. But it’s been one of the biggest weeks in terms of major launches:

  • BofA Merrill Lynch research library for iPad only (note 4; iTunes)
  • Capital One, whose app was released on Sunday, went to #5 Monday and is up to #4 when I checked a few minutes ago (see inset; note 2; iTunes)
  • NetSpend (iTunes)
  • Schwab, both v1 of its iPhone app (iTunes) and an iPad version of its On Investing magazine (iTunes)
  • SmartyPig (pending Apple approval)
  • Stanford Federal Credit Union, which used a striking background for its app home page (see below; iTunes)

imageAnd while it’s not nearly as crucial as the iPhone, we are waiting for a slew of iPad apps. Apparently, BBVA Compass demo’ed a cool unreleased iPad app at a mobile conference (note 4). And just today, Schwab released its monthly magazine in iPad format, an industry first.


1. See Online Banking Report #176, Table 18 (link subscription required)
2. Rank is of free apps in the Finance category in the U.S. store. The apps above it are #1 Bank of America, #2 Chase, #3 PayPal
3. HT David Eads in Mobile Manifesto
4. At the same conference as note 3, Bank of America revealed it hit the 6-million mark in active mobile banking users.

Alumni News — Weeks of November 28 and December 5, 2010

PopMoney (from CashEdge) wins award for excellence in Web design from the Interactive Media Council.
Speculation from MarketWatch: Could ClairMail be headed for an IPO?
ClairMail and Cardlytics partner to provide transaction marketing opportunities. 
Expensify continues to grow its currency support base — Expensify is now supporting 159 currencies.
Robert Scoble uses Expensify for expense reports.
FIS launches innovative new mobile banking product. — Users can establish mobile account management with their debit card, no online banking signup needed.
GoalMine hosting cash contest via Facebook to spread the word.
This week’s Jem 5 at Jemstep explores diversified fixed income funds.
Generations FCU goes live with Jwaala’s “Better Online Banking.”
Just for fun: Kasasa releases banks’ playlists. See this week’s from Jeff Davis Bank.
Lending Club enjoyed a flurry of news coverage. Read the summaries  here: 
Lending Club mentioned in PBS nightly business report. now available in Canada.
Congratulations to Mint founder, Aaron Patzer; winner of a TechFellow Award for General Management.
Monitise to bring mobile payments to Nigeria.
Mozo powering new “Compare, Ditch and Switch” campaign to allow Australians to shop around for better banking services.
Just in time for the Holidays, PopMoney gift cards at
The new SmartyPig rewards MasterCard provides up to 10% cash back at select retailers.
Tyfone receives additional patent for electronic wallet technology.
Wikinvest is even more mobile with Blackberry and Android Apps.
Y Combinator and Yodlee cooperate to provide financial data services to startups. 

Wells Fargo Launches Much-Needed Personal Finance Tool: ATM Cash Tracker

image While full-functioned personal financial management (PFM) has its strategic advantages, the truth is that most consumers will never use a financial tool that takes longer than the length of a YouTube video to figure out (note 1).

That’s why I’m a big fan of what Wells Fargo has done with My Spending Report, a drop-dead simple method for periodically seeing how out-of-control your spending is. All you do is click on the appropriate tab within online banking and bang, you are instantly looking at a pre-categorized spending analysis. Let’s call it one-click PFM.

ATM Cash Tracker (press release), the newest tool from the bank, is similarly simple to set up and use. Although it’s initially designed for ATM users, the concept would work well online and even better via a mobile app.

Wells customers can add a Cash Tracker button to their personalized ATM menu (see first screenshot). When selected, the new tool will reveal the total cash withdrawn during the current month along with the average during the past 12 months. It tracks only cash withdrawn from Wells Fargo ATMs. 

That’s a great ATM innovation, but it will be even better when extended to mobile/online and applied to all cash use. As soon as I take money out of any machine (not just Wells Fargo) or receive cash back at the POS, my total cash use should be reflected on an online/mobile widget along with historical comparison. And users should have the option to tag the cash with spending categories to help assign it to the proper My Spending Report bucket.

And for users opting for emailed ATM receipts instead of paper ones (note 2), the Cash Tracker totals could be added to the virtual receipt (see second screenshot).

Wells Fargo personalized ATM menu
Note: New ATM Cash Finder not shown

Wells Fargo personalized ATM menu

Wells Fargo customers can choose to have their ATM receipt emailed
Note: Option E (below) allows users to hide their account balance from showing on the ATM screen.

Wells Fargo ATM e-receipt options


1. And I’m one of those people, so this is not meant to be a condescending remark. Just a fact.  
2. Wells Fargo released the ATM e-receipt option in June (press release)
3. Photo credit: Colin/thetruthabout
4. For more on online personal financial management (OFM), see our recent Online Banking Report

FinovateEurope 2011 Demo Companies Revealed


After months of reviewing applications from leading fintech companies, we’re incredibly excited to reveal the firms selected to show off their latest and greatest technology innovations at the first FinovateEurope.

The companies are geographically diverse (coming across Europe, North America and Asia) as well as diverse in the areas that they’re innovating on (everything from online banking to security to marketing to online identity to ecommerce to investing to PFM).

On February 1st, 2011, the following companies (HQ locations in parentheses) will take the stage in London along with our guest host Chris Skinner:

If you’d like to attend the event and watch the future of European fintech debut on stage, you’ll be joining executives from organizations like Santander, Deutsche Bank, PayPal, Forrester, CIBC, TSYS, Microsoft, Accel Partners, Rabobank, ING, BBVA, Standard Chartered, PostFinance, Raiffeisenbank, Celent and many more.

Buying your ticket before December 22nd will get you the early registration ticket price (a £100 discount) and it will also ensure your attendance at the event. We had capacity crowds at the last two Finovate conferences and ticket sales are strong for this event as well. We hope to see you in February in London!

FinovateEurope 2011 is sponsored by: BlueRock Consulting, Microsoft, Santander & The Bancorp

FinovateEurope 2011 is partners with: 154 Consulting, BankerStuff, CardWeb, Banking Automation Bulletin, Finance on Windows, The Financial Services Innovation Centre, &

FinovateEurope 2011 Demo Companies Revealed


After months of reviewing applications from leading fintech companies, we’re incredibly excited to reveal the firms selected to show off their latest and greatest technology innovations at the first FinovateEurope.

The companies are geographically diverse (coming across Europe, North America and Asia) as well as diverse in the areas that they’re innovating on (everything from online banking to security to marketing to online identity to ecommerce to investing to PFM).

On February 1st, 2011, the following companies (HQ locations in parentheses) will take the stage in London along with our guest host Chris Skinner:

If you’d like to attend the event and watch the future of European fintech debut on stage, you’ll be joining executives from organizations like Santander, Deutsche Bank, PayPal, Forrester, CIBC, TSYS, Microsoft, Accel Partners, Rabobank, ING, BBVA, Standard Chartered, PostFinance, Raiffeisenbank, Celent and many more.

Buying your ticket before December 22nd will get you the early registration ticket price (a £100 discount) and it will also ensure your attendance at the event. We had capacity crowds at the last two Finovate conferences and ticket sales are strong for this event as well. We hope to see you in February in London!

FinovateEurope 2011 is sponsored by: BlueRock Consulting, Microsoft, Santander & The Bancorp

FinovateEurope 2011 is partners with: 154 Consulting, BankerStuff, CardWeb, Banking Automation Bulletin, Finance on Windows, The Financial Services Innovation Centre, &

Cardlytics Partners with ClairMail to Take Merchant-Funded Rewards Mobile

image One of the best innovations to come out of this recession is in-statement, merchant-funded rewards. First-mover Cardlytics launched at last year’s BAI Retail Delivery (see post).

A year later, it was already reaching 30 million consumers  imagethrough relationships with more than 100 card-issuing banks and 100 merchants (see notes 1, 2). That’s unheard of growth in financial services. If just one-third of the 30 million customers look at their statements each month, Cardlytics would have more unique visitors than Groupon (note 3), which has been called the “fastest growing company ever.” 

We’re not saying Cardlytics has anywhere near the $60-70 million in monthly revenues attributed to Groupon, nor the $6 billion valuation. But enough similarities can be seen in their business models that I’d be very, very happy if I were an early Cardlytics investor (note 3). For example:

  • Both earn revenue directly from merchants who pay only when sales are made
  • Both leverage online channels to deliver significant discounts to targeted users
  • Both are first movers with aggressive growth tactics

And Cardlytics is different too:

  • Cardlytics focus (for now) is national merchants, whereas Groupon is closely associated with local merchants (but is adding national merchants)image
  • Cardlytics can target much more precisely and keep offers out of the hands of the merchant’s existing customers, a huge and unique benefit
  • Cardlytics does not need to market its own site to consumers; it rides on the coattails, and leverages the trust, of its banking partners

Mobile opportunity
Cardlytics operates at the intersection of payments and advertising. And while the online card statement is the place to be in 2010 (see screenshot below), clearly the future for any shopping-related service is mobile.

Although no specific products or partners were revealed, the startup signaled its intention to go mobile with its ClairMail partnership announced today (press release).

Cardlytics example: in-statement McDonald’s offer made to Burger King customers

cardlytics in-statement merchant-funded offer for McDonalds


1. Cardlytics will be demoing the latest innovations in its service at our Finovate Europe conference on Feb. 1, 2011.
2. BillShrink won a Best of Show award at Finovate Fall for its take on the concept (video).
3. On the strength of its early growth, Cardlytics landed a huge $18 million C-round in August.
4. According to Compete, Groupon had more than 8 million unique U.S. visitors in October.

Out of the Inbox: Cascade Bank Drives Customers to Branch with One-Day iPad Giveaway

image I’ve long been an admirer of Cascade Bank, a $1.7 billion bank headquartered in Everett, WA. A friend was marketing director there for a number of years, and I learned a lot from her about community bank marketing and management.

While I used to have a mortgage at Cascade, I don’t have any accounts now; hence, the email I received earlier this week. The bank invited prospective customers to come to one of its 22 branches (today only) and enter their name in a drawing to win an iPad. Five iPads were being given away bank wide.

And while in the branch, hoping to pick up a free ipad, the bank dangled an attractive duffel bag in front of visitors as a premium for opening a new checking account. And Cascade promised to drop an extra $25 in your account if you traded in your old check register from the competition.

Bottom line: Thanks to the iPad and some great graphic design, the mailing had a stunning visual, good title, and compelling offer. Excellent work.

Email announcing the giveaway (received 30 Nov. 2010)

Cascade Bank Email announcing the giveaway (received 30 Nov 2010)

Cascade Bank homepage (3 Dec. 2010)

Cascade Bank homepage (3 Dec 2010)

Landing page pitches free checking with duffel bag premium and $25 bonus 

Cascade Bank Landing page pitches free checking with duffel bag premium and $25 bonus

Note: For more ideas, see Online Banking Report: Growing Deposits in a Digital Age.