Soundpays Previews its Sound Wave-based Universal Mobile Wallet App

Soundpays Previews its Sound Wave-based Universal Mobile Wallet App

SoundpaysThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

As we near the end of the second morning session, here is mobile wallet innovator, Soundpays.

We are a universal mobile wallet app that uses sound waves to transmit transaction details. This allows users to pay using their favorite debit/credit card with their smartphone online, in store, via digital signage, and on TV.

Presenters: CEO Peter Misek and CTO Jason Squire (not pictured)



Product Launch: October 2015
Metrics: 5 full-time employees
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, licensed

HQ: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Founded: May 2005
Twitter: @soundpays Helps Financial Services Companies Build Apps Using a Private, Hosted Blockstack Helps Financial Services Companies Build Apps Using a Private, Hosted Blockstack

BlockstackThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015. is our next presenter here in the second session of the morning.

The company is demonstrating how easy it is to start building an application on a private, hosted Blockstack. Within a few minutes, we are demonstrating the set up of a private blockchain and showing a demo application built on top of the private Blockstack to illustrate how easy it is to get started.

Presenters: CEO Peter Shiau, co-founder, and Lior Saar, chief product officer and co-founder




Product Launch: May 2015 private beta
Metrics: Currently bootstrapped, fewer than 10 employees
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, hosted and licensed

HQ: San Francisco, California
Founded: May 2015
Twitter: @blockstackio


Jack Henry & Associates Presents the Banno Platform to Enable FIs to Launch Mobile-first Accounts in 120 Days

Jack Henry & Associates Presents the Banno Platform to Enable FIs to Launch Mobile-first Accounts in 120 Days

JackHenryAssociates_logo_FF2015This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

Our last presenter of this first session of FinovateFall is Jack Henry & Associates.

The Banno Platform from Jack Henry & Associates allows any financial institution to launch a modern, mobile-first account within 120 days. This solution empowers financial institutions to offer accounts that meet modern consumer expectations for account access, functionality, customer service, and user experience. The Banno Platform offers financial institutions a single source for product marketing, delivery, and service.

Presenters: Wade Arnold, managing director, user experience; Derik Sutton, director of product, user experience



Product Launch: September 2015
Product distribution strategy: Through financial institutions

HQ: Monett, Missouri
Founded: 1976
Twitter: @JackHenryAssoc

IDmission Presents INFORM, a Customer Onboarding and Engagement Framework

IDmission Presents INFORM, a Customer Onboarding and Engagement Framework

IDMissionThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

Our next presenter is IDmission with its suite of onboarding and engagement solutions.

INFORM is a fully configurable enterprise product that enables building of sophisticated user experiences without any programming. You can build your own forms with KYC, document management, image processing, biometrics, online calls, rules configuration, workflows, and payments integrated into them. INFORM is integrally connected to Ada, our cloud-platform infrastructure, enabling reuse of all Ada’s software components and connectivity to third-party systems.

Presenters: CEO Ashim Banerjee and CTO Sandeep Gandhi (not pictured)



Product Launch: March 2014
Metrics: 70 employees in the United States and India
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms.

HQ: Louisville, Colorado
Founded: February 2011
Twitter: @idmissionllc


Xignite Unveils CloudStreaming to Stream Any Data to Any Device with Zero Footprint

Xignite Unveils CloudStreaming to Stream Any Data to Any Device with Zero Footprint

XigniteThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

Financial market data specialist, Xignite is our next presenter of the morning.

Xignite CloudStreaming is a zero-footprint streaming solution that enables implementing the next generation of innovative financial applications. Traditional streaming services require co-locations, physical servers, dedicated lines, scalable production infrastructure, and complexities around ingesting a full data-feed such as proprietary legacy protocols and replay-and-recovery logic. With Xignite CloudStreaming, you can stream to any device just the data that you want through a simple HTTP GET call.

Presenters: Stephane Dubois, CEO and founder; Anand Vidwanathan, developer



Product Launch: September 2015
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)

HQ: San Mateo, California
Founded: 2006
Twitter: @xignite


North Side Launches VerbalAccess to Bring Natural Language Technology to Online Banking

North Side Launches VerbalAccess to Bring Natural Language Technology to Online Banking

NorthSide_FF2015This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

Next up is the team from North Side.

VerbalAccess enables online banking through speech or typing, and goes beyond single commands or questions, supporting conversations and enabling customers to clarify their intent. Verbal Access is like a telephone banker, investment advisor, or claims processing specialist rolled into one, accessible any time, from anywhere. The customer’s ability to use their own words to ask questions, or say what they want is the key to discovering and using the full functionality of financial applications, increasing customer satisfaction. The customer knowledge gleaned from individual conversations enables your institution to personalize the services it offers, and sell individual customers the products they need.

Presenters: North Side CEO Eugene Joseph and Christian Lemieux, technology evangelist



Product Launch: September 2015
Metrics: Privately owned, 7 employees, invested $20M+ in proprietary Natural Language Understanding technology.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B); through financial institutions; through other fintech companies and platforms; licensed.

HQ: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Founded: Natural Language R&D since 2001; Fintech since June 2014


FinovateFall 2015: Be Part of Our Record-breaking Audience

FinovateFall 2015: Be Part of Our Record-breaking Audience


Who knew the leader of the Roman Catholic Church was a fintech fan?

Okay, maybe Pope Francis is in New York City for reasons other than our annual autumn conference. But with news that FinovateFall 2015 has reached a new attendance record of more than 1,500, perhaps you’ll forgive us for thinking that “Il Papa” might be joining us as well.

It’s still early here on rehearsal day. But from what we’ve seen on stage so far, we are very excited to share with you the fintech innovations of 72 companies from as far away as Israel and Sweden, and as near as a few blocks from our venue at the Hilton Midtown Manhattan.

So with the first demo of FinovateFall 2015 less than 24 hours away, here are a few tips and reminders to help you get ready for the show.

Bizzabo_logo_newGet connected with Bizzabo

First, for registered attendees, Bizzabo is a great way to network with presenters, sponsors, partners, and your fellow Finovate attendees. You can download the social networking app—available on both iOS and Android, as well as via the online web interface—at

Once you’ve downloaded the app, search for “Finovate,” select “join” and you’re set. (Please note, only registered Finovate attendees can join the community/networking section of the app.)

TwitterLogo_blue_newTweet this!

And even if you won’t be here in New York to join us in person, there are a bunch of great ways to enjoy—and participate in—FinovateFall 2015. Near the top of the list is our Twitter feed.

Our Twitter handle is @Finovate, and by marking your tweets #Finovate you’ll be part of our smart and tech-savvy community of more than 22,ooo followers on Twitter.

It’s a fun way to both follow along with the show, as well as get interesting (and sometimes irreverent) insights from one of the most fintech-friendly audiences you’ll ever find.

We hope you’ll join us! The show begins at 8:55 a.m. on Wednesday, and tickets are still available. Be sure to check our our FAQ page for any questions or send us an email at

FinDEVr Preview: Nexmo

FinDEVr Preview: Nexmo

FinDEVr2015LogoV2DateFinDEVr Previews highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms and integrations at the second annual FinDEVr, 6/7 October.

The number of payment methods is drastically increasing, from debit and credit cards to Apple Pay, Google Wallet, PayPal, and Bitcoin. But fraud is also increasing at alarming rates. In this session with Nexmo, learn how cloud communication tools are being used to significantly decrease fraud, protect user identity, and boost overall customer experience.


Why it’s a must-see

Verifying user identity and securely protecting transactions are two vital concerns for every financial developer. A recent study from LexisNexis Risk Solutions reports that while 14% of overall transactions are mobile, they make up 21% of fraud cases. Learn how cloud-communication APIs can help you increase security without compromising user experience.

Check out more of today’s FinDEVr Previews:

FinDEVr Preview: Mifos Initiative

FinDEVr Preview: Mifos Initiative

FinDEVr2015LogoV2DateFinDEVr Previews highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms and integrations at the second annual FinDEVr, 6/7 October.

Mifos Initiative will present the architectural concept of LibreFinance, an open-source application framework for digital financial services, highlighting the two main concepts: Account Management and Transaction Interoperability. LibreFinance enables the flexible and affordable integration of digital payment gateways and mobile technologies.


Why it’s a must-see

This innovative application framework is built by developers for developers. LibreFinance is focused exclusively on the infrastructure and development needs for DFS. It delivers agility, flexibility, speed, and lower cost, allowing you to focus on customers, products, UX, and go-to-market strategy. Don’t waste time and money on the infrastructure.

Check out more of today’s FinDEVr Previews:

FinDEVr Preview: Intuit Developer Group

FinDEVr Preview: Intuit Developer Group

FinDEVr2015LogoV2DateFinDEVr Previews highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms and integrations at the second annual FinDEVr, 6/7 October.

Intuit Developer Group’s Financial Data APIs (CAD) provide access to user-authenticated financial data through:

  • Transactions API: Provides financial account information from 20,000 financial institutions
  • Identification API: Provides bank account, routing numbers and bank owner information to verify identity and frictionlessly set up ACH


Why it’s a must-see

Intuit Developer Group’s Financial Data APIs (CAD) leverage the same technology that powers, Quicken, and QuickBooks, enabling developers to access data from the largest number of financial institutions among aggregation providers. The technology provides a self-service app-development platform with transparent pricing and a sandbox with no time limits.

Check out more of today’s FinDEVr Previews:

FinDEVr Preview: Kabbage

FinDEVr Preview: Kabbage

FinDEVr2015LogoV2DateFinDEVr Previews highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms and integrations at the second annual FinDEVr 6/7 October.

Kabbage transformed the lending industry with its fast and automated lending platform. Most customers are approved and have money headed their way in minutes. Fintech developers can now use the Kabbage platform to accelerate their own lending process.


Why it’s a must-see

No need to build your own lending platform. Kabbage will show its platform in action and walk through several integration patterns, from simple white-label to full customization. You can be using our platform to lend money to your customers in a matter of days.

Check out more of today’s FinDEVr Previews:

FinDEVr Preview: Temenos

FinDEVr Preview: Temenos

FinDEVr2015LogoV2DateFinDEVr Previews highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms & integrations at the second annual FinDEVr, 6/7 October.

Discover the all-new marketplace from Temenos that lets you become a world leading fintech solution provider. Spin up your own cloud core-banking platform for development and publish products online. There are millions of product opportunities on the T24 core banking platform. Temenos will help you get started by giving you the code to put your product in front of 700 banks.


Why it’s a must-see

Payments, accounts, loans, FX, securities, treasury, clearing—what could be more fintech than a core banking platform? Whether you create apps, integrations, or enterprise software, this is a must-attend event. Temenos will show you the APIs, give you code and provide access to the world’s most successful banking software system: Temenos T24.

Check out more of today’s FinDEVr Previews: