FinovateSpring 2016 / Sberbank

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Sberbank of Russia is a Russian banking and financial services organization and the core bank of an international financial group. Controlled by the Central Bank of Russia, Sberbank is one of the largest banks in Russia and Europe. With over 270,000 employees only in Russia, the bank serves over 110 million clients, or 70% of Russia’s population.

How they describe their product/innovation: We created a comfortable omni-purpose platform where anyone can communicate with anyone: users and friends, service providers and businesses. The heart of this powerful aggregator is a messenger with familiar chats and discussions threads. Inside our mobile app there is a smart search tool that can help you to find different services that you are looking for right now – from a dry-cleaner to legal services and e-commerce. There is no need to download tens of apps, study and then get used to different interfaces, there is one platform where you can do everything.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B)


Press: Alexander Baziyan, Public Relations Department,, +7(495) 957 5721

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