FinovateAsia 2013 / Serverside
Presenter Profile:
How they describe themselves: Serverside Group first established online card customization in 2003 when two brothers had the idea to allow cardholders to put their favourite image on their payment card. Our experience includes working with over 200 financial card issuers in 27 countries, which have collectively issued over 2,000 customized card programs. Serverside is proud to have helped bring millions of cards to “front of wallet,” generating greater usage, loyalty and proven Return on Investment (ROI) for our clients.
How they describe their product/innovation: Serverside’s Facebook app is a great way for banks to form meaningful conversations with their cardholders. This dynamic app allows customers to design their own personalised card by uploading a picture from one of their Facebook galleries. When they are satisfied with their design, they submit it and, once approved, it will be posted on their wall showing off their new card design to all their friends.
Everything to do with Card Customization brings Banks to a new level. From banks posting on their own wall to card holders sharing their own design with friends, card customization on Facebook is proving to be one of the most effective ways for banks to use social media, engage customers and to help drive positive viral marketing.
Product Distribution Strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)
Bus. Dev. & Sales: James Barclay, SVP Asia Pacific, [email protected], +64 21 88 6609
Press: Kizzie Bowman, Marketing Manager, [email protected], +44 7584 215 228