FinovateAsia 2013 / Smart Engine

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Smart Engine stands for personalization and target marketing. As pioneers in the field of customer loyalty, we are drivers of innovation and leaders in personalized target marketing.

Partnering with financial services companies and merchants, we deliver personalized target marketing offers to consumers through modern online channels helping consumers save money, time, and effort. We call this “Smart Shopping” – delivering great deals on products, which resonate on an individual level, and ease of shopping.

How they describe their product/innovation: 1. Purchase history of bank payment transactions are analyzed and individual shopping behavior profiles developed; 2. Profiles are enriched with online shopping personalization results; 3. The Smart Engine provides answers to three critical questions: Who? Where? Which delivery channel (online banking, Web, smartphones, email or SMS supported) – which allow retailers to communicate tailored offers to those bank customers with the highest purchase probability; 4. Relevant bank customers receive attractive personalized offers. Card payments result in automated cash back to cardholders’ accounts; 5. Location services and event-driven notifications optimize personalization experience; 6. Retailers measure return and conversion rates; 7. Banks optimize income from cards by extending card usage.

Product Distribution Strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B), and through financial institutions


Bus. Dev., Press & Sales: Europe: Anna Bacher (Director, Sales & Business Development), [email protected] &
Asia: Stephen Bingle (Head of Asia Business Development), [email protected]

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