FinovateAsia 2013 / Mistral Mobile
Presenter Profile:
How they describe themselves: Privately held company with key expertise and focus in the unique challenges of high-growth emerging markets. Serving customers such as banks, mobile operators, merchant acquirers, and payment service providers. Focusing purely on the mobility space in the fintech sector – solutions not doing any transaction processing. Mistral’s white-label products simply connect to existing transaction systems to make them mobile.
How they describe their product/innovation: Money Mobility Suite™ from Mistral Mobile eliminates the technological barriers to providing mobile financial services. Money Mobility Suite™ is a mobile front-end solution that works on any phone, on any network and anywhere – allowing you to reach and serve more customers, with faster time-to-market, and higher cost-efficiency than alternative solutions, driving your revenues and lowering your operating costs dramatically.
Product Distribution Strategy: Direct to Business (B2B) and through other fintech companies and platform providers
Bus. Dev. & Press: Peter Ollikainen, SVP Product Marketing, [email protected], +358 50 4872668
Sales: Ludwig Schulze, CEO, [email protected], +1-917-514-5027