FinovateAsia 2013 / Matchi

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Matchi offers unprecedented collaboration opportunities for banks globally and provides the perfect forum for vendors and innovators to ‘match-make’ their innovation to a financial institution anywhere in the world.

Matchi founders saw a need for a central place where innovators and vendors from all parts of the world could match-make their innovation to banks that can use these innovations.

Banking executives can locate relevant innovations based on a keyword search to assist in reducing costs, boosting growth, and generating new revenue streams.

Matchi.Biz is headquartered in Hong Kong, with offices in the UK, South Africa, and Australia.

How they describe their product/innovation: A global community innovation platform for the financial services industry that offers market ready banking innovations from across the globe and collaboration opportunities that have the potential to save the banks millions of dollars in development costs.

Product Distribution Strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C) & Direct to Business (B2B)


Bus. Dev., Press & Sales: Philippa Newnes, Director,, +61 401 915 153

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