Fintech Unicorns

Gilt statue of a unicorn on the Council House,...

Gilt statue of a unicorn on the Council House, Bristol (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In January, we identified the billion-dollar fintech unicorns (post), but William Mougayar went deeper looking at the tech companies founded since 2000 valued at $250 million or more. He compiled a list of 235 companies around the globe. Seventeen of those (7%) we consider fintech (15 if you don’t count real estate specialists Zillow and Trulia). The list is not yet complete (more companies are being added by readers), but it’s an interesting data point.


  • Square has been the alpha unicorn (oxymoron?) since it burst on the scene five years ago. But it looks like Lending Club is closing the gap, valued at, $3.8 billion, just (!) $1.2 billion less. However, the peer lender seems to be on the rise and headed to an IPO, while media reports indicate Square may be struggling a bit to maintain its valuation and has scuttled its own IPO plans for this year.  
  • This is the first time we’ve seen Paydiant mentioned in the billion-dollar club, but we are not surprised.
  • Of the still-private companies listed here, all but two are Finovate alums (note 1). 

Table: Fintech companies valued at $250 mil or more (founded 2000 or later)

Company Finovate Alum? Founded Valuation
Square No 2009 $5.0 bil
Lending Club Yes 2006 $3.8 bil
Zillow No 2005 $3.8 bil (public)
Xero Yes 2006 $3.5 bil (public)
Klarna Yes 2005 $2.5 bil
Wonga Yes 2007 $2.0 bil
Stripe No 2011 $1.8 bil
LifeLock No 2005 $1.5 bil (public)
Trulia No 2004 $1.2 bil (public)
Paydiant Yes 2010 $1.0 bil
Climate Corp No 2006 $930 mil (acquired)
Braintree (Paypal) Yes 2007 $800 mil (acquired)
BazaarVoice Yes 2005 $540 mil
Cardlytics Yes 2008 $500 mil
Payfone Yes 2008 $500 mil
Prosper Yes 2006 $500 mil
Vitrue No 2006 $300 mil (acquired)

Source: (link), 20 April 2014


1. Come see the latest unicorn candidates at FinovateSpring next week (29 & 30 April 2014) in Silicon Valley.

Fintech Four: Banno, Borro, Personetics & are on a Roll

It’s been a crazy week in fintech, and it’s only Wednesday morning. Because my brain can hold no more than four stories at a time (and that’s a stretch), it’s time to publish a “fintech four” mid-week. I don’t know which of these is more dramatic, so I’ll go in alphabetic order: 

1. joins the billion-dollar fintech club

Thumbnail image for auction.jpgI’m not sure everyone considers a fintech play, but as an online asset sales platform (which moved $7 billion last year), it’s close enough for me. It just raised a fresh $50 million from Google Ventures at a valuation of $1.2 billion. So I’ll be adding to our “Fintech billion-dollar club.” 

>>> Metrics and more from Bloomberg here.

2. Banno acquired by Jack Henry

banno.jpgWhile we don’t know the $$ number, given the traction Finovate alum Banno had in the market (375 bank clients), and the relatively high valuations in the fintech space these days ($1.75 billion for Stripe), this must have been a pretty nice payday for the owners and investors in Iowa-based Banno (formerly T8 Webware). Founder Wade Arnold is staying on at Jack Henry and is super excited about his future with the Kansas City-based technology vendor. 
English: Wordmark of Borro, the characters &qu...

3. Borro borrows $112 million

In one of the biggest fundraising rounds in fintech history, U.K.-based Borro landed $112 million to further its high-end online pawn brokerage business. I met founder Paul Aitken last fall and was impressed with the product, which allows consumers to borrow against non-liquid assets, say, a Jacob Lawrence in the hall, at pretty high rates (3% to 4% per month). Until then, I had no idea there was a large, underserved (near prime?) market holding high-end assets (outside Downton Abbey anyway). Even so, I was shocked to see a $112 million round. While terms of the deal weren’t disclosed, I have to believe all or part of the money is debt, not equity. So I’m not going to add Borro to the billion-dollar club, yet. Apparently online lending is back! 

>>> Average loan amount = $12k (against a $20k value)… see Press release
>>> TechCrunch breaks down the Borro loan process and metrics here

4. Personetics is on a roll

pesonetics.jpgAt this week’s great Bank Innovation event in Seattle, I finally had a chance to meet face-to-face with Personetics, the Sequoia-backed “predictive financial services engine.” I’ve been impressed with what I’ve read about the company, and loved the Fiserv demo at FinovateEurope last month (demo here) featuring a forward-looking PFM piece powered by Personetics. But I had no idea how much traction the company was gaining in less than three years since its A-round. While I can’t name names, if even one of these deals moves into production, it has the potential to change the face of online banking. 
>>> Fiserv demo at FinovateEurope featuring insights powered by Personetics here (12 Feb 2014)

Why the BBVA Simple Bank Deal is Extraordinary


I was on vacation when the Simple deal went down last week. So, today I read the 25 or so unique articles published Thursday and Friday on BBVA’s $117 million acquisition of Simple. Of the bunch, only Ron Shevlin dove under the covers as to why a global financial powerhouse plunked down nine figures for a relatively small prepaid debit card portfolio. His take: the brand.

I’ve been a huge Simple junkie, publishing 22 posts on the startup in the past four years. And I was delighted it chose to make its first industry appearance at Finovate in Fall 2011 (video here). But I’m even more excited about this deal, which was remarkable for several reasons:
  • Other than ING’s regulator-mandated divestiture of its U.S. unit to Capital One, this is the first major retail digital bank acquisition in the United States EVER. Yes, EVER.  Since the dawn of what we called “Internet-only” banks in Oct 1995 (note 1), not a single one has been acquired at other than a fire sale (e.g., ING Direct purchase of Netbank after it was closed by the FDIC), (see note 2). 
  • The revenue multiple was off the charts. Simple says it processed $1.7 billion last year. Assuming this was all debit card volume and they split the revenues relatively equally with their processor, The Bancorp Bank (which is Durbin-exempt, note 3), the startup generated somewhat less than $10 million in revenues last year. That’s not at all bad for a bank in its first full year of business. Founder Josh Reich says they were on a path to profitability, not a small feat for a tech company with nearly 100 employees.
  • Banks are usually acquired for some premium of their assets and deposits. Simple had zero financial assets since it only collected deposits. We don’t know their deposit totals, but with an average of 65,000 customers (note 4) making $1.7 billion in purchases, that means each spent about $2,000 per month. Let’s say that each of its 100,000 accounts held double that on average ($4,000), the bank had around $400 mil in deposits at year-end 2013. I’m not sure what banks are paying for demand deposits these days, but it’s not 25%.
  • Simple raised $18 mil since inception, but we don’t know at what valuation. But with the $117 million cash deal, it appears that investors were rewarded adequately. It was no 10x exit, but it could have been 2x to 3x, or more.
  • BBVA paid almost $1,200 per customer. Given that Simple’s entire funding amount of $18 mil had already generated 100,000 customers ($180 per customer), clearly acquiring this customer base was not the main driver of the valuation.
What it means:
  • Moven, Holvi, Tink, Numbrs, and other digital-only banks will see a bump in their valuations. 
  • Y-Combinator and other accelerators will see a surge in retail banking startups (which leads to more great Finovate presenters)
  • Simple under BBVA will be a fantastic case study with plenty of material for fintech bloggers and analysts (and especially blogging analysts)
  • There will be more legacy financial institutions following this strategy (clearly, there were other bidders to push the valuation above $100 million); however, don’t expect a stampede. Two or three acquisitions in 18 years is hardly a trend.
  • BBVA could very well make Simple its ING Direct-like brand (“BBVA Simple”?) across multiple new international markets (hat-tip to Venture Beat for being the only tech blog to focus on the international opportunity).
  • At least for a few years, before the founding team scatters to new ventures, it will be useful to have a semi-autonomous unit in Portland building out the services.
Finally, I’ll need a new VC-backed retail banking startup to obsess over. Time to get my Moven card activated.
1. The first pure digital bank was Security First Network Bank (SFNB) which was dumped for $13 mil in 1998 after attracting $50 mil in deposits and $14 million in credit card receivables).

2. One could argue that E*Trade’s ill-fated purchase of Telebanc for $1.8 bil in 1998 qualifies, but Telebanc was primarily a direct bank built through the phone channel.
3. Interestingly, as part of BBVA, which is not exempt from Durbin price controls (as far as I can figure), Simple’s interchange rate will likely fall dramatically, making the revenue multiple much higher going forward.

4. The bank started the year with 30,000 accounts and now has 100,000. So, assuming growth was even over the year, the average annual number of accounts = 65,000.
5. For more on pure-play digital banks, see our full Online Banking Report here (published in late 2011, subscription).

Monday Fintech Four

image Editor’s note: This was supposed to be the Friday Fintech Four, which is much better alliteration. But alas, it didn’t get published, so here’s the belated Monday version.

<drum roll> Here are the four most surprising fintech developments of the past week (in no particular order):


One: Stealthy mobile payment startup Clinkle hires long-time CFO of Netflix, Barry McCarthy, as its COO

image McCarthy was CFO from 1999 to 2010, taking Netflix public in 2003, then overseeing its finances as a public company for seven years. It’s pretty unusual for a big-name public company exec to take on an exec role at a startup, especially one in mobile payments. And one that hasn’t even officially launched yet to boot. McCarthy is on the board of three startups: Chegg, Eventbrite and Wealthfront, a startup in the investment space.
    >> LinkedIn profile of McCarthy
    >> A nice overview of the news at TechCrunch 
    >> An interview with McCarthy at AllThings D


Two: New mobile PFM, Level Money, beats Square Cash to #1 in iOS app store (finance)

image As soon as Square launched its P2P payments app, Square Cash, it quickly rocketed to number two in the Finance section of the iPhone app store (see Chart 1 below) and number 55 across all free apps in all categories. But it never got higher, and a week later it’s hanging in at number 11.

The reason it missed the top slot? Another newcomer, Level Money, a great-looking new PFM, was being featured by Apple in the App Store and maintained the top ranking during that period (see Chart 2). During its time as a promoted app, Level Money maintained a top-20 ranking among all 500,000+ free apps (see Chart 3).

    >> Netbanker post on Square Cash
    >> Distimo app rankings for Square Cash (see following chart)


Chart 1: Square Cash app ranking in Free Finance in Apple App Store


Chart 2: Level Money app ranking in Free Finance in Apple App Store


Chart 3: Level Money ranking among all free apps in the Apple App Store



Three: Amex customers have put $1 billion into its Bluebird prepaid card

At this year’s SourceMedia Payments Forum, American Express revealed key metrics about its highly touted Bluebird prepaid program sold in Walmart stores:

  • 1 million new accounts
  • $1 billion in total loads
  • Average load of $1,000 per account
  • 87% of accounts new to Amex
  • 53% over age 35

Thanks to the attendees who tweeted the metrics @leimer (Bradly Leimer) and @JimMarous among others.



Four: Four fintech startups snapped up last week

Compared to other tech sectors, fintech has experienced less M&A activity in the past few years. Everything moves a little slower in a highly regulated, fraud-magnet segment. Buying fintech is not like bolting on a photosharing app. That said, it was a busy past 10 days on the M&A front:

  • Betterment buys ImpulseSave to boost its auto-savings features (Finovate post)
  • UK’s FundingCircle buys Endurance Lending to enter U.S. market (Techcrunch)
  • Blackhawk acquires Intelispend (Digital Transactions)
  • Wonga buys Germany’s BillPay to expand outside United Kingdom (Techcrunch)

Photo credit: Fab Festival

Op Ed: Banks, Shop So Your Profits Don’t Drop

by Michael Nuciforo

Michael Nuciforo is a Mobile Banking Consultant at Keatan. He previously worked at ANZ on a number of developments, including goMoney, and more recently managed the UK retail portfolio as Head of Mobile Banking at RBS. Follow him @TheBoldWar.


image There were 2,277 of them last year totaling $45 billion. And no, that’s not last year’s football salaries. It was the volume and value of tech startup acquisitions. Yet banks barely participated. Could acquisitions be the mechanism for banks to rapidly innovate? Is it time for banks to shop before their profits drop?

Mergers and acquisitions have been part and parcel of the technology sector for over three decades. The industry wouldn’t be what it is today without it. Google Ventures invests over $400 million annually in a wide variety of startups. Facebook has already acquired over 35 businesses, with Instagram being the most notable at nearly $800 million alone. It’s big business indeed.

Why do the biggest, most successful and talented tech businesses, feel the constant need to acquire? It feels counterintuitive, but it makes perfect sense. The industry is so competitive that one day you’re My Space and the next day…well, you’re My Space. If executed correctly, acquisitions have four core benefits:

  • New Capabilities: Acquisitions are the quickest way to shift the dial or plug gaps in your offering
  • New People: It is a great way to bring on fantastic talent
  • More Protection: By buying the competition you can protect the status quo.
  • New Revenues: Acquisitions of cash-flow-positive businesses can immediately improve the bottom line

But where are the banks? Why do they seem to ignore the opportunity to acquire or partner? Of the 2,277 acquisitions in 2012, only three were by banks. We believe banks must start protecting their position by using strategic acquisitions to implement the new products and services.

image For inspiration, banks needn’t look far. Capital One, which has the sixth-largest deposit portfolio in the US, is already taking up the fight. Off the back of Capital Labs, its own start-up investment venture, the bank has established three offices in the United States. Startups can work there, obtain support and use Capital One API programs. Oh, and of those three bank start up purchases last year, Capital One completed two of them.

image In May 2012, Capital One acquired BankOns, a small San Francisco start up that won Best of Show at FinovateSpring 2011 (demo video here). It also purchased Bundle in late December (demo video).

BankOns provides a sophisticated offers and coupons program and Bundle is a data analytics and PFM platform. Besides acquiring the technology and intellectual property, CapitalOne has also had to find room for a new corner office. BankOns founder Joshua Greenough was installed as Director of Innovation immediately after the acquisition. Finally, Capital One has already made at least one acquisition this year, picking up Verifone’s Sail mPOS unit, and renaming It Spark Pay.

image The other big banking acquisition came from Chase which spent $40 million late last year on Bloomspot, an offers and coupons platform. Bloomspot comes with a 100-strong team instantly boosting the Chase Offers service. Chase had plans to hire substantially over 2013, and through the Bloomspot acquisition, they filled that gap instantly.

While these deals represent some progress by banks, it will be interesting to see if they pay off. There are numerous risks and considerations for banks looking to play in the tech M&A game:

  • Talent retention: Banks may have challenges integrating and retaining new talent. Entrepreneurs and startup talent may not find hierarchical banks the most exciting long-term place of employment. Banks should therefore place a premium on acquiring smaller start-ups with management teams with previous banking experience. They are more likely to take the step back into the industry and stay.
  • Risk aversion: Banks typically only like to work with recognized quantities, hence the fast follower mentality. Banks may struggle to commit to deals considered high-risk. Therefore, it may be better to invest in a small portfolio of smaller businesses rather than a single large deal.
  • Proving return on investment: It’s not easy to measure the true cost and revenues from a new business endeavour, especially within a large hierarchy of overlapping services. But showing that the deal paid off is the first step towards doing a sequel.

Ultimately, it is important to ensure that the vision and aspirations of both businesses are aligned. While fintech startups may not initially aspire to be acquired by a bank, money and scale talks loudest. Many of the giant payment companies such as American Express, Visa, and MasterCard have made numerous acquisitions.

With FinovateFall just three months away (Sep. 10-11), there is still time for banks to think strategically. Don’t go to just look around and swap a few cards. Don’t just think,”Can we replicate that?” Instead, go with a different point of view and figure out what businesses you could acquire or exclusively partner with. Decide whether you are looking for a particular capability, skillset, or to simply protect your turf. Look out for your own BankOns, Bundle or Bloomspot. In the banking industry, sometimes all you need is one other bank to do it and everyone follows. Oh, that’s already happened…

Infographic: Internet Banking Vendor Timeline, 1997 to 2012

Here is a monster infographic from our friends at Mindful Insights LLC, a boutique consulting firm in the digital finance space (previous post). You can click on the image for a larger version, or better yet, grab the PDF version here. We appreciate the opportunity to publish it.


Intuit’s New Quicken Site Sprouts Some Mint

image If anyone still wondered how serious Intuit is about incorporating the Mint brand into its portfolio after its $170 million acquisition, take a look at the latest version of the Quicken sales site. Mint is prominently featured (see first screenshot below), especially if you scroll one “ad spot” over (second screenshot).

I also found Mint mentioned at PayTrust, Intuit’s bill management site (third screenshot). There’s even a small plug on the Quicken Online login page (fourth screenshot).

However, on Mint’s site the co-branding is not reciprocated. Quicken is not mentioned at all and Intuit is relegated to 8-point type at the bottom of the page (fourth screenshot).

The latest traffic figures from Compete support the theory that Intuit is de-emphasizing Quicken Online in favor of Mint. Traffic to <> fell 50% in November to about 400,000, while Mint held steady at about 3x that, 1.2 million unique visitors.

Source: Compete, 10 Dec 2009 (link)

Quicken homepage on default choice, Quicken 2010 (link; 9 Dec. 2009, 11 PM)


Quicken homepage with selected from scrolling choices
Note: Yellow highlight is mine


Intuit PayTrust homepage (link)


Quicken Online login page (link)


Mint homepage
Intuit mentioned twice at bottom of page (yellow highlight is mine). 


Note: For more information on the PFM space, see our Online Banking Report on Personal Finance Features.

American Express Jumps on the Alt-Payments Bandwagon in a Big Way; $300 Million Acquisition of Revolution Money

image_thumb[9]Frankly, I haven’t got my head completely around the latest acquisition in the alt-payments space (and I’m not the only one). I know that it makes my analyst life more interesting, but not sure what it means to the competitive landscape. Scott Loftesness over at Glenbrook Partners has the best analysis I’ve seen (also read the comments).

I’ll break it down here. Revolution Money has two products:

1. RevolutionCard: Alt-payment card for use at the point of sale, both online and in-store.(see inset below from where RevolutionCard logo is right below Visa; full screenshot below). Unique PIN-based card with no account number or name (see below).

2. Revolution MoneyExchange: A person-to-person payment service.

image_thumb[2]Neither product appears to be very large. In the Q&A of the announcement webcast (press release), Revolution Money chairman Ted Leonsis said the company had signed 8,000 customers per day during a 90-day marketing test about a year ago. In total, it registered about 400,000 consumers (note 1). They also said they’d built merchant acceptance to about 1 million locations.  

The company declined to disclose the number of cardholders, but mentioned that each of its dozen marketing partnerships had brought in two or three thousand good cardholders. Leonsis said that given the current credit environment, they elected not to expand the cardholder portfolio, instead “doubling down” on platform features, such as ATM acceptance (note 2). 

But according to traffic figures from Compete, few Revolution Money customers were actively using its services. The P2P service, MoneyExchange, was the most-visited of the company’s three sites with about 20,000 unique visitors last month, but that was down from 70,000 a year ago (during the marketing test). On the other hand, the Revolution Card volume was similar, just under 20,000, but up more than 50% year-over-year (see chart from Compete below).

 Compete: 18 Nov 2009, link

American Express opportunities
On the call (replay here through next week), American Express CEO Kenneth Chenault outlined seven opportunities it would pursue when the transaction closes early next year. Notably absent, person-to-person payments:

1. Reloadable prepaid products for new segments

2. Compete with other alternative payment companies (aka PayPal)

3. Payment products in social media services

4. Mobile payment offerings

5. International markets

6. Offer through banks that issue American Express cards

7. Pin-based debit offerings

During Q&A, Chenault emphasized how the acquisition was all about getting the Revolution Money platform/engine to allow AmEx to do things faster and for a lower cost. There was little talk of RM’s brand, customers, or merchant base. The biggest discussion, during Q&A, was about reloadable prepaid cards.

My take: American Express purchased a platform they hope will allow it to get various new features/products to market faster and at lower costs to help head off total online-POS domination by PayPal. In addition, it acquired a proven team and management duo, and kept the whole works out of the hands of potential competitors such as Discover Card, Barclays, and others. While no one on the outside can understand the assumptions in the make vs. buy analysis, given its track record, American Express should be able profit from this $300 million IT investment. 

Online cards are sprouting new payment options
SeattleLuxe offers ten choices plus a link to pay by check (18 Nov 2009)


1. This is a registered user count, not necessarily a user of the service. Many of the new customers came for the $25 signup bonus or just to kick the tires. There was no cost or obligation to register.
2. On the call, Revolution Money said that 80% of ATMs accept their card.

Fidelity Sees its Future in Payments

Margins are thin, markets are tight. New customers are hard to find. Compliance issues are multiplying. New technologies threaten to disrupt established operations.

Some companies wonder if there’s a future for them in payments, but not Fidelity National Financial Corp. (FNF). The Jacksonville, Florida, firm is executing a war plan that could give it the same sort of market domination it already enjoys in title insurance—50 percent of the market. To prove it, Fidelity’s Fidelity Information Services (FIS) said late last month that it was taking up a complex deal that would in effect give FIS freedom to build its business without reference to title insurance, Fidelity National’s original line. Wall Street liked the news; FIS's stock soared 24 percent on the news before closing at a mere 17 percent rise.

In the deal:

  • FNF will transfer insurance and other assets to Fidelity National Title Corp.(FNT) in exchange for FNT stock, in a transaction worth $1 billion to $1.25 billion;
  • FNF will spin off its ownership stake in FNT to FNF shareholders in a tax-free distribution, leaving its ownership in FIS as its only asset;
  • FIS will merge with FNF, and issue FIS stock in a tax-free transaction, making FIS completely independent;
  • FNT will rename itself Fidelity National Financial.

The deal creates two publicly traded companies: a new FNF, trading under the FNF ticker symbol, and FIS, which will keep its FIS symbol. The FNT symbol will disappear.

The move follows on a tortuous road that chairman William Foley II embarked on in 2003, when he stumbled into the payments industry by buying Alltel Information Services, and its ACBS mortgage-servicing products, for $1.06 billion. That acquisition gave Fidelity the databases of eight of the top nine home-mortgage lenders; 50 percent of the outstanding home mortgages; and a clear view of the cash-flow opportunities in the payments business.

Since then, he’s spent more than $2.5 billion to assemble a payments-processing operation that could dominate the industry. This latest move, say informed observers, is designed to simplify the financial structure of the parent company by shifting the debt load associated with the FIS acquisitions away from the title company (FTN owns about 50 percent of that industry). That, in turn, will get FIS what it considers a proper valuation on Wall Street and get a listing on the Standard & Poor’s 500, in the process making it easier for FIS to raise money in the capital markets and thus continue to grow through acquisitions.

“The motivation was to eliminate the holding company structure, move the assets to two individual companies, and make those companies, independently, more able to pursue their strategies,” says Geoffrey Dunn, a senior vice president of Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Inc. (KBW). “FIS gained freedom from a controlling parent, and more flexibility to pursue its strategy and capital management going forward. Foley has historically not sat around if he’s created value in the market.”

FIS's main business idea is that banks will become marketing operations, and increasingly outsource their payments-processing operations, says Executive Vice President Grace Brasington.

“If they’re going to outsource their payments capabilities, we’re going to provide those capabilities to them, so they can focus on the marketing aspects of their business,” she says. “From a marketing perspective, banks won’t have to worry about how to get the additional volume [to turn a profit from payments]; it will be Fidelity’s problem.”

Bulking up Fidelity’s processing volume will in turn boost its earnings by creating scale, and profit. Fidelity has been doing this by, among other things, buying a customer base through acquisitions—last year’s acquisition of Certegy for $235 million in stock, for instance—and then migrating those acquisitions to a simplified clutch of standardized offerings that pretty much cover the waterfront of bank-payments operations. This has allowed them to avoid the expense of supporting obsolete products still used by important customers, a trap that some of its competitors have not eluded.

Meanwhile, the simplified financial structure will allow FIS to continue buying customers by buying companies, a strategy that will be greatly helped by FIS’s roster of institutional investors, all of which are looking for homes for their investor’s money.

Among those investors: Texas Pacific Group and Thomas H. Lee Partners, two private equity investors that together paid $500 million in 2004 for 25 percent of FIS after an uninvited, and failed, attempt to buy the the parent.

These companies had their stakes reduced to 17 percent after the Certegy deal, which among other things gave Chairman Foley the public vehicle he had been seeking for FIS for years. But according to FIS’s SEC filings, both investment groups, which own their FIS shares through a maze of offshore accounts, have remained active owners even though—thanks to a September 2005 shareholder’s agreement—their holdings have largely disappeared into FIS’s 156.6 million outstanding shares.

And both firms have also been working closely with Foley to acquire more companies. In January, according to FNF’s March 10-Q, FNF, Lee, and Texas Pacific together bought 40 percent of Sedgwick CMS Holdings Inc., an insurance claims outsourcer, for about $126 million. That transaction will probably become part of the FNT portfolio.

But this partnership, combined with the splitting of FNT and FIS, will probably be of real help to FIS’s acquisition strategy going forward, says KBW’s Dunn. “If FIS goes and does additional acquisitions eventually, I wouldn’t be surprised if the private equity guys would be involved,” he says. “Once Foley’s found an area that makes sense, he’ll be aggressive to build out a platform, and he’s not afraid to find companies that are underperforming and fix them. He's got a great track record of doing that.”

This sort of resource will lead over time to a larger, increasingly dominant FIS. “Near-term and longer-term, they’ll be very focused on cross-selling opportunities. But they’ll also round out their offering through acquisitions. I would absolutely expect them to be a major player in the M&A front, going forward,” says Dunn.

FIS’s Brasington wouldn’t deny that assertion for a minute, pointing out that risk management and merchant acquiring, both of which came to FIS with the Certegy deal, are natural directions for FIS to take. “We’re always, as a company, going to evaluate the right opportunities from an acquisition perspective as those opportunities come up,” she says in perfect corporate-speak. “We want to exponentially increase our capabilities.” (Contact: Fidelity Information Services Inc., 904-854-5043; Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Inc., 860-722-5902)

M&A Corner

Who's buying whom.

Ceridian Corp.’s Comdata Corp. unit is buying SASH Mgt. LLC for an unstated price. SASH does business as Gift Card Solutions. (Contact: Comdata Corp., 615-376-6986)

Coinstar Inc. is buying Travelex Money Transfer Ltd. for $27 million in cash. The privately held British firm TMT has a network of 17,000 agent locations in 138 countries; its revenues were about $5.8 million for the trailing twelve months ended December 31, 2005, with a negative EBITDA of approximately $10.4 million. Coinstar sells prepaid long-distance and wireless airtime; also, gift cards and prepaid debit cards. (Contact: Coinstar Inc., 425-943-8277)

HIMC Corp. signed a letter of intent to buy United States Financial Services Corp. through a stock swap. HIMC is mainly in Internet services; USFS owns Western Clearing Corp. LLC and ACH Processing Co. (Contact: HIMC Corp., 253-284-0320)

Online Resources Corp. is buying Princeton eCom Corp. for $180 million in cash, plus an “earnout” of up to $10 million, depending on future performance. Princeton eCom, which specializes in electronic bill payment and presentment, is privately owned, mainly by venture capitalist firms. Princeton chief executive Ronald W. Averett will head the company’s e-commerce business, including its card, credit, and real-time payments services. The deal includes financing from Tennenbaum Capital Partners LLC of $75 million in preferred stock convertible to common at a 25 percent premium to market, and $85 million in senior secured notes, giving Tennenbaum the equivalent of 4.6 million shares, or 14 percent of the company. Tennenbaum also gets a seat on the board. (Contact: Online Resources Corp., 703-653-2248)

S1 Corp. retained Friedman, Billings, Ramsey Group as its financial advisor to assist the board of directors in actively exploring the usual “strategic alternatives to maximize shareholder value.” S1 also hired law firm Hogan & Hartson LLP for further advice in the matter. The move follows settlement of some outstanding disputes with a shareholder group led by Ramius Capital Group, LLC, which gains a seat on the board. S1 insists “No assurance can be given that any transaction will be entered into or consummated as a result of this review.” (Contact: S1 Corp., 404-923-3500)

Verifone Acquires Lipman—and the Future


Verifone Holdings Inc. bought Israel’s Lipman Electronic Engineering Ltd. last week for a total of $793 million, giving Verifone pole position against its nearest rival in the point-of-sale terminal business, Hypercom Corp.

The deal, expected to close following regulatory and shareholder approvals in the fourth quarter, is engineered around a complex combination of cash and stock. It includes a special dividend that the companies would only say would likely exceed $23 million. An unspecified cap on the deal, based on undisclosed conditions, makes it almost impossible to fully value the transaction. Verifone is borrowing most of the money for the deal from an unidentified lending syndicate, and refinancing its existing debt, for a total of $540 million. 

The stock market liked the deal: Verifone’s shares spiked more than 10 percent on the news before trending back to the $30 range at which they had been trading before the news.

One good reason for that approval is the fact that Lipman’s business is strongest in relatively untapped markets like India, China, Eastern Europe and Brazil, all of which have relatively under-developed point-of-sale terminal markets. Lipman's product line is strong in advanced point-of-sale terminals, including contactless and Internet-protocol devices, and advanced ATMs.

“Arguably, the growth of this industry is in the emerging markets,” says Sam Ditzion, president of Tremont Capital Group. “Look at China. The percentage of consumers that have credit or debit cards today, versus five or ten years form now, is going to be absolutely extraordinary.”

That phenomenon is also in operation in the other markets Lipman has been active in, says Ditzion, and should greatly help Verifone’s future growth, assuming Verifone can preserve and extend Lipman’s footprint in those markets.

The deal will also reinforce Verifone’s bottom line. Verifone’s 2005 net income was $33.2 million on revenues of $485.3 million, and Lipman’s were $20 million on revenues of $235.4 million. Hypercom, by contrast, reported a 2005 net loss of $33.3 million on revenues of $245.2 million.

What the deal will not do is bring Verifone into the ranks of corporate point-of-sale vendors, a space currently dominated by IBM and NCR Corp. Aside from the sheer size disparity—NCR’s 2005 net income was $529 million on net revenues of $6 billion—Verifone and Lipman both sell to smaller operations than the large retail chains that typically use IBM and NCR systems.

This fact hasn’t diminished investor enthusiasm for Verifone. Since it went public last May, Verifone’s stock has risen over 300 percent; shares originally priced at $10.50 now trade in the $30 range.

The general approbation on Wall Street wasn’t universal, however; Standard & Poor’s, for instance, lowered its outlook on the announcement to negative from stable, mainly because of execution concerns. S&P left its credit rating of Verifone at BB-.

“It does seem that this acquisition cements Verifone’s lead [in its niche],” says Lucy Patricola, the S&P analyst who covers Verifone. ”Our concerns were really that they have yet to do an acquisition this substantial. From what I know, management has done very well running Verifone, so they certainly bring something to the table, but this acquisition is of a size and a scope in which they’re untested.”

The problem for Verifone is that it is already composed of several product lines from previous acquisitions, and it’s acquiring quite advanced systems from Lipman, including terminals in which Verifone has little experience manufacturing  or supporting.

That combination—unabsorbed product lines combined with new, advanced products—will be a challenge for Verifone executives, despite their good track record, and is an issue that’s tripped up acquisitions before.

This is especially true because acquisitions typically result in a certain exodus of top executives and important technical staff of the acquired company, stripping the buyer of the talent and internal knowledge it needs to hit the ground running with its new products. Considering the fact that so many of Lipman’s recent sales have been in relatively underdeveloped markets—markets that lack the sort of readily available, technical support infrastructure that’s a commonplace in the United States—those facts may result in unexpected problems for Verifone, in turn creating sudden expenditures.

“Those are some of our concerns,” says Patricola. “There’s also the concern that the increase in leverage might be worse than they’re projecting because of some issue [related to integration matters] that might lead them to spend more money than they’re planning to.” Integration costs, she adds, “are always the issue.” (Contacts: Tremont Capital Group, Sam Ditzion, 617-482-8866; Standard & Poor’s, Lucy Patricola, 212-438-3006)

TRM Corp. Stumbles Badly after eFunds Deal

In Sept. 2004, TRM Corp. borrowed $150 million from a Bank of America syndicate and bought 17,200 ATMs from eFunds Corp. The deal made TRM, which already had 4,300 ATMs, one of the world’s biggest operators of ATMs in retail locations.

Today, after many stumbles, the main question on the minds of most observers is who, if anyone, will buy TRM.

“Things are very, very tough there right now, and in the next two to three months, we’ll see if they can save themselves,” says Sam Ditzion, president and ceo of Tremont Capital Group, which specializes in the ATM business.

Since the eFunds deal, TRM’s shares have fallen from a high of $26.00, to a low of $6.73. Sales roughly doubled, from $126 million in 2004 to $234 million in 2005, but sales discounts more than tripled—from $33 million to $109 million—and operating income slipped from $13.8 million to a loss of $5 million. Net income fell from $7.9 million in 2004, to a 2005 loss of $8.9 million.

Last September, the company said it was in default of the Bank of America loan, and gained forbearance. Last month, the forbearance ran out and it was still in default. Although the bank gave TRM more time to straighten things out, or refinance, the default may affect TRM’s NASDAQ listing. Meanwhile, Allen & Co. has been hired to pursue the usual strategic options, and CEO Kenneth L. Tepper and COO Thomas W. Mann both left the company, which was late filing its 2005 10-K. And two new acquisitions were cancelled, costing TRM $5.2 million in break-up fees alone.

This state of affairs came to pass for a number of reasons, some TRM’s fault and some not.

“The eFunds transaction has proven to be more of a challenge to integrate than initially anticipated. The industry in general has become a more challenging environment just in terms of transaction volumes being lower and costs being higher, and there’s been some bad luck here and there. Collectively, it’s a problem,” says Ditzion.

Some of that bad luck could have been minimized, and some not. The British pound rose against the U.S. dollar last year, costing the company $72,000. The loss would have been greater, but it was cushioned by the Canadian dollar’s fall against the U.S. dollar. Unlike most companies with international operations, TRM doesn’t hedge its currency exposures, and doesn’t explain why. Eighteen percent of TRM’s ATM portfolio is in the United Kingdom, but it accounts for 23 percent of company sales. TRM’s Canadian ATM portfolio accounts for 8 percent of its machines, and 10 percent of its sales.

The company’s U.K. results were also hurt by two events beyond its control: The government required all ATM networks to be upgraded to the expensive triple-DES encryption standard (the United States only requires double-DES); and thieves in the United Kingdom began stealing ATMs outright by picking them up and driving off with them. Those thefts have declined, but are still occurring. TRM, which wasn’t the only ATM operator affected—it’s a regular crime wave, by most accounts—estimates that the thefts cost it $2.2 million, including $1.3 million in unreimbursed losses. Those losses were probably magnified by a company decision made earlier in the year to cut back its ATM crime insurance to cover only catastrophic losses because of increased premiums and deductibles.

But most of the company’s problems came from the eFunds deal. According to TRM’s tardy 10-K, and the analyst’s presentation that accompanied its release, buying that portfolio turned out to be a disaster. For one thing, eFunds’ performance, under the terms of a five-year management contract that it got out of the deal, was disappointing at best. Even worse, the portfolio itself underperformed the rest of TRM’s locations, both in terms of traffic and amounts withdrawn.

These problems point to important management lapses, and especially to poor due diligence. At the time of the deal, TRM said it expected to improve the portfolio’s performance by weeding out underperforming locations, raising fees 18 percent, and reducing processing fees by 50 percent, resulting in a 30 percent overall cost reduction (see Electronic Payments Week, Sept. 28, 2004).

None of this came to pass, aside from reducing the number of locations from a total of 21,000 to 19,930. Withdrawal transactions, for instance, grew from 26.7 million to 77.3 million, but average withdrawals per machine fell from 359 per month to 323, and net transaction-based sales per transaction fell from $1.76 to $0.97. This was aggravated by disappointing results in TRM’s other business line, in-store photocopy machines, which experienced falling volume of 20 percent for 2005 over 2004, to 485 million copies from 609 million copies. The company says this is an established trend.

As for the goal to cut processing fees by 50 percent, there’s no way to tell from the recent 10-K since TRM doesn’t break them out separately. Much of those savings were expected to come from the five-year management contract with eFunds, under which that company agreed to manage the ATM network, replacing a patchwork of smaller third-party providers.

But comments at the analyst’s presentation after persistent questioning on the subject—TRM executives wouldn’t consent to be interviewed—indicated that there have been substantial problems with the eFunds contract under which eFunds agreed to manage and enforce the contracts with the individual merchants operating the TRM locations. TRM’s new interim president and CEO Jeffrey F. Brotman said they’d been working closely with eFunds to correct problems, and that “…things are better now,” a sure indication of a disappointing experience, at best, for TRM.

Whatever those problems have been, they apparently didn’t go so far as to have spawned a lawsuit—the two companies are still working together—but it apparently did nothing to enhance value for TRM’s shareholders, 46 percent of whom are 47 institutions.

And a sale might not do the trick for them, either. Capital IQ estimates TRM’s enterprise value at $312 million, while the entire market capitalization is only about $95 million, debt is $220 million, and of a 10.9 million share float, there were 2.58 million shares short as of March 10—almost 21 percent. Coming back from conditions like that will be tough, at best, and those conditions, says Ditzion, may not exactly encourage private equity investors to step into the breach.

“Private equity firms are unlikely to be interested in buying companies that are not profitable or unlikely to be turned around, or hopeless,” he says. “Overall, they’ve done a pretty good job, but things have fallen through the cracks, and that hurts. These deals (like eFunds) are all done on very specific return on investment, and if a couple of things fall through the cracks, you can lose out.”

eFunds, meanwhile, is doing pretty well. According to its last 10-K, it had 2005 revenues of $502 million, only $112 million in debt, and 11.8 percent quarterly earnings growth. Since last June, its shares have risen from $17.10, to $25.84 at last Friday’s close. (Contact: Tremont Capital Group, Sam Ditzion, 617-482-8866; TRM Corp., 503-257-8766)