FinovateSpring 2011 — Last Day to Save $200 on Your Ticket!


FinovateSpring is right around the corner and with it a ton of new fintech innovation. Over the last few weeks we’ve been chatting with all the companies that applied to demo their latest and greatest at the event and the quality is incredibly high. And while that means tough choices for us, it means a great show for you!

If you’re interested in seeing the newest financial technology ideas in security, mobile, small business, personal finance, lending, credit, marketing, invoicing, billing, payments and much more, then please plan on joining us in San Francisco on May 10th & 11th to watch the future of fintech unfold on stage.

This year the event will have an expanded 2-day format and a new, larger location (since the show last year sold out after growing 50% over the previous year). A few of the organizations already registered are:

  • Ally Bank
  • Bain Capital Partners
  • Bank of Internet
  • Bank of Montreal
  • BankRate
  • BCU
  • comScore
  • Flybridge Capital
  • Foundation Capital
  • Frost Bank
  • GRP Partners
  • H&R Block
  • Highland Capital Partners
  • Intuit
  • Jack Henry
  • Javelin Research
  • Mountain America CU
  • Norwest Venture Partners
  • Ohio Valley Bank
  • QED Investors
  • SourceMedia
  • SunTrust
  • Time Inc.
  • Visa
  • Wells Fargo
  • Yahoo Inc.
  • Zions Bancorp

If you’d like to join your peers from these firms and lock in your spot at the spring conference, please register today. Plus, by registering today, you’ll get the very early-bird ticket price and save $200 on your ticket. We hope to see you in May!

FinovateSpring 2011 is sponsored by: The Bancorp and the law firm of CB&S.

FinovateSpring 2011 is partners with:, BankerStuff, CardWeb, Filene Research Institute, Finance on, and Mercator Advisory Group

Finovate Spring Launches Today

Finovate 6 kicks off today with MoneyAisle
stepping up to the demo plate at 8:30 AM (Pacific time). The event is sold out and we are looking forward to the largest
Finovate audience ever, more than 500 banking and fintech execs.

background on the 36 demoing companies, see our
previous posts
(logos below). You can follow the days
announcements here or by following our Netbanker Twitter account or watching the
#finovate hashtag on Twitter.

The event will not be broadcast
live, but we’ll have videos available here in about two weeks.

See you at the show!


FinovateSpring Final Lineup Revealed; Get Your Tickets Before it Sells Out

Just one week from tomorrow, three dozen of the hottest financial
tech companies come to the Finovate stage in San Francisco. We’ve
already written about how there are less than 50 tickets remaining, we’ve listed the amazing group of attendees who’ll be there May 11, the twelve main conference themes you’ll experience, and the original list of 32 demoing companies.

Today, we announce the final four presenting companies:

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Come meet the founders and top execs of these fintech leaders next week. Register here.

The final FinovateSpring lineup:

  • Backbase
  • Fiserv
  • Pageonce
  • Point of Wealth Systems
  • Billeo
  • The Garland Group
  • SafetyPay
  • Blippy
  • Gratio Capital
  • Segmint
  • Bobber Interactive
  • Ideon
  • Silver Tail Systems
  • Continuity Control
  • Jemstep
  • Controlabill
  • Kabbage
  • TransUnion Interactive
  • Cortera
  • TSYS
  • Cross Commerce Media
  • (Intuit)
  • UBank
  • DebtGoal
  • MoneyAisle
  • Visa
  • eRollover
  • MPOWER Mobile
  • Wikinvest
  • Expensify
  • oFlows
  • WorkLight
  • Finally, a thanks to our four FinovateSpring sponsors:

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    The Finance & Technology Innovations You Will Experience May 11

    imageAs you’ve probably noticed, there are a TON of financial/banking technology innovations percolating up into the market right now. We are proud to be bringing 36 of the best to the Finovate stage May 11 in South San Francisco (presenting company list here).

    It’s going to be a packed house, with at least 20% more attendees than last year. But there are still a few tickets left if you’d like to register (see OBR subscriber discount below).

    Here are some of the themes that will be explored by our demoing companies at FinovateSpring 2010:

    • Alt-payments: Where will the next PayPal come from? We’re not sure who it will be, but there is a pretty good chance they will be on the Finovate stage. While you may not believe that existing payment services are vulnerable, the startups taking on the card-based world are always thought-provoking.
    • Bill payment 2.0: As automated billing and payments enters its third decade, there is still much to do in turning it from a cost center to a profitable service. We have several novel ideas on stage. You won’t want to miss this chance to talk to the founders. 
    • Credit/debt management: No surprise here. As consumers take a more conservative approach to spending and credit matters, services are cropping up all over the Web to help. And with literally thousands of dollars per year at stake, consumers are willing to spend money to save money and get control of debt. 
    • Customized financial products: Why can’t you have a 22-month CD or a 12-year mortgage? It’s not like banks have to retool the factory to introduce a new model. In the era of infinitely personalized products, financial services will follow suit. 
    • Financial marketing: Mass media is dead. Or is it? 400 million Facebook users seems like a pretty sizable “mass.” But no matter what you call it, new tools and techniques are required to build your brand in the uber-networked world.
    • Investing for the risk-averse: There are dozens of sites for tracking individual stocks and sizing up opportunities in various market sectors. But what about the other 95% of the country that just wants a decent retirement, college education for their kids, or new kitchen by 2015? Helping consumers achieve their financial goals is a long tradition at financial institutions and an important subject at Finovate.
    • Mobile everything: You’ll see some of the newest ways to leverage mobile for payments, financial management and banking. And this is one area that will be profitable. And yes, we’ll have iPad demos on stage. 
    • New lending models: Everyone agrees there are major problems in consumer and small business lending. Peer-to-peer lending is one promising area, but it’s had setbacks with regulatory changes and defaults. Is there a better way to deliver credit services while keeping losses in check? You’ll hear from several companies that believe they have the answer.
    • Real-time Web: Banks have had a nice 40-year run as batch processors. But the world has gone real-time and your customers expect data more than once a day. See how new financial tools leverage the power of this data stream. Will you automatically share  purchases with your network? Yes, you will. Find out why.
    • Snazzy management/back-office tools: The increased regulatory scrutiny over everything financial is the inevitable result from the 2008/2009 financial meltdown. Everyone knows you need to be on top of the nitty-gritty details, but who has time to read memos from the compliance department? With new interactive tools and Web-based services, even the most tedious compliance chore can be accomplished on schedule and without headaches or glitches. Come meet the startups who will make your life easier. 
    • Social media/gaming: Of course, no 2010 conference would be complete without ideas on how to reach Gen Y and everyone else via social media. Facebook serves 400 million today and they are still growing like a weed. Is there any doubt that will impact every brand on the planet?
    • UX: When you get right down to it, mobile/online delivery is all about the user experience. You’ll see dozens of the best on stage, and you’ll meet the people creating them.

    You’ll also learn about ways to improve security, serve the underbanked, segment your customers, develop cross-platform services, build widgets, and help your customers save money and control their finances.

    Get that ticket now. It will be one memorable day, I promise. 


    Note: Anyone who subscribes to our research service, Online Banking Report, is entitled to a substantial discount (email [email protected] if you need the code). Or subscribe here if you are not already on board.

    Last Chance for FinovateSpring Early-Bird Tickets — Only 2 Days Left to Save!

    FinovateSpring 2010 LogoJust a quick reminder that the early-bird ticket prices for FinovateSpring 2010 (May 11, San Francisco) will expire at the end of March (less than 2 days from now). If you register by March 31, you’ll save $100 on your ticket and lock in your spot to see debuts and demos of dozens of new financial and banking technological innovations. 

    We’ve handpicked an amazing list of companies to demo their latest including:

    Tickets are selling well with hundreds of registered attendees from great organizations like: 

    • AARP
    • BNP Paribas
    • CBS
    • Experian
    • Google
    • Intuit
    • Kaiser Permanente
    • Mechanics Bank
    • Tower Group
    • USAA
    • Visa
    • Aite
    • Capital One
    • Celent
    • Filene
    • H&R Block
    • Jack Henry
    • Motley Fool
    • Target
    • PayPal
    • US Bank
    • Wells Fargo
    • Alliant Credit Union
    • Canaan Partners
    • Discover
    • Forrester Research
    • Highland Capital
    • Javelin Research
    • NY Times
    • TransUnion
    • Venrock
    • Wired Magazine

    FinovateSpring is one of our twice-yearly showcases of the best new ideas in banking and financial technology. The show is built around a unique blend of fast-paced demos of actual technology (no slides!) and high-quality networking with an audience of senior FI executives, fintech entrepreneurs, VCs, press, industry analysts and bloggers. It’s an awesome environment to find your next competitive edge.

    Don’t miss out on the early-bird price on your ticket to this great show. Register now!

    P.S. Online Banking Report subscribers are entitled to an extra discount to our Finovate conferences. Email me to get it.

    ericphoto.jpgEric Mattson is CEO of Online Financial Innovations, the parent company of NetBanker, Online Banking Report and the Finovate Conference Series. He can be reached at [email protected].

    FinovateSpring 2010 Demo Companies Revealed


    We’re very pleased to announce the lineup for the upcoming FinovateSpring 2010 conference. Taking place on Tuesday May 11 in San Francisco, the conference will showcase dozens of handpicked companies debuting and demoing their latest and greatest fintech innovations. The quality of the new ideas that will be demoed on stage is very high this year and we’re incredibly excited to showcase them to you.

    The demoing companies selected (that we can reveal so far) are:

    These companies will be showcased to an audience of senior financial/banking/credit union executives, influential press, industry analysts, venture capitalists, bloggers, tech companies and entrepreneurs.

    A sampling of the great organizations already registered to attend includes: AARP, Aite, Alliant Credit Union, BNP Paribas, Capital One, Celent, Discover, Experian, Fidelity, Filene, Forrester Research, Google, Highland Capital, Intuit, Javelin Strategy, Jack Henry, Mechanics Bank, Motley Fool, NY Times, PayPal, Tower Group, USAA, US Bank, Venrock, Wells Fargo, and Wired Magazine.

    We’d love to have you join us at the spring event and watch the future of finance/banking unfold onstage. If you register today you’ll save $100 via the early-bird ticket discount. Please note that the early-bird prices expire at the end of this month and space is limited so lock in your spot now!

    ericphoto.jpgEric Mattson is CEO of Online Financial Innovations, the parent company of NetBanker, Online Banking Report and the Finovate Conference Series. He can be reached at [email protected].

    FinovateSpring 2010 Very Early-Bird Prices Expire in Only 4 Days!

    This is an exciting time of year for us because we’re finalizing the companies that will demo their newest fintech innovations at FinovateSpring (May 11, 2010 in San Francisco). A great bunch of companies have applied for a chance to demo and we’re incredibly excited to showcase their latest and greatest onstage.

    FinovateSpring 2010 Logo

    Just a quick reminder that the very early-bird ticket prices will expire at the end of February (only 4 days from now). If you register this week, you’ll save $200 on your ticket and lock in your spot to see debuts and demos of dozens of new financial and banking technological innovations.

    Tickets are selling well with attendees from great organizations like: 

    • AARP
    • BNP Paribas
    • Discover
    • Filene
    • GRP Partners
    • Intuit
    • Mechanics Bank
    • PayPal
    • USAA
    • Visa
    • Aite
    • Capital One
    • Experian
    • Forrester Research
    • H&R Block
    • Jack Henry
    • Motley Fool
    • Tower Group
    • US Bank
    • Wells Fargo
    • Alliant Credit Union
    • Celent
    • Fidelity
    • Google
    • Highland Capital
    • Javelin
    • NY Times
    • TransUnion
    • Venrock
    • Wired Magazine

    FinovateSpring is one of our twice-yearly showcases of the best new ideas in banking and financial technology. The show is built around a unique blend of fast-paced demos of actual technology (no slides!) and high-quality networking with an audience of senior FI executives, fintech entrepreneurs, VCs, press, industry analysts and bloggers. It’s an awesome environment to find your next competitive edge.

    Don’t miss out on the best prices on tickets to this great show. Register now!