This afternoon,
cbanc Network demonstrated its virtual marketplace that aggregates the knowledge of users and financial institutions:
“Bankers are by-and-large too busy, too risk-averse and too protective of their efforts to willingly, reliably give away their hard work online to seekers in a discussion forum. However, they will share their intellectual property when the risks are controlled and the right incentives are in place.
We’ll demonstrate how this virtual marketplace:
1) motivates people from every job function to share their best work
2) uses points as its currency to incentivize users
3) helps financial institutions prepare for exams
4) protects members around legal and competitive concerns of sharing”
Product Launched: January 2009
HQ Location: Austin, TX
Company Founded: January 2009
Metrics: 8 employees, 5,000 registered users, average page views per login: 52, average minutes on site per login: 12 minutes, average time saved per downloaded piece of content: 8 hours
Presenting Myers Dupuy (President)