Banno Shows off Grip’s New Capabilities

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Next, Banno (formerly T8 Webware) demonstrated new capabilities of Grip:

“Banno will unveil Grip’s ability to provide insights before the transaction with its new, seamlessly integrated decision-support features and overhauled user interface.”

Product Launched: September 2012 at FinovateFall
HQ Location: Cedar Falls, IA
Company Founded: March 2008
Metrics: $500k raised, 61 employees 
Twitter: @BannoHQ
Finovate demo (demo video will be posted next week)
Introducing Wade Arnold (CEO) and Ben Metz (Lead Product Engineer)

Stockr Launches Social Investing Platform


Third, Stockr debuted its social network for investing:

“Over 70 million people use the Internet to obtain financial information, yet the current platforms for discussion are archaic and inefficient. Millions of stock market investors visit Yahoo! Finance message boards and/or subscribe to stock newsletters despite the lack of transparency, poor communications, and rampant spamming. Stockr has constructed a social network for investing, bringing identity and transparency to an otherwise anonymous environment, and unveiling a new layer of market information.”

Product Launched: September 2012
HQ Location: Santa Monica, CA
Company Founded: June 2010
Metrics: $1.2M raised, 8 employees, 500 private beta users
Twitter: @stockr
Finovate demo (demo video will be posted next week)
Introducing Vinny Jindal (Co-Founder & CEO)

Credit Sesame Launches Financial Fitness Indicator


Second up, Credit Sesame launched a solution to give users a comprehensive view of their financial situation:

“Credit Sesame introduces a new financial dashboard and Financial Fitness Indicators that provide the external context a user needs so they can fully analyze and optimize their financial situation. 

The new capabilities will give users a comprehensive assessment of their individual financial situation, analyze current market trends and provide action plans to capitalize on them. It provides users with valuable insight into the successes of their peers so their patterns can be emulated. The new Financial Fitness Indicators sum up all of consumer’s credit and debt information into visual components that an individual can use to determine their overall financial fitness.”

Product Launched: September 12, 2012
HQ Location: Sunnyvale, CA
Company Founded: January 2010
Metrics: $19.34M raised, 20 employees
Twitter: @CreditSesame
Finovate demo (demo video will be posted next week)
Introducing Adrian Nazari (Founder & CEO) and Linden Kohtz Garcia (Public Relations Manager)

DigitalMailer’s My Virtual Strongbox Gives FI Members a Place to Store Personal Documents


Starting off the second session, DigitalMailer demonstrated how FIs can use My Virtual Strongbox to store copies of personal documents:

“My Virtual Strongbox is a new SaaS application that enables users to store copies of their most personal documents including wills, birth/marriage certificates, insurance policies, deeds, titles, and any other important documents that would be sorely missed if lost or destroyed.”

Product Launched: April 2012
HQ Location: Herndon, VA
Company Founded: March 2000
Metrics: DigitalMailer has 200+ financial institutions using its services, with over 5M combined customers, eleven digital communication products in market and 23 employees in its Herndon, VA and Charlotte, NC offices. Over 60M electronic statements and 80M emails have been processed by the company’s digital communication products since its inception.
Twitter: @digitalmailer
Finovate demo (demo video will be posted next week)
Introducing Ron Daly (President & CEO) and Greg Crandell (EVP)

Luminous Launches BankFiling

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Luminous, who was last up for the first session, launched BankFiling:

“BankFiling is an innovative solution that enables banks to recover significant cost leakage by automating the timely collection of periodic financial information from business customers with credit exposure to the bank.”

Product Launched: September 2012
HQ Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
Company Founded: 2007
Metrics: Luminous employs over 25 people globally. Our client base consists of financial institutions that have over 120,000 users to date.
Twitter: @luminousbanking
Finovate demo (demo video will be posted next week)
Introducing Warren Bond (CEO) and Andrew Teversham (Chief Technology Officer)

aSpark Launches Stock Panorama

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Next, aSpark launched Stock Panorama to give users a 360 degree view of relevant information about their personal stocks:
“Stock Panorama brings what matters to an investor’s portfolio – combination of relevant and key market data, analyst sentiment and social intelligence to your mobile device. Today, you seek this information. Stock Panorama reduces the homework and brings it to you when it matters so that you are never surprised!
The app follows key events and information around these events for your stocks and integrates them into your personal calendar – so you can see what’s ahead for your investments. You get the right information anywhere, anytime.”
Product Launched: September 2012
HQ Location: New York, NY
Company Founded: December 2011
Metrics: $750K raised to date, 50 employees based in New York, NY and Mumbai, India
Twitter: @aSparkInc
Finovate demo (demo video will be posted next week)
Introducing Raj Patil (CEO) and Rajul Rana (CTO)

Cachet Financial’s CheckReview Helps Identify Check Fraud

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Then, Cachet Financial launched its CheckReview Solution:

“Our patent-pending CheckReview Solution is a proprietary technology that helps financial institutions to identify potential check fraud by giving them the ability to view and validate the digital image of the check in real time. 

In the past, financial institutions could only view a check image after it had been cleared for deposit. By allowing access to the images before clearing, Cachet gives clients greater control in mitigating check fraud.”

Product Launched: September 2012
HQ Location: Minneapolis, MN
Company Founded: February 2010
Twitter: @CachetFinancial
Finovate demo (demo video will be posted next week)
Introducing Larry Blaney (EVP of Sales) and Christopher Ebbert (Chief Information Officer)

Thomson Reuters Enables FIs to Create Market Monitoring and Investing Apps

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Afterward, Thomson Reuters took the stage with its App Store solution:

“Thomson Reuters is pleased to introduce their App Store solution that enables access to the latest innovative capabilities and tools for use across the digital enterprise. 

The Thomson Reuters solution enables financial institutions and third party developers to effortlessly create pioneering market monitoring and investing apps. By seamlessly integrating the combination of Thomson Reuters content assets with a firm’s customer account data and other data sources, Thomson Reuters is helping institutions leverage the providers of financial insight to deliver a differentiated experience for their customers while lowering both development costs and time to market.”

Product Launching: Late 2012
HQ Location: New York, NY
Company Founded: 1851
Metrics: 50,000 employees, $12.9B revenue
Twitter: @thomsonreuters
Finovate demo (demo video will be posted next week)
Introducing Jaime Punishill (Global Head of Digital Distribution & Content) and Michael Gavronsky (VP Financial Services EPAM Systems)

Ohpen Introduces Cloudbanking Platform

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Then, Ohpen took the stage with its cloudbanking platform:
“Ohpen developed a fully automated and integrated multilingual cloudbanking platform for the operation, administration, reporting and distribution of mutual funds investing and savings accounts. The website as well as the mid and back office and CRM are integrated in one application. The idea behind the platform is that it should be possible to offer unlimited scalability, availability, security and flexibility of services. In addition, profound automation of processes and services is key.
The platform is being hosted in the cloud and therefore is not installed locally at the bank (as all old-fashioned financial institutions do). The choice for this hosting solution will result in a 90% cost reduction.
Use of the platform will limit the number of employees needed to run day-to-day operations and decrease investment in hardware and software.”
Product Launched: April 2012
HQ Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Company Founded: April 2009
Twitter: @OhpenBeleggen
Finovate demo (demo video will be posted next week)
Introducing Chris Zadeh (CEO)

Locaid Demonstrates Geofence, a Geolocation API

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Next, Locaid demonstrated Geofence:

“Locaid Geofence is a new API that allows financial services, bank and card issuers to combine and compare real-time customer locations with card swipe and transaction location data (POS et al). 

Using Locaid’s Location-as-a-Service, banks can compare mobile location to POS locations to determine fraud potential, reduce false positives and drive enhanced cardholder engagement. The Geofence API also allows the bank to create alerts whenever cardholders enter or leave the defined areas, such as branch or ATM locations.”

Product Launched: July 2012
HQ Location: Boca Raton, FL
Company Founded: 2005
Metrics: $26.2M total in venture funding: Series A (November 2005) $5M; Series B (January 2008) $8.15M; Series C (February 2011) $13M
Twitter: @Locaid
Finovate demo (demo video will be posted next week)
Introducing Rip Gerber (CEO)

ImpulseSave Gives Users a Point of Saving

Thumbnail image for ImpulseSaveLogo.jpgThird to take the stage, ImpulseSave launched its platform that gives users a point of saving:

“ImpulseSave’s new savings tools make saving just as easy, as front-of-mind and as fun as spending. Our users are saving between two and three times the national average and are engaging on a daily and weekly basis. 

Through our simple web and mobile apps we offer an alternative gratification experience to consumption that redirects that money toward saving. In addition to, instead of, or whenever the impulse strikes them, Consumers now have a “Point of Saving” at every point of sale, and at every point in between.”

Product Launched: September 2012
HQ Location: Cambridge, MA
Company Founded: February 2011
Metrics: 4 full-time employees
Twitter: @impulsesave
Finovate demo (demo video will be posted next week)
Introducing Phil Fremont-Smith (Co-Founder & CEO) and Anne Steinhaus (VP Product)

IND Group Launches Solution to Help Customers with Financial Planning

Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for INDGroupLogo.jpgSecond up, IND Group launched Story of My Finances:

“Story of My Finances is a completely new approach to digital financial customer service. It takes online banking and PFM to a next level of mass retail financial planning and advice. 

Stories are customer-driven financial life processes, like “How to spend less”, “Prepare for a rainy day”, “Buy a home” or “Retirement planning.” Stories help end-customers to get financially fit and to have a peace of mind. Stories are the missing link between everyday people and financial products. We believe that we can improve people’s financial life by licensing our white-label technology to financial institutions.”

Product Launched: September 2012
HQ Location: Munchen, Germany
Company Founded: 1997
Metrics: 12M € in revenue, 7 offices, 225 employees, 30 retail banks and financial institutions as clients
Twitter: @indgroup
Finovate demo (demo video will be posted next week)
Introducing Jozsef Nyiri (Founder & Chief Innovator) and Roland Pecsenye (Founder & Executive Chairman)