FinovateAsia 2013 / Yodlee
Presenter Profile:
How they describe themselves: Yodlee is the platform for financial innovation. With the largest collection of consumer and small business transactional data on the planet, Yodlee powers the next generation of digital services, from personal financial management (PFM) to digital wallets, and so much more.
How they describe their product/innovation: Most people have multiple “shared finances” in their life. Spouses. Children. Elderly parents. Accountants. Advisors. Friends. So Yodlee is introducing Tandem – the first collaborative financial app that lets users securely establish and manage their social financial relationships. From tagging transactions, to sharing documents, to sending money, to collaborating with advisors and accountants, Tandem gives users the power to establish financial circles based on levels of trust and account sharing access. And Tandem gives financial institutions the ultimate mobile banking app.
Product Distribution Strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions & through other fintech companies and platforms
Bus. Dev.: Jason O’Shaughnessy, International VP, [email protected], +44 20 7664 8845
Press: Melanie Flanigan, Sr. Marketing Director, [email protected], +1-650-980-3707
Sales: Dhruv Manga, Regional Sales Director, [email protected], +91 120 436 6081