FinovateSpring 2017 / cyberProductivity SA

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Cyber Productivity is the leading real-time accounting robots developer for small & medium businesses (SMBs), with the most recent implementation for mBank.

Main product: FinAutomate – automated accounting platform, helps SMBs manage  cash in the real-time, boosts sales of factoring, loans and payments. Delivered within banking internet platform. Bank branded. Dedicated to all banks operating on SMB market segment. MIT FinTech Future Commerce finalist, March 2017.  EFMA-Accenture Distribution & Marketing Innovation Award for the Best Service or Product (mKsiegowosc in mBank), Barcelona September 2016. Best FinTech in Bank Implementation award for mBank by FinTech Gala.

How they describe their product/innovation: FinAutomate, bank branded SMB automated accounting platform. Fundamental change to accounting, transforming it from historical to real-time, using fresh data for cash management and contextual sales of banking products. Integrates accounting and banking data, unifies user experience, produces new services & sales scenarios for banks. Secures clients relationships ownership. FinAutomate – everyday SMB finance management tools as a part of banking experience. Helps banks to be the first offering factoring, loans and payments directly in the bank branded accounting platform. Implemented with success in mBank (Commerzbank Group). +30 000 mBank SMB users in 10 mo, >2M transactions, +50% NB penetration, transacting +90%.

Product distribution strategy: Through financial institutions, licensed


Bus. Dev.: Rafal Strzelecki, CEO, [email protected], +48 606 296844
Press: Mariusz Babula, PR Manager, [email protected]
Sales: Artur Mojecki, Sales Director, [email protected]

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