FinovateSpring 2017 / BeSmartee
Presenter Profile:
How they describe themselves: BeSmartee develops automated loan origination software they private label and license to lenders. Founded in 2008, with headquarters in Huntington Beach, Calif., the BeSmartee team has worked on the front and back-end of mortgage originations for over a decade, applying their knowledge to develop truly unrivaled user experiences, with an array of tools and features catering to the specific needs of lenders and their customers.
How they describe their product/innovation: By utilizing artificial intelligence, BeSmartee’s advanced origination processes enable lenders to take their borrowers from the initial contact into underwriting in 20 minutes with a complete loan application, credit report, income/asset documents, eSigned/eDelivered disclosures and paid appraisal.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms, licensed
Bus. Dev., Press, Sales: Arvin Sahakian, Co-Founder, [email protected]