FinovateSpring 2017 / ACH Alert
Presenter Profile:
How they describe themselves: Our company partners financial institutions and their account holders in the fight against payments fraud. ACH Alert’s patented, award-winning, innovative fraud prevention solutions have demonstrated their effectiveness by empowering account holders to stop more than 1.2 billion dollars in fraud attempts in the last 2 years alone! With more than 25 years of industry experience, the founders continue to create solid solutions to mitigate payment risk across multiple payment channels. Our enterprise, SaaS solutions are strategically designed to be leveraged by financial institutions of all sizes and processing scenarios.
How they describe their product/innovation: Fraud Prevention HQ is a multi-payment channel fraud monitoring system designed to engage account holders in real-time with actionable, out-of-band alerts for customized rule set violations. From a dashboard, accessible through most online banking systems, customers view and decision suspect transactions, BEFORE money leaves their account. Out-of-band verification leveraging voice biometrics secures responses for high risk transactions. Dispute forms are presented electronically and exception settlement handling is automated. Fraud Prevention HQ is a game changer for financial institutions, making it feasible to offer protection to all account holders, transforming costly back room fraud prevention into a revenue generating machine.
Product distribution strategy: Through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms
Bus. Dev.: David Peace, President, [email protected], 423-693-0110
Press: Deborah Peace, CEO, [email protected], 423-702-4380
Sales: Kate Hall, Regional Sales Representative, [email protected], 423-702-4379