FinovateEurope 2011 / AcceptEmail
Presenter Profile:
How they describe themselves: AcceptEmail enables simple & secure e-billing and payment utilizing the power and universal reach of email. Smartpix dynamic images convey the current bill status, resulting in a comprehensive and friendly user experience in the customers’ inbox. In a 3-click process bills are paid straight from the email without manual data (re)entry, resulting in full process transparency & control for the payer. Apart from improved customer service the biller realizes lower DSO (because customers pay faster) and reduced collection costs. AcceptEmail also supports credit management (reminders / e-Dunning) and smart SEPA Direct Debit notifications. The service is applied in various stages of the invoice-to-cash process. Low implementation requirements result in easy deployment. AcceptEmail is available throughout Europe (in 2011 also in the US and Asia) in combination with many online payment methods and also debit – and credit cards.
What they think makes them better: The real time generation of images conveying a 100% accurate status of an e-bill in the mail is patented and unique. The comprehensiveness of the service is a differentiator; each biller is provided with real time information in a dashboard on all the transactions, including information whether an AcceptEmail has arrived has been opened by the receiver, clicked and paid. Furthermore a web form application is available for creating individual transactions on the fly e.g. from call centers.
Bus. Dev.: Bert Verelst, Business Development Manager, [email protected]
Press, Sales: Peter Kwakernaak, CEO, [email protected]