Here’s @Finovate’s live Twitter stream from FinovateEurope on Tuesday, February 7.
Entries appear in chronological order:
Session 1
- Here’s the first Finovate demo. Nutmeg launch: “Investing the way it should be.” Link

- Nutmeg walking through investment goal setup; red popup tells you if you are drifting away from your goals and what to do about it.
- Ping Identity launching methods for banks to integrate with social networks.>> huge priority for future. Link
- Ping Identity demoing Facebook integration in account-opening process; has a number of integration ideas in the works with clients.
- At Finovate, PayPal and la Caixa are launching PayPal account opening in 30 seconds by choosing email address and password. Link
- Have found that PayPal account opening within la Caixa Bank environment increases account setup success by 2x to 3x.
- iBrokr AG, unit of Fidor Bank, is launching Stockbattle: Social betting on stock market. Link
- iBroker demoing 1-euro bet on the stock value of a German company; has Facebook integration to share the bet to find a counter bet.
- iBroker is easy, transparent, fun and accessible. A wildly innovative service to offer within an online banking or investment account.
- BCSG is launching CreditHQ represents, a better way for small businesses to handle credit management. Link
- BCSG’s CreditHQ demoing credit management dashboard; has integration with collection agency to help followup with late payments.
- Backbase launching major new features in Bank 2.0 portal including targeting to customer segments. Link
- Backbase has cool widgets targeted to segments, showing student page mockup. Working with ABN AMRO, ING, DB, Barclays, and Visa.
- Fenergo demoing “deal manager,” client on-boarding and KYC compliance solution for corp banking/investments. Link
- Fenergo showing dashboard to build the “credit pack” to pass to underwriting and back office departments; shows work-flow backlogs.
- Service2Media and Rabobank introduce mobile payments via an existing banking application. Link
- Service2Media showing cool mobile features: OCR recognition, “drag and drop” coins across page; “shake to clear.”
- CurrencyFair launching peer-to-peer foreign exchange transfers with its QuickTrade. Link
- CurrencyFair demoing a foreign exchange transaction, in this example a 68 GBP savings on 2000 GBP exchange; great user interface.
- CurrencyFair has processed 90 million Euros, currently doing 0.5 million per day and growing quickly.
- Holvi demoing “group account” replaces bank account with smart payment account designed for any group. Link
- Holvi account assists groups with raising money, distributing cash, processing expense reports and tracking/ categorizing/ sharing it.
- Holvi can also be used for group to setup online store for donations, t-shirt sales and so on; 58% of consumers involved in groups.
Session 2
- We are back from break with Etronika showing voice, face and gesture recognition technology. Link
- Etroinka demoing logging in via voice intro then authenticated with facial recognition; also showing gesture/voice navigation.
- miiCard demoing new online Identity verification system to ease account opening and ID authentication. Link
- miiCard demoing how it takes existing banking relationship to validate your identity; done in 5 to 10 minutes; then can share.
- Mootwin launching one-stop-shop for mobile financial needs; demoing iPad app. Link
- Mootwin showing streaming video on tablet; can communicate directly with financial adviser within UI; working with Cortal Consors.
- Actiance showing dashboard for publishing to social media networks. Link
- Actiance demoing dashboard in Socialite Engage that shows engagement with users; has tools to track overall program across company.
- Fiserv is showing Mobiliti M-Cash service in use by ANZ; demoing mobile payment to non-ANZ customer. Link
- Fiserv demoing M-Cash white label mobile payment service; entire process takes about 30 seconds; now showing online m-payment.
- Aimia & Cardlytics launching transaction-based marketing platform; Aimia is investor in Cardlytics. Link
- Cardlytics demoing their in-statement-offer UI within a live PNC Bank account; highlighting Burger King 20% cash-back offer.
- Cardlytics demoing merchant dashboard; real-time results of spend of customers in entire category with offers vs those without.
- Liqpay, with 1.5 mil customers, launching, payment detail shortener for SMS and email Link
- Liqpay “payment detail shortner” is similar to for URLs; showing how it works at Privatbank; increases accuracy and safety.
- DCisions launching InvestorBee to take guesswork out of investing with understandable risk vs. return info. Link
- InvestorBee will make investing benchmarks available free to consumers; believe simple facts will disrupt investing.
- ValidSoft demoing secure m-banking with out-of-band four-factor authentication and transaction. Link
- ValidSoft demoing voice-based authentication to confirm trans; system calls mobile number and customer answers to confirm… nice!
- Dynamics showing battery-powered card that is “first mobile wallet that works everywhere plastic accepted.” Link
- Dynamics showing how to press a button on card to get a disposable number to use online; or request rewards points be used at POS.
- Dynamics launching today Chip & Choice for Europe, allows multi-app card to be used with single-app software infrastructure.
Session 3
- eToro, with 2 million users; launching Guru Finder crowdsourcing to find traders to follow and copy. Link
- eToro demoing trader profiles and community communications; also launching iPad app.
- Serverside Group launching a Facebook app for banks to provide tangible value. Link
- Serverside Group app allows customers to upload images from FB to create their own customized credit/debt card; can increase usage.
- When finished using Serverside app, users can post their cards in FB update; bank could run design competition to “like” cards.
- Tradeshift demoing how businesses can manage cash flow; launching “instant payments” options. Link
- Tradeshift showing dashboard controls; onboard process for suppliers and instant payment process; available to entire supply chain.
- Finsphere, which recently partnered with Vodafone, uses mobile phone location to assist with authentication. Link
- Finsphere demoing its “risk score” for each transaction; online banking login process; and consumer Pinpoint service.
- Launching Handpoint Headstart, mobile Chip & PIN payment solution. Link
- Handpoint demoing payments on mobile phone, table and mobile POS device; also showing Square-like mobile reader option.
- Wipro Technologies launching tablet-based customer acquisition system. Link
- Wipro showing interface that sales adviser would use with prospects to explain products and compare options.
- Wipro app allows adviser to take a screen cap and email the page to the customer >Very cool way to follow-up on initial discussion.
- Luup launching travel management system for businesses and governments. Link
- Luup demoing employee registration; using mobile to create trip itinerary and request approval from manager.
- Meniga, PFM provider, is launching “Peace of mind banking.” Link
- Meniga UI has forward looking cash position, like Simple’s “safe to spend” balance; showing “emergency fund” balance tracking.
- Meniga working to move PFM from a “tab” to the most used part of online banking.
Session 4
- Striata is launching eConsent “PUSH email billing” with NO registration process. Link
- Striata demoing process: 1st email is Yes/NO overlay on shaded-out bill. No username or password; use a secret, for example: mobile number and birthday.
- Striata showing interactive bill, “mini-website” right in the inbox.
- Sandstone Technology showing modern-looking user interface on iPhone built on HTML5. Link
- Sandstone Technology showing on multiple phones; demoing how user can personalize app with own picture; change display views.
- Kabbage launching ScoreKard today, a quantitative view of health of client’s online store. Link
- Kabbage has now loaned $10 million to small online sellers on eBay and elsewhere; showing integration with Etsy.
- Kabbage showing “social climbing” system where Kabbage analyzes client’s social media activity to help in underwriting.
- AcceptEmail showing MOBILE electronic bill presentment & payment, its “Short Invoice Service.” Link
- AcceptEmail allows content of sent email to be changed while in client’s inbox, eg. after bill paid, status can be changed.
- Figlo’s widget-based platform helps advisers communicate to clients via Facebook. Link
- Figlo showing integration of online banking with long-range planning; showing table version.
- Ixaris launching Opn Cardworks, “card system in a box”, allows issuer to fully customize. Link
- Ixaris can get Visa approval for new card within 6 weeks; demoing Ixaris “app store” for building programs.
- IND Group launching new gamified banking interface ” online banking goes from boring to fun” Link.
- IND iGroup demoing UI which includes points area, achievements, badges (which unlock more rewards); shows totals over time.
- That’s a wrap folks. 35 Finovate demos and no one went over time limit! What a day, see you in the networking hall.
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