Dealflow Launches a More Efficient Way to Raise Capital

Dealflow Launches a More Efficient Way to Raise Capital

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

DealflowLogoDealflow showed a new way to raise capital:

We’re solving the largest problem in the business of raising capital with software that creates targeted outreach to investors based on preferences-data that we use to match investors with opportunities. Companies are increasingly reaching beyond their personal networks to raise capital. They’re using deal portals, social media networks, and a variety of investment databases to find investors. We make the process easier by putting everything in one place and by offering tools that make raising capital efficient.

Presenter: Dealflow CEO and founder, Steven Dresner (standing)



Product Launch: September 2015
Metrics: Raised $2 million; 8 employees; 9,000 registered users
Product distribution strategy: Direct to consumer (B2C); direct to business (B2B); licensed

HQ: New York City, New York
Founded: April 2013
Twitter: @dealflow

Fern Software Presents its API Banking CRM Software Service, BayTree

Fern Software Presents its API Banking CRM Software Service, BayTree

Fern_SoftwareThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

Midway through our final session of the day, here is the team from Fern Software.

BayTree is a developer-friendly, plug-and-play banking/CRM system for existing software to consume and work with the Fern data. With BayTree, Fern is introducing a new web application that offers limitless flexibility and customization options. The platform has a low barrier of entry for pricing while allowing for scaling up through the integration first and third-party modules to add functionality.

Presenters: Eamon Scullin, Fern’s CEO and founder; Adam Stirtan, software architect




Product Launch: August 2015

Metrics: Privately held company with 60+ employees globally
Product distribution strategy: Direct to business (B2B); certified partners

HQ: Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, Singapore, United Kingdom
Founded: December 1979
Twitter: @fernsoftware

HelloWallet Launches Retirement Explorer

HelloWallet Launches Retirement Explorer

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

HelloWalletLogoHelloWallet launched its Retirement Explorer:

Retirement Explorer is an approachable and actionable online retirement planning tool that helps employees model and work toward specific retirement outcomes. This innovation simplifies the retirement planning process with a user-friendly interface and guidance that is both clear and realistic. Retirement Explorer offers helpful insights with very few inputs and can also scale to accommodate sophisticated employee needs. Employees are able to both model and save retirement scenarios and then make them a reality with a single click due to partner integrations.”

Presenters: Matt Fellowes, chief innovation officer, Morningstar, and founder of HelloWallet; Andrew Vincent, senior product manager; Gabe Gorelick-Feldman, software engineer



Product Launch: September 2015
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)

HQ: Washington, DC
Founded: 2009
Twitter: @hellowallet

Euronovate Launches Biometric Fusion Technologies

Euronovate Launches Biometric Fusion Technologies

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

EuronovateLogoNext, Euronovate launched its Biometric Fusion Technologies:

“Our customers can rely on digital services that significantly provide increasing value by progressively enhancing the quality of identities throughout the customer relationship. Euronovate helps develop online and in branch services by providing state-of-the-art identification through brand new proprietary Biometric Fusion Technologies that combine more biometric data in order to establish remote 100% identification.

You can apply BFT on the entire digital chain: new customer onboarding for online and unattended areas, contract signature with strong authentication, secure transactions, proof management that relys on digital signatures to a digital vault that guarantees the long-term integrity, confidentiality, and legal value of contracts.”

Presenting Alberto Guidotti (CEO), Ervin Ukaj (R&D Director), and Pietro Lanza (Marketing & Sales)



Metrics: Raised ~$1M USD from start up in February 2012, revenues from 0 to 6.2M CHF in less than 3 years with over 20% net profit, estimated revenue 12M CHF in 2015 and exponential growth world wide, over 65 employees with 20 in Lugano (headquarters, R&D, design e hardware and software, production software) and 45 in the Far East (Shenzhen and Taipei, locations of factories manufacturing), 4 commercial branches in Italy, Bucharest for Balkans, Madrid for Iberia, and Mexico City for Central America, more than 45,000 active installations in Italy, Switzerland, Spain, China, and Middle East, more than 1.5M people sign with Euronovate solutions in 3 different continents every day.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)

HQ: Lugano, Switzerland
Product Launch: October 2015

AcceptEmail Removes the Hassle from Paying Bills

AcceptEmail Removes the Hassle from Paying Bills

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

AcceptEmailLogoAcceptEmail demonstrated how it’s making it easier for customers to pay bills:

AcceptEmail delivers payment requests directly to the customer’s mobile device or desktop via various messaging solutions including email, IM, QR code, and social media. The customer may make a payment any time and from anywhere, directly from the inbox, with just a few clicks. There are no apps to download, no registering, no logging in.

Payment may come from the customer’s bank account via Verified ACH, by credit or debit card, or via a third-party method. Once the payment goes through, the status bar changes from blue (due) to green (paid) in real time. Customers love AcceptEmail’s simplicity and convenience.

AcceptEmail presenters: CTO Geerten Oelering and CEO Peter Kwakernaak



Product Launch: April 2014
Metrics: 20 employees; offices in Amsterdam, Brussels, London, and New York
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms

HQ: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Founded: September 2006
Twitter: @AcceptEmail

DAVO Technologies Collects, Files, and Pays Sales Tax on Merchants’ Behalf

DAVO Technologies Collects, Files, and Pays Sales Tax on Merchants’ Behalf

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

DAVOTechnologies2Next, DAVO Technologies showed how its solution automatically collects, files, and pays sales tax on merchants’ behalf:

DAVO Sales Tax is the automated sales tax solution for small to mid-sized merchants. DAVO’s patented process automatically and passively collects, files, and pays sales tax for a merchant utilizing the ACH and card payments networks. This unique process integrates with a merchant’s POS and back-end accounting packages, setting aside the total sales tax collected daily, holding it safe and secure. DAVO’s goal is to do for sales tax what ADP and Paychex did for payroll.

Presenter, center: CEO of Davo, Owen Brown



Product Launch: February 2015
Metrics: $2.2 million; 6 team members; 142 acquired customers
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms

HQ: Portland, Maine
Founded: September 2011

Alfa-Bank Debuts Sense, a New Way of Mobile Banking

Alfa-Bank Debuts Sense, a New Way of Mobile Banking

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

AlfaBankLogoAlfa-Bank debuted its mobile banking communication feature, Sense:

Sense is a new way of mobile banking for universal banks. Sense works like Google Now for customers, predicting the next thing they might need. It’s more gentle and personal than the ordinary bank app and communicates like Facebook Messenger.

Presenters: Vladimir Urbanksky, CEO, Alfa-Bank; Nikita Filippov, CEO, Octoberry; and Artem Molchanov, project manager, Alfa-Lab



Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), through other fintech companies and platforms


Ormsby Street Presents its New Credit Risk Solution, CreditHQ

Ormsby Street Presents its New Credit Risk Solution, CreditHQ

Ormsby_Street_logo_FF2015This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

Our final demonstration of this session comes courtesy of Ormsby Street.

CreditHQ takes data from major credit-data suppliers and uses that to allow small businesses to check the credit status, payment performance, and financial health of the companies they invoice. The CreditHQ Insight Engine explains what each piece of information means within the context of the relationship that a business has, and gives options on what actions might be taken.

Presenter: Martin Campbell, managing director



Product launch: January 2015

Metrics: Ormsby Street is founded as a spinoff from BCSG, which owned a simple credit-risk product originally dating back to 2008. CreditHQ now has more than 26,000 customers in the United Kingdom with a weekly growth rate of 10%.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions

HQ: London, United Kingdom
Founded: February 2014
Twitter: @ormsbystreet

Twilio’s Authy Debuts OneTouch Authentication

Twilio’s Authy Debuts OneTouch Authentication

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

AuthyLogoAuthy a division of Twilio, showed how its OneTouch streamlines two-factor authentication:

Authy OneTouch is the next generation in strong authentication: frictionless and more secure. Authy OneTouch streamlines 2FA for consumers by making it a simple “yes” or “no” approval of a push notification initiated-request on an authorized mobile or wearable device—there are no one-time password codes for users to enter or manage. Based on public cryptographic key processes, Authy OneTouch provides nonrepudiation and protects against phishing and man-in-the-middle attacks for any logon or event, such as changes in account settings, high-risk transactions, or credit card purchases.

Presenter in center: Dan Killmer, lead solutions architect



Metrics: 11,000 apps in-site protected; millions of users worldwide
Product distribution strategy: Developer-driven sales, outbound enterprise and channel sales

HQ: San Francisco, California
Founded: 2012
Twitter: @Authy

Crowdability Launches its “Stock Screener” for Early Stage Private Companies

Crowdability Launches its “Stock Screener” for Early Stage Private Companies

CrowdabilityThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

The co-CEOs of Crowdability are next.

CrowdabilityIQ is the world’s first independent “stock screener” for early stage private companies. It provides subscribers with a way to quickly identify the most promising private market investments.

Each day, the CrowdabilityIQ software automatically gathers and analyzes data about new startups that are raising capital on various funding platforms. After collecting data from the platforms and other online sources, CrowdabilityIQ prepares an easy-to-understand, 10- to 15-page research report on each investment opportunity, including a number of proprietary metrics and data points. Investors can use the CrowdabilityIQ interface to rapidly filter and surface reports and opportunities that are most suitable for their investment objectives.

Presenters: Crowdability’s Co-CEOs Matthew Milner and Wayne Mulligan



Product Launch: September 2015

Metrics: $1 million raised; 50,000+ subscribers
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C)

HQ: New York City, New York
Founded: March 2014
Twitter: @crowdability

Alpine Data Introduces Touchpoints to Help Businesses Gain Insights from Big Data

Alpine Data Introduces Touchpoints to Help Businesses Gain Insights from Big Data

Alpine_Data_Labs_logo_FF2015This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

Our next demonstration is from Alpine Data Labs.

Alpine Touchpoints allow businesses to scale their data-science efforts by bringing insights directly to business users. Touchpoints’ individual, configurable experiences allow users to gain access to powerful predictive and machine learning models without ever touching the data.

Presenters: Steven Hillion, chief product officer, co-founder; Josh Lewis, VP, industry applications



Product Launch: September 2015

Metrics:$32 million raised; 50 employees
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)

HQ: San Francisco, California
Founded: 2011
Twitter: @AlpineData

Capriza Helps Businesses Go Mobile without Coding, Integrations, or APIs

Capriza Helps Businesses Go Mobile without Coding, Integrations, or APIs

CaprizaThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

Making their way to the stage next is the team from Capriza.

Capriza’s end-to-end simplification platform enables IT and lines of business to mobile-enable critical business workflows in a matter of days without any coding, APIs, or integration. The solution is applicable for packaged applications such as SAP, Oracle, Salesforce, as well as custom-built solutions. Capriza disrupts the speed and economics of the journey by extending the capability of legacy applications, in a simple and useable way, onto any smartphone, tablet, or desktop.

Presenters: Ivan Prafder, VP, regional business development, and Stephen Insdorf, senior solutions engineer, seated


Metrics: Capriza is venture-backed funded by Andreesson Horowitz, Charles River Ventures, and Tenaya Capital with a total raise to date of $53 million. Capriza has offices in North America and Europe, with 51-100 employees in each who are fluent in English, Mandarin, French, and Spanish.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)

HQ: Palo Alto, California
Founded: July 2011
Twitter: @Capriza