FinDEVr Silicon Valley: Looking Back, Moving Forward

FinDEVr Silicon Valley: Looking Back, Moving Forward


With the third annual FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016 only a few weeks away (and tickets still available), it’s a great time to look back and see what the FinDEVr alums have been up to this year.

From new integrations, new solutions, and new partnerships to mergers, acquisitions, and initial public offerings, we were impressed at how busy our FinDEVr alums have been. Take a look for yourself—and then be sure to save your spot at FinDEVr when it returns to Silicon Valley, October 18 & 19.

Alums presenting at FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016:

Aerospike (FD15)

  • Earned a spot on the Big Data 50
  • Released version 3.8 of its database server

DefenseStorm (formerly Presidio) (FD15)

  • Rebranded as DefenseStorm
  • Ranked as one of the top 10 most promising cloud banking solutions of 2015
  • Raked in $3 milion in new funding

Entrust Datacard (FD15)

  • Named 2015 CFO of the Year—Kurt Ishaug—by Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal
  • Teamed up with Harman to safeguard IoT data
  • Provided instant card-issuance technology to Bank of the Ozarks.
  • Announced EMV-instant issuance milestone of more than 10 million cards in the U.S. in one year
  • Partnered with Trend Micro to bring better data encryption and authentication technology to businesses
  • Released Datacard MX Series Laser 350 with new personalization features

Envestnet | Yodlee (formerly Yodlee Interactive) (FD15)

  • Discussed thin files and the foundation of credit in a special Finovate feature
  • Forged strategic partnership with United Capital
  • Unveiled its Risk Insight API
  • Partnered with South African API marketplace, Limitless
  • Brought account aggregation and PFM tools to Australian Superannuation fund, QSuper
  • Presented the new incubator class for its Ynext program
  • Integrated with Salesforce Financial Services Cloud

Hyperwallet (FD15)

  • Helped facilitate payments to expert freelancers on OnFrontiers network
  • Added a pair of VPs: Tomas Likar (Strategy and Business Development) and Daniel Berardo (People)
  • Launched loyalty program for independent workers
  • Won Best Corporate/Government Payments Programme at Emerging Payments Awards

Modo (FD15)

  • Demoed at FinovateFall 2016
  • Connected digital payments hub with Finovate alum Klarna’s checkout solution
  • Closed $2 million funding round

MX (FD15)

  • Signed deal with Vision FCU to provide its money-management app
  • Demoed at FinovateFall 2016, became first company to win Finovate Best of Show six times
  • Partnered with fellow Finovate alum NCR to launch new money-management platform
  • Added cash-flow feature to MoneyDesktop platform
  • Powered Homeownership Preservation Foundation’s digital money-management app
  • Provided technology for fellow Finovate alum Q2’s Contextual PFM solution
  • Inked multiyear data-aggregation deal with USAA
  • Recruited first CMO, Don MacDonald
  • Honored as the Innovation Showcase Award winner by the attendees of the BAI Retail Delivery conference
  • Named by Self Lender as one of three startups that is “absolutely crushing it” in fintech

Personal Capital (FD15)

  • Offered digital wealth management for BancAlliance Member Banks
  • Hired former Yodlee CFO
  • Featured in FT Partners research report on digital wealth management
  • Announced new investment of $50 million, with another $25 million coming in 2017
  • Topped $2 billion AUM
  • Launched Financial Fitness program for employers to offer employees
  • Debuted first eBook, A Better Financial Life
  • Earned spot on first Forbes Fintech 50
  • Lowered investment minimum from $100,000 to $25,000
  • Named one of the top 100 tech companies in Colorado by Built in Colorado

SnoopWall (FD15)

  • Listed in Silicon Review as one of the 20 fastest-growing security companies

WorldPay (FD15)

Other alums

American Express Corporate Payments (FD15)

Arxan (FD15)

  • Quoted in eWeek on the problem of app security
  • Announced its Cyber Security scholarship program
  • Extended its app-security protection to Apple TV

Authy (FD15)

  • Reviewed by Developer in a look at two-factor authentication

Avalara (FD15)

  • Added to its Compliance Document Management Solution, CertCapture
  • Featured new Stripe integration, earned dual honors at American Business Awards
  • Teamed up with WooCommerce to help online merchants manage sales taxes
  • Launched LandedCost to help SME’s manage international transaction fees
  • Announced sales-tax accuracy guarantee

BehavioSec (FD15)

  • Earned recognition at 2016 European Fintech Awards in the Risk, Intelligence, and Security category

BlockCypher (FD15)

  • Announced instantaneous cross-border payments
  • Unveiled its Ethereum toolkit for developers (FD15)

Braintree (FD15)

  • Won Payment APIs category at API World 2016

CenturyLink Business (FD15)

  • Hosted SatuitCRM and SatuitCRA software as part of new partnership (FD15)

  • Named to the Forbes Fintech 50
  • Launched open-source blockchain protocol (FD15)

  • From the Tech Side: Interview with CTO PJ Gupta
  • Launched to the public

Skry (formerly Coinalytics) (FD15)

Corezoid (FD15)

  • Launched its Platform-as-a-Service core banking technology via Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Participated in Startup Grind
  • Went live in the U.S. and Western Europe

Currency Cloud (FD15)

  • Partnered with Arkea Banking Services
  • Featured by Business Insider in its list of potential future U.K. fintech unicorns
  • Hired Fiona Tee as CFO

Deluxe (FD15)

  • Celebrated its 100th birthday by ringing opening bell on the NYSE

Enterprise Engineering (FD15)

EVO Snap (FD15)

  • Partnered with Verifone to facilitate EMV payments at restaurants

Fidor Bank (FD15)

  • Acquired by Groupe BPCE
  • Partnered with GFT Technologies to build a mobile banking app
  • Opened offices in Dubai; added Ge Drossaert as managing director
  • Worked with Telefonica Germany to power its new mobile banking service
  • Earned spot in the Fintech 50 2016
  • Won Best Use of IT in Retail Banking at 16th Annual Banking Technology 2015 awards

Finicity (FD15)

  • Unveiled new ACH Account Verification API
  • Won first place in the Finance APIs category of the API World Awards 2016
  • Acquired Aurora Financial Systems

Forte Payment Systems (FD15)

Gem (FD15)

  • Launched Gem Health Network with Philips Blockchain Lab
  • Raised $7 million series A

Interxion (FD15)

  • Provided its Cloud Connect solution to help Neutral Internet Exchange connect to Microsoft Azure

Intuit Developer (FD15)

  • Unveiled personalized app recommendations for QuickBooks Online
  • Earned spot on San Francisco Business Times list of Area’s Best Places to Work
  • Partnered with Fundbox to provide invoice financing to SMEs
  • Teamed up with Kiva to support small business financing via Quickbooks financing platform

Kabbage (FD15)

  • Enlisted Marketo for new marketing solutions
  • Revamped app to enable mobile onboarding for loan applications
  • Partnered with Scotiabank to co-brand loans for SMEs in Mexico and Canada
  • Earned a spot on the 2016 CNBC Disruptor 50
  • Reached $2 billion in loans in five years
  • Teamed up with fellow alums OnDeck and CAN Capital to form Innovative Lending Platform Association
  • Launched its first TV campaign
  • Honored by Marketplace Lending Power 20 Awards
  • Worked with Santander to bring same-day financing to SMEs in the U.K.
  • Powered Sage’s small business loan offering
  • Partnered with ING to provide platform lending to SMEs in Europe
  • Raised $135 million in new funding

Kashoo (FD15)

  • Launched “period locking,” a new feature to lock data within prescribed timeframes

Kofax (FD15)

  • Demoed at FinovateSpring 2016

Kontomatik (FD15)

  • Announced expansion to Portugal
  • Introduced its Financial Health Indicator for small and medium-sized lenders
  • Earned spot on the European Fintech Top 100
  • Featured in HuffPost Business in a look at “the five most useful APIs in the financial world”
  • Demoed at FinovateEurope 2016

Linqto (FD15)

  • Piloted the LEVERAGE App Store with nine credit unions
  • Demoed at FinovateSpring 2016 (FD15)

  • Won U.S. patent for its registered email solution

Markit/F2 (FD15)

  • Enhanced WSO software and services to better integrate trade settlement and cross-border lending
  • Launched ISDA Amend 2.0 in partnership with the International Swaps and Derivatives Association
  • Added to KBW Nasdaq Financial Technology Index
  • Unveiled Chartworks Suite
  • Agreed to acquire Prism Valuation
  • Provided fixed-income pricing data and liquidity metrics for European Commission
  • Partnered with BitSight Technologies to enhance its Know Your Third Party platform
  • Introduced compliance solution to help meet new FRTB requirements
  • Added Federal Republic of German to derivatives trade-management service
  • Selected by PIMCO to improve due diligence and onboarding procedures
  • Powered Thornburg Investment Management’s enterprise data-management solution
  • Launched new Common Reporting Standard solution for tax residency identification and due diligence
  • Supplied FinTech Sandbox with fixed-income pricing and reference data
  • Merged with IHS in $13 billion deal
  • Unveiled new tax utility service
  • Acquired credit default swap pricing service from Fitch Solutions
  • Deployed smart automation technology from Finovate alum WorkFusion
  • Acquired systems integration technology from JP Morgan
  • Added three new customers for its Know Your Third Party platform
  • Hired by UBS to manage its investment bank’s investable indices
  • Began using Amazon Web Services
  • Introduced new streamlined process for cross-currency swaps settlement in partnership with CLS
  • Named to The TRADE Hall of Fame
  • Selected by Aberdeen Asset Management to value hard-to-price assets for positions with limited market data
  • Launched its WSO Credit Manager

Mitek (FD15)

  • Released SDK for mobile check-capture
  • Chosen by online currency exchange b-Sharpe for its identity verification solution, Mobile Verify
  • Partnered with Avoka to provide new mobile onboarding solution
  • Demonstrated at FinovateSpring 2016
  • Added Stephen Ritter as new CTO
  • Elected CEO James B. DeBello as board chair
  • Launched mobile deposit in the U.K.
  • Combined its Mobile Verify solution with anti-fraud technology from IdentityMind Global
  • Teamed up with Harland Clarke to improve RDC security
  • Introduced mobile multicheck-capture for commercial mobile deposit
  • Added facial recognition to its ID document-verification solution, Photo Verify

Nexmo (FD15)

  • Acquired by Vonage for $230 million
  • Featured in Finovate’s interview with CEO Tony Jamous
  • Demoed at FinovateEurope 2016

OnDeck (FD15)

  • Launched marketing campaign featuring Shark Tank judge Barbara Corcoran
  • Unveiled Accountant Advisor Program
  • Added to credit offerings available to Canadian small businesses
  • Collaborated with fellow Finovate alums Kabbage and CAN Capital to form the Innovative Lending Platform Association
  • Earned spot in the Marketplace Lending Power 20
  • Powered SMB loan platform for Chase
  • Partnered with Innovate Finance to debut Transatlantic Policy Working Group
  • Demoed at FinDEVr New York 2016
  • Entered referral agreement with Opus Bank to power SMB lending
  • Announced partnership with JP Morgan
  • Listed by Colorado Biz as one of the “Best Companies to Work For in 2015”
  • Added new small business lending options

Quisk (FD15)

  • Rolled out mobile money platform at National Commercial Bank Jamaica Ltd
  • Provided the cashless, cardless payment technology Network International deployed at points of sale in UAE
  • Selected as a 2015 Red Herring 100 Global Winner

Skry (formerly Coinalytics) (FD15)

Spreedly (FD15)

  • Secured $3 million in new financing
  • Raised $2.5 million in funding

Temenos (FD15)

  • Powered wealth management solution for Standard Chartered
  • Provided core banking solutions for international microfinance specialist, Microcred
  • Replaced legacy IT systems at London’s BACB with CorporateSuite
  • Brought its Treasury Trader solution to National Bank of Kuwait in Egypt
  • Implemented its account-origination module with Pennsylvania State Employees CU
  • Deployed its core banking system technology with Cater Allen Private Bank
  • Partnered with Ripple to power direct, real-time, bank-to-bank settlements for Deloitte
  • Added new core banking client, BMO Asia Pacific
  • Selected by Bank of Montreal to provide core banking solutions
  • Provided payments and banking platform technology to Philippine-based credit union groups
  • Deployed its T24 core banking system at Bermuda Commercial Bank
  • Forged strategic partnership with TransUnion
  • Picked by Pakistan’s Soneri Bank for its T24 core banking system
  • Announced plans for a $500 million refinancing of its banking facilities
  • Reported 23% profit gain in FY 2015
  • Deployed WealthSuite at Nordea Bank Luxembourg
  • Won Best Provider of Front-to-Bank Wealth Suite Solutions at Asian Private Banker’s Technology Awards 2015

Thinking Capital (FD15)

  • Helped diversify alt-lending in Canada with Shopify integration
  • Powered new Staples Business Loans program for Canadian SMEs
  • Partnered with CIBC to expand small business lending in Canada
  • Earned recognition at Deloitte’s Technology Fast 50 Canada Awards
  • Deployed T24 core banking technology with Ghana-based Sovereign Bank

Thomson Reuters (FD15)

  • Earned a spot on the KBW Nasdaq Financial Technology Index
  • Unveiled its KYC due-diligence solution, Org ID
  • Named 2016 European Tax Technology Firm of the Year by International Tax Review
  • Released its compliance solution, Checkpoint State Clear Comply
  • Launched FX benchmark service
  • Created new indices for the Chinese currency, the renminbi, in partnership with Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing Ltd.
  • Introduced new version of its ONESOURCE tax solution
  • Selected as preferred data partner by NAB Asset Servicing
  • Teamed up with Hong Kong-based accelerator, SuperCharger
  • Unveiled its new desktop platform
  • Collaborated with Samsung on mobile security and intelligent IT for the enterprise

Tokbox (FD15)

  • Launched its video-broadcast solution for producers
  • Brought voice and video chat to Apple TV apps with its new developer toolkit

Token (FD15)

  • Opened a new office in London
  • Unveiled a new payment network to facilitate PSD2 compliance
  • Earned a spot at Plug and Play accelerator

UpGuard (formerly ScriptRock) (FD15)

Wallaby (FD15)

  • Launched Wallaby for Chrome 2.0, providing access to credit-card advice in the browser

Xignite (FD15)

  • Provided free market data for FinTech Sandbox demo participants
  • Announced availability of its XigniteGlobalCurrencies API in the Oracle Cloud Marketplace
  • Won Best Cloud Solution at Wall Street Letter Institutional Trading Awards
  • Raised $20 million in new partnership with Tokyo’s QUICK Corporation
  • Earned spot on the first Forbes Fintech 50
  • Partnered with Ipren to provide real-time and delayed equity prices
  • Surpassed 50 billion API calls in a single month

A View From Backstage at FinDEVr San Francisco 2015

A View From Backstage at FinDEVr San Francisco 2015


If you were at FinDEVr San Francisco last week, you experienced first-hand the high energy from 63 presenters and 500 attendees.

As MC, I watched the presentations from backstage and saw a different side of FinDEVr, one of nervous presenters and whispered, last-minute conversations.

You didn’t need to be backstage, however, to notice the trends that emerged at the event:

  • Building better financial services with APIs
  • Removing friction in payments
  • Leveraging data
  • Improving risk management

The 580 attendees—a crowd 40% larger than last year—had much to say about the showcase of APIs flashed around both auditoriums. Participation was high at the presenter networking stations, and many attendees published their thoughts online or through Twitter.

FinDEVr San Francisco in the press

Cripto Noticias
FinDEVr 2015, construyendo el futuro de la tecnología financiera (in Spanish)

Praesidio raises another $3.1M to help banks, credit unions with cybersecurity solution

Let’s Talk Payments
FinDEVr 2015 San Francisco Day 1

How Banks Are Joining Hands With FinTech Firms to Serve Customers

Interview With Konstantin Rabin, CMO of Kontomatik, Leading Provider of Banking API

Let’s Talk Payments at FinDEVr 2015: Day One Highlights

Let’s Talk Payments at FinDEVr 2015: Day Two Highlights

Money’s Edge
Coinalytics Unveils Blockchain Intelligence Tools at FinDEVr

Personal Capital Discusses Their Premier New (and Free!) Retirement Planning Tool
ПриватБанк покажет мировым банкам в Сан-Франциско свою разработку Corezoid

Hyperwallet’s new Freelance Payment API


FinDEVr San Francisco in the Twitterverse:





DavidTweet2A big thanks to everyone who blogged, tweeted, and attended to make this event a success.

We’ll see you at FinDEVr New York, 29/30 March 2016.


FinDEVr Live: Build Blockchain 2.0 Apps with Technology from

FinDEVr Live: Build Blockchain 2.0 Apps with Technology from

Blockstack_homepage_FinDEVr2015 | @blockstackio is an enterprise software company that sells infrastructure for financial services and other enterprises to create blockchain 2.0 applications quickly and easily. The San Francisco-based company has taken the underlying technology of Bitcoin and sells a hosted, private sandbox to accelerate application development and prototyping. Here is the company’s perspective on blockchain technology for financial services:

Our company’s perspective on blockchain technology for financial services

Blockchain technology for financial services is at the bleeding edge. The enormous potential has increased interest in the technology and created many questions, as well. There are many factors to consider: the technical foundation, the application, the participants, the legal and regulatory frameworks, etc. shares some thoughts on which areas are important to understand this new and exciting field of blockchain infrastructure.

Key takeaways:

  • Blockchain is infrastructure technology.
  • Infrastructure must be flexible and rigid in the right places.
  • Ecosystems win, not technology alone.



Peter Shiau, CEO, Co-founder
LinkedIn | @petershiau | [email protected]

Lior Saar, CPO, Co-founder

FinDEVr Live: OpenTok from TokBox Enables Developers to Add Live Video, Voice, and Messaging to Apps

FinDEVr Live: OpenTok from TokBox Enables Developers to Add Live Video, Voice, and Messaging to Apps

tokbox_homepage_FinDEVr2015 | | @tokbox

TokBox_FinDEVr2015_logoTokBox, a Telefonica company, develops and operates OpenTok, the leading cloud platform for embedding real-time video, voice, messaging, and screen sharing into websites and mobile applications. Our comprehensive API offers a suite of advanced capabilities, including interoperable mobile and web SDKs, archiving, security, 1:1 and multiparty calls, and more.

The first platform to incorporate support for WebRTC, OpenTok caters to enterprises, entrepreneurs, and developers with powerful APIs. OpenTok has been used to add real-time communications by companies including Mozilla, Royal Bank of Scotland, Valspar, MLB, Ford, Doritos, Bridgestone Gold & Double Robotics.

How to use WebRTC to build engaging fintech applications
For all the efficiency and convenience that technologies have brought to financial services, a key challenge continues to be their impact on customer satisfaction rates. How can organizations provide topnotch service when most customers, especially millennials, experience services through a website or mobile application and have never set foot in a branch?

Enter WebRTC, the HTML5 standard making it possible to embed secure live video, voice, and text communications directly into the context of your website or application. Learn about the development challenges, best practices, and how fintech companies are already integrating WebRTC into OTT services today.

Key takeaways:

  • What WebRTC is and how it can transform fintech applications
  • How financial service companies can leverage WebRTC to bring the same high-quality customer service from brick-and-mortar stores online
  • The development challenges and best practices for building with WebRTC

Badri Rajasekar, CTO

Rajasekar is the CTO and SVP of engineering at TokBox, the provider of OpenTok, the leading real-time communications platform. He leads the core engineering and operations teams and is responsible for end-to-end service delivery, including product development, quality engineering, and customer solutions.

FinDEVr Live: Checkbook Introduces API for Digital Checks

FinDEVr Live: Checkbook Introduces API for Digital Checks

Checkbook_homepage_FinDEVr2015 | @checkbookio

Checkbookio_FinDEVr2015_logo2Businesses and individuals are still writing paper checks. Checkbook is solving the problem of paper checks by introducing digital checks. The company has built a way for individuals/businesses to send and receive digital checks without the need for signing up.

Checkbook’s API provides merchants with a way to accept digital checks on their websites with a couple lines of code. Digital checks can do real-time balance verification, thus minimizing NSF risk present in ACH. We charge a flat fee of $1 per check or less for businesses, and it’s free for individuals.

API for digital checks
Our presentation will show both a business and an individual sending a digital check using a browser. It will be an end-to-end experience with the beneficiary receiving and depositing the check.

Additionally, we will demo a site using our API to receive digital checks and go over the API integration.

Key takeaways:

  • Digital checks
  • API for digital checks
  • UI/UX for digital checks



PJ Gupta, Founder
LinkedIn | [email protected]

Gupta is a techie with an entrepreneurial spirit who lives and breathes payments. He is the former chief network architect at VISA.

Tim Kay, Technical Staff
LinkedIn | [email protected]

Kay built—all by himself, before it was easy—a check-printing system to solve the problem of paper checks. He holds a doctorate in computer science from Caltech.

FinDEVr Live: Temenos Introduces its B2B Financial Apps Marketplace

FinDEVr Live: Temenos Introduces its B2B Financial Apps Marketplace

Temenos_homepage_FinDEVr2015 | @Temenos

Temenos_FinDEVr2015_logoTemenos Group AG is the market-leading provider of mission-critical software applications to more than 1,650 financial institutions in 150 countries worldwide.

B2B financial apps marketplace
Join us to discover Temenos’ B2B financial services marketplace and become a world-leading fintech solution provider. We will walk you through the benefits of this route to market and show you how to spin up your own cloud-core-banking system for use in development and discovery of products online. There are millions of product opportunities on the Temenos core banking platform (T24) and user experience platform (edgeConnect), and we’ll help you get started by giving you code and putting your product in front of 700 banks and financial institutions.

Key takeaways:

  • How to develop the most successful and disruptive FinTech ideas
  • How development on a core banking system really works
  • How to market your product to more than 700 banks and financial institutions


Aaron Phethean, MarketPlace Director
LinkedIn |@aphethean | [email protected]

Phethean has met with hundreds of banks over the last decade and been through dozens of product launches, core banking renovation projects, and digital channel initiatives. Originally from New Zealand, now based in London, he is a keen innovator and regularly contributes to open-source projects.

FinDEVr Live: Entrust Datacard Secures the Omnichannel Experience with a Trusted Identity

FinDEVr Live: Entrust Datacard Secures the Omnichannel Experience with a Trusted Identity

EntrustDatacard_homepage_FinDEVr2015 | | @EntrustDatacard

EntrustDatacard_FinDEVr2015_logoConsumers, citizens, and employees increasingly expect anytime-anywhere experiences, whether they are making purchases, crossing borders, accessing e-gov services or logging onto corporate networks. Entrust Datacard offers the trusted identity and secure transaction technologies that make those experiences reliable and secure. Solutions range from the physical world of financial cards, passports, and ID cards to the digital realm of authentication, certificates, and secure communications.

Securing the omnichannel experience with a trusted identity
Mobile and cloud are transforming the digital marketplace, providing unprecedented opportunity for financial institutions to differentiate with “friction free,” customer-led interactions. At the core of the omnichannel experience, trusted identities can be leveraged not only to secure access, but also to assist in the fight against fraud and transform processes that will lead to higher opt-in rates and increased customer stickiness.

Key takeaways:

  • Take away a use-case for trusted identities in next-generation digital banking
  • Explore innovative services that will ultimately help redefine the consumer banking experience
  • Discover how to leverage trusted identities to secure access and prevent fraud at the core of the omnichannel experience.



Chris Taylor, Senior Product Manager
LinkedIn | @CTaylor_Entrust

Taylor owns and manages Entrust IdentityGuard, the company’s flagship, identity-based software-authentication platform. He specializes in identity-based security, cybersecurity, mobile security, smartcard technology, and digital certificates.

Brad Cochran, Sales Engineer

FinDEVr Live: Apex Clearing Helps Consumers Fund, Trade, and Invest in an Instant

FinDEVr Live: Apex Clearing Helps Consumers Fund, Trade, and Invest in an Instant


ApexClearing_FinDEVr2015_logoApex Clearing is an innovator in securities clearing, custody, execution, and technology. We specialize in supporting a variety of financial institutions, including broker dealers, proprietary trading firms, online registered investment advisers, and financial technology startups. Our technology powers the most cutting-edge financial firms in the world, and our innovative approach to back-office solutions enables businesses to grow and succeed. Apex prides itself on thinking differently by tirelessly pushing the boundaries of financial services. Apex Clearing Corporation is registered with the SEC, a member of FINRA and participant in SIPC.

Fund, trade, invest … instantaneously
Traditionally, the time required to open a brokerage account is measured in hours or days. Apex will demonstrate how a customer can instantaneously open and fund a brokerage account and place trades the same day. We illustrate how a company can leverage Apex’s RESTful APIs to create the fastest and simplest user experience for their customers. In an age when attention spans barely the length of a 20-minute presentation, we will show you how our technology captures the customer and gets them invested before they can consider abandoning the process. Apex’s effective automation and transparency sets a new standard for costs in a conventionally hi-touch industry.

Key takeaways:

  • How Apex enables fintech companies.
  • How you can use Apex’s APIs to change the way your customers interact with financial service companies.
  • How Apex simplifies the brokerage account-opening and -funding process to get your customer to market as fast as possible



Sam McIngvale, VP Engineering
[email protected]

Emily Auer, Business Development
[email protected]

FinDEVr Live: CenturyLink Enables Developers to Build Applications with Docker and Containerization

FinDEVr Live: CenturyLink Enables Developers to Build Applications with Docker and Containerization

CenturyLink_homepage_FinDEVr2015 | & | & | @CenturyLinkENT & @CenturyLinkCLD

CenturyLink_FinDEVr2015_logoCenturyLink (NYSE: CTL) is a global communications, hosting, cloud, and IT services company enabling millions of customers to transform their businesses and their lives through innovative technology solutions. CenturyLink offers network and data systems management, Big Data analytics, and IT consulting, and operates more than 55 data centers in North America, Europe, and Asia. The company provides broadband, voice, video, data, and managed services over a robust 250,000-route-mile U.S. fiber network and a 300,000-route-mile international transport network.

CenturyLink presents: architecting your applications with Docker and Containerization
The CenturyLink Labs team is focused on creating open-source software and helping developers leverage the benefits of Docker and containers. We provide technical content and tools to help developers start using Docker. Learn how Docker and containerized applications are disrupting the software life cycle, accelerating business agility and facilitating microservice-oriented architectures.

Key takeaways:

  • Docker
  • Containerized applications
  • CenturyLink’s open-source projects


Presenter: David Gardner, Senior Program Manager, CenturyLink Cloud

FinDEVr Live: Markit’s Technology Shows Modernization and Modularity as Keys to Rich UX

FinDEVr Live: Markit’s Technology Shows Modernization and Modularity as Keys to Rich UX

Markit_homepage_FinDEVr2015 | | @markit | | | @mod_labs & @openf2

Markit_FinDEVr2015_logoMarkit is a leading global provider of financial information services. We provide products that enhance transparency, reduce risk, and improve operational efficiency. Our customers include banks, hedge funds, asset managers, central banks, regulators, auditors, fund administrators, and insurance companies. Founded in 2003, Markit employs 4,000 people in 11 countries. Markit shares are listed on Nasdaq under the symbol MRKT.

Markit perspective on our products

Using browser-based technologies and a capabilities-oriented modular approach, we can create anticipatory, personalized experiences that make desktop and terminal replacements a thing of the present. We will cover F2 (, an open source foundation and web integration framework, as well as several key Markit capabilities (charting, smart text, personalization) as key building blocks for multi-party, integrated experiences.

Key takeaways:

  • What F2 is, and how it can solve brokerage, wealth management, and banking-related problems
  • The ease with which Amazon-like, personalized experiences for financial services can be created
  • Markit’s capabilities and deep experience with key technologies for financial services, such as charting and super text


Presenter: Tim Burcham, Head of Labs
LinkedIn | [email protected]

For the past 16 years, Burcham has worked with Markit (formerly Wall Street On Demand) architecting, coding, managing, mentoring, and leading teams to deliver high-quality websites and rich user experiences under incredibly high-traffic volumes and tight timeframes.

FinDEVr Live: Modo Payments Shows Developers How Digital is the New Mobile

FinDEVr Live: Modo Payments Shows Developers How Digital is the New Mobile


modopayments | @getmodo

Modo_FinDEVr2015_logoModo is connecting commerce to the new digital economy. Modo’s platform operates like a shipping container for intermodal payments. Value can be loaded into the container from a variety of systems, delivered across one or more channels, and arrive at a wide variety of destinations. Modo connects different types of value as well, including cards and accounts, and currencies such as digital, loyalty, offers, gifts, and cryptocurrencies. Modo also connects directly to mobile phones, with an innovative Connected Beacon that makes beacons two-way, instead of one-way, interactions.

Mobile payments are dead … long live digital payments
Mobile payments are the solution for a problem that doesn’t exist. Modo’s CEO will describe his voyage of discovery from mobile to digital and demonstrate why connecting containers is the next big wave in payments.

Key takeaways:

  • Why digital is the new mobile
  • How connecting commerce breaks the logjam
  • Get a tour of Modo, an awesome solution for connecting commerce to the digital economy



Bruce Parker, CEO, Founder
LinkedIn | [email protected]

Parker is a self-declared payments geek, a visionary and strategist for some of the largest and most innovative payments-technology companies in the world. Parker has created new products, built partnerships, and shaped strategies that have moved the payments industry.

Aaron Wilkinson, Chief Architect, Founder
LinkedIn | [email protected]

Wilkinson has a decade-and-a-half of experience in software engineering that began with a foundation of real-time, embedded software for high-end military vehicles. He has branched out to many other fields, from user interfaces to software architecture and web services.

FinDEVr Live: Advisor Software’s Wealth Management Cloud Platform Offers 100+ APIs

FinDEVr Live: Advisor Software’s Wealth Management Cloud Platform Offers 100+ APIs

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AdvisorSoftwareLogoAdvisor Software is the leading cloud platform for the investment advice industry. Our Wealth Management CloudTM platform offers an end-to-end suite of APIs and apps supporting every aspect of the wealth-management process, from client acquisition and financial planning to investment planning and portfolio construction, and extending to digital advice and portfolio rebalancing.

Advisor Software Wealth Management Cloud
Advisor Software is providing an overview of its Wealth Management Cloud platform, including the 100+ APIs that comprise its comprehensive solution for the fintech developer community. The company is demonstrating how its application components enable rapid prototyping and development of new wealth-management apps. Key topics will include the platform and its components, cloud deployment, APIs, and a demo of the key platform features.

Key takeaways:

  • Advisor Software’s journey into the world of APIs and cloud
  • How to build a new Robo Advisor quickly using plug-and-play application components
  • Other wealth-management application-development activity using our APIs and upcoming



Archana Rao, VP Engineering
LinkedIn | [email protected]
Archana Rao drives the engineering strategy and technical innovation at Advisor Software. With 15+ years of engineering experience, Archana has led development of various new products and platforms and cultivated global technical talent. Prior to Advisor Software, Archana was with Robert Bosch Healthcare, architecting and building their telemedicine platform. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in computer science.

Kevin Kraus, VP Product
LinkedIn | [email protected]
Kevin Kraus leads product development for Advisor Software. Prior to Advisor Software, Kevin spent 20+ years at Charles Schwab, including 15 years in various tech-product-management positions. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Providence College and an MBA from Dominican University.