Finovate Alumni News


  • “Digital Asset Holdings Acquires Blockchain-as-a-Service Innovator,

Around the web

  • Let’s Talk Payments interviews John Dancu, IDology CEO.
  • AlphaPoint unveils StreamCore to help banks take advantage of blockchain data.
  • Fastacash partners with Xpress Money to launch XOPO, enabling cross-border money-transfers via social networks and messaging channels.
  • Security solutions from Arxan Technologies now running on more than 500 million devices.
  • RIA Biz highlights MaxMyInterest in feature on the NAPFA Fall Conference.
  • ETFdb interviews CEO Maz Jadallah of AlphaClone.
  • Martin Beaulieu, former BlackRock managing director, joins BrightScope as adviser.
  • CurrencyFair expansion to bring 50 new jobs to Dublin, Ireland, over the next year.
  • acquires Fountain, a startup launched by Mint founder, Aaron Patzer.
  • Chinese smartphone maker Nubia unveils phone with EyeVerify authentication technology.

This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

FinDEVr Live: Build Blockchain 2.0 Apps with Technology from

FinDEVr Live: Build Blockchain 2.0 Apps with Technology from

Blockstack_homepage_FinDEVr2015 | @blockstackio is an enterprise software company that sells infrastructure for financial services and other enterprises to create blockchain 2.0 applications quickly and easily. The San Francisco-based company has taken the underlying technology of Bitcoin and sells a hosted, private sandbox to accelerate application development and prototyping. Here is the company’s perspective on blockchain technology for financial services:

Our company’s perspective on blockchain technology for financial services

Blockchain technology for financial services is at the bleeding edge. The enormous potential has increased interest in the technology and created many questions, as well. There are many factors to consider: the technical foundation, the application, the participants, the legal and regulatory frameworks, etc. shares some thoughts on which areas are important to understand this new and exciting field of blockchain infrastructure.

Key takeaways:

  • Blockchain is infrastructure technology.
  • Infrastructure must be flexible and rigid in the right places.
  • Ecosystems win, not technology alone.



Peter Shiau, CEO, Co-founder
LinkedIn | @petershiau | [email protected]

Lior Saar, CPO, Co-founder
LinkedIn Helps Financial Services Companies Build Apps Using a Private, Hosted Blockstack Helps Financial Services Companies Build Apps Using a Private, Hosted Blockstack

BlockstackThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015. is our next presenter here in the second session of the morning.

The company is demonstrating how easy it is to start building an application on a private, hosted Blockstack. Within a few minutes, we are demonstrating the set up of a private blockchain and showing a demo application built on top of the private Blockstack to illustrate how easy it is to get started.

Presenters: CEO Peter Shiau, co-founder, and Lior Saar, chief product officer and co-founder




Product Launch: May 2015 private beta
Metrics: Currently bootstrapped, fewer than 10 employees
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, hosted and licensed

HQ: San Francisco, California
Founded: May 2015
Twitter: @blockstackio


FinovateFall Sneak Peek:

FinovateFall Sneak Peek:


The Sneak Peek series looks at the innovators demoing live on stage at FinovateFall 2015. Pick up your tickets to our annual autumn conference here, and we’ll see you in New York! offers a blockchain software platform for financial services firms and other enterprises to build applications on a private blockchain quickly and easily.


  • Enterprise-ready, private blockchains
  • Simple APIs to access sophisticated blockchain functionality
  • Private ready in minutes

Why it’s great has everything you need to build and run an enterprise blockchain application right now.


Blockstackio_PShiauPeter Shiau, CEO and co-founder
Formerly with Standard Chartered Bank’s Innovation office in San Francisco, Shiau has 20 years of software experience in both startups and enterprises, including AOL and VeriSign.


Blockstackio_LSaarLior Saar, CPO and co-founder
Formerly co-founder @CryptoCorp; developer @Alt12Apps, @Songbird, @Gravity Mobile (now owned by Gracenote)

Finovate Alumni News


  • “Five Alums Earn Finalist Spots in Global Banking Innovation Awards 2015″
  • “Capriza Chosen by Flextronics, Marvell, NTT, Symantec to Boost Workflow Efficiency”

Around the web

  • FusionInvest from Misys wins “Best buy-side pricing and market display” at Systems in the City Awards.
  • Avalara and ePages partner to provide cross-border transaction tax-compliance solution. See Avalara at FinDEVr 2015 in October.
  • Der Finanzprodukt Blog profiles social payments innovator, Fastacash.
  • Dublin Globe asks if Fenergo is the “best kept secret in Irish tech.”
  • Bitcoin Magazine takes a look at how Blockstack uses the blockchain to provide clearing and settlement services for banks. Join Blockstack at FinovateFall 2015 in New York City in September.
  • Taulia and Tradeshift earn spots on CIO Review’s 20 Most Promising Procurement Solution Providers for 2015.

This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.