BrightScope Featured in The New York Times

Image representing BrightScope as depicted in ...

Looking for a reliable guide to the top 401(k) plans? The New York Times is sending inquisitive investors in the direction of BrightScope.

An independent provider of 401(k) ratings since 2008, BrightScope provides an annual list of the top 30 401(k) plans. The company leverages the largest private database of 401(k) data to empower plan sponsors, advisors, and participants.

BrightScope incorporates 200 different factors into each individual 401(k) plan rating, making it easy to quickly evaluate and compare different plans. Importantly, as The New York Times points out, BrightScope makes it easy to compare plans by peer group, as well. This way a 401(k) plan participant can compare his or her plan to other plans in similar industries and businesses.

For more on BrightScope, take a look at the company’s Finovate demo here.

Waspit Brings in $3 Million from New York-Based Investors

Thumbnail image for WaspitLogo.jpg

Student-targeted banking platform, Waspit, announced last week that it received $3 million in funding from New York-based private investors.

The interactive banking platform will use the funding to enhance its sales and marketing efforts and create new features for its registered user base of 5,500 students.

The names of the investors remain undisclosed.

To learn more about Waspit, watch its FinovateFall 2012 demo.

Finovate Alumni News– December 17, 2012

  • FiservThumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpg launches mobile app for UChoose Rewards.
  • Affinity Solutions brings “Big Data” capability to card-linked offers.
  • StockTwits launches a new app for HootSuite.
  • Business Insider looks at Expensify’s team building trip overseas.
  • HelloWallet launches financial wellness workforce assessment for employers.
  • Des Moines Register considers Giftly’s remote gift card giving app.
  • American Banker reports Lawrence Summers, formerly one of President Obama’s top economic advisors, joins Lending Club’s board of directors.
  • Tyfone is expanding into Latin America through a deal with Protege Sistemas of Brazil.
  • Gesa Credit Union chooses Andera’s oFlows platform.
  • Reuters recommends visiting Betterment, Personal Capital, and LearnVest for year-end money advice.
  • launches new application platform powered by open APIs for third-party developers to integrate native apps with’s software.
  • New miiCard DirectID Check allows SMBs & professionals to perform bank-level ID proofing online.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

Controlabill Wins $600,000 Grant from Commercialisation Australia

Controlabill.jpgControlabill‘s bill payments system has won the startup an A$600,000 (Aus. dollars) grant from Commercialisation Australia.

Controlabill is an authority-management service that makes it easy for customers to manage all of their payment relationships in one place. Taking advantage of the efficiency of direct deposit, Controlabill operates independently of the billing process to save time and guarantee on-time payment.

The Commercialisation Australia grant will help the company conduct customer trials, develop sales and support resources, and enlist the services of an experienced CEO.

Commercialisation Australia provides funding and support for innovators as they bring their projects to market. Since January 2010, Commercialisation Australia has awarded more than A$140 million to 360 recipients.

Watch Controlabill in action here.

Finovate Alumni News– December 14, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgBellaDati opens its first international office in Seoul.
  • Klarna co-founder and deputy CEO talks Square and the business of payment processing.
  • Sparkroom wins Readers’ Choice Top Product award.
  • Simple doubles per-transaction limit on its debit cards.
  • Investors Business Daily profiles FIS chairman and CEO Frank Martire.

This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter Account.

Compass Plus Earns High Marks in Annual PayX Report

Thumbnail image for CompassPlusLogo.jpg

A perfect score in the “card-issuer processing capability” category helped TranzWare from Compass Plus earn high marks in the annual PayX report.

TranzWare helps financial institutions manage, switch, and route electronic payments from multiple devices. In this year’s PayX report, the TranzWare product suite earned perfect scores in “complementary products” and finished in the top three (out of 19 reviewed) in a number of other categories such as, “product,” “industry,” and “customer profile overview.”

The PayX report focuses on the year’s top card-acquiring-payment software solutions. This year’s appearance in the report was the second for Compass Plus.

Compass Plus demonstrated another of its recent products, TranzAxis, at FinovateFall 2012 in September.  See the demo from Compass Plus here.

Guess Who’s Back? NetBank

imageIt’s been 5 years since NetBank failed (see our post). At the time it was the largest bank failure in 14 years. But little did we know then (Sep 2007), that the $110 million taxpayers coughed up to cover its deposits was nothing compared to what was about to happen in the financial markets (note 1).

After the failure, ING Direct bought the NetBank retail deposit business and took ownership of the domain But they never did anything with it besides forwarding the URL it its homepage. 

But evidently Capital One didn’t want to be associated with that failed endeavor and/or it thought the "net" was too limiting for the mobile world. So, the Netbank URL and name were sold sometime this year to Bank of Internet (note 2). The URL has pointed to BofI since at least September. No word on the purchase price, but given that just sold for $2.5 million, I’m guessing it was in the $500,000 to $1 million range. 

Anyway, the back story matters little anymore. It’s a good name, and once the Google search results no longer have those 5-year-old "failure" articles on the first page, the baggage should be reduced to almost nothing (note 3).

As you can see from the banner running across the homepage (see second screenshot below), the new NetBank is targeting the account towards the "underbanked" (note 4). But the account is positioned as "real checking" as opposed to a prepaid card.

And it has one key feature that sets it apart from most checking accounts: the ability to deposit cash into the account via Green Dot’s MoneyPak.

The checking account costs $6.95/mo with direct deposit, or $8.95 per month. It pays 0.25% interest and is loaded with all the important account features (checks, debit card, p2p transfers, rewards, PFM, mobile remote deposit and so on).

It’s a good value compared to many alt-banking products. However, consumers in good standing with the U.S. banking system and willing to forego the MoneyPak option, would save with BofI’s free checking with no overdraft charges

Bottom line: It’s good to have the brand back in the game. Now, when will someone revive NextCard’s name?


Before: Last known screenshot of bank before failure (20 Aug 2007, from


After: NetBank’s new homepage (13 Dec 2012)



1. For those that want to relive those dark days, here is the 54-page U.S. Treasury audit of why Netbank failed (published 23 April 2008).
2. I don’t know whether Capital One acquired in its ING Direct acquisition or whether ING Direct sold it directly to BofI. It was not a material asset in the $9 billion deal.
3. Someone needs to do BofI a favor and get that Wikipedia entry updated ASAP. 
4. Or at least those currently locked out of the banking system due to bad ChexSystem scores.

Finovate Alumni News– December 13, 2012

  • Manilla update means one app is all you need to manage expenses from bills to subscriptions.
  • Just in time for the holidays TradeHero is now available at the Apple app store.
  • Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers to join Lending Club board of directors.
  • CorFire announces strategic integration with PayPal.
  • Speaking of PayPal, you can now fund your account with cash using PayPal’s new “PayPal My Cash Card.”
  • Credit Sesame launches free credit-monitoring service.
  • Wipro announces the launch of SmartOffers, in partnership with Intuition Intelligence.
  • On Deck Capital adds American Express veteran to head marketing efforts.
  • InComm launches the Paypal My Cash Card.

This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter Account.

Apply to Demo Your Latest FinTech Innovation at FinovateSpring 2013


With 2012 winding down and our awesome lineup for FinovateEurope soon to be announced, we’ve officially begun accepting applications to demo at FinovateSpring 2013 next May in San Francisco.

There is a tremendous amount of innovation going in the fintech space in Silicon Valley and we’re incredibly excited to be headed back to San Francisco to showcase the best of it. Based on early trends, we expect FinovateSpring 2013 to be our largest event ever — beating last year’s record attendance of 1,200. 

If you’re interested in debuting your latest financial or banking technology innovation at the event, please email us at to get more details.

If you want to attend and watch the future of fintech debut live, tickets for the event are now on sale at our lowest “presale” price of $995 ($400 off list price) — but only through this Friday December 14. Please lock in your seat now to guarantee your ability to attend (and these savings)!

We’ll see you in San Francisco in May (or London in February)!

FinovateSpring 2013 is sponsored by: The Bancorp and Financial Technology Partners

FinovateSpring 2013 partners include: BankersHub and Celent

Apply to Demo Your Latest FinTech Innovation at FinovateSpring 2013


With 2012 winding down and our awesome lineup for FinovateEurope soon to be announced, we’ve officially begun accepting applications to demo at FinovateSpring 2013 next May in San Francisco.

There is a tremendous amount of innovation going in the fintech space in Silicon Valley and we’re incredibly excited to be headed back to San Francisco to showcase the best of it. Based on early trends, we expect FinovateSpring 2013 to be our largest event ever — beating last year’s record attendance of 1,200. 

If you’re interested in debuting your latest financial or banking technology innovation at the event, please email us at to get more details.

If you want to attend and watch the future of fintech debut live, tickets for the event are now on sale at our lowest “presale” price of $995 ($400 off list price) — but only through this Friday December 14. Please lock in your seat now to guarantee your ability to attend (and these savings)!

We’ll see you in San Francisco in May (or London in February)!

FinovateSpring 2013 is sponsored by: The Bancorp and Financial Technology Partners

FinovateSpring 2013 partners include: BankersHub and Celent

P2P Lending Pioneer Zopa Announces New Funding Round

Image representing Zopa as depicted in CrunchBase

UK peer-to-peer lender, Zopa, announced Monday that it landed a “multi-million pound” funding-round. Exact terms remain undisclosed. Augmentum Capital, a venture capital fund under RIT Capital, led the round.

Zopa’s news arrives as the United Kingdom takes a closer look at the growing business of peer-to-peer lending, and is considering additional regulations on the industry. Founded in 2005, Zopa was the first “peer-to-peer” lending marketplace. It now has about 500,000 members who have lent more than £250 million among themselves.

Investors in the company have included Balderton Capital, Forward Venture Partners, Bessemer Venture Partners, and Wellington Partners, as well as Augmentum Capital.  

Additionally, the British government has announced that Zopa will be one of the peer-to-peer lenders it will use as part of £110 million in lending to small-and-medium-sized enterprises.  Zopa’s share of the initiative is £10 million.

Zopa’s now-defunct USA affiliate presented at the first Finovate in San Francisco here.

12/12/12 Credit Union Promotions

imageLast year, we were disappointed at the lack of promotions on double-triple-digit day, finding just a single promo 11/11/11 promotion (see our post on Notre Dame FCU). But it was Veteran’s Day and most U.S. banks were closed.

This year, 12/12/12 falls at a much better time in the promo calendar, and FI marketers responded, at least on the credit union side. In the first five pages of Google results we found 15 CU promotions, most offering 12-month, $1,200 loans.

However, it turns out that “12/12/12 loans” are regular December fare at a number of credit unions. Only four of the 15 were focused on the once-in-a-hundred-years date, one on the deposit side and three low-rate loan specials (note 1).

The standout deal? A 0.12% APR on a $1,200 loan from L’Oreal USA FCU

Here are the four CU 12/12/12 promos:

  • L’Oreal USA Federal Credit Union: 12-month, $1,200 loan with with APR = 0.12% (requires payroll deduction & estatements; link, screenshot #1)
  • Meadowland Credit Union: 12-month, $1,200 loan with rate as low as 1.2% (direct deposit & checking account required; link, screenshot #2)
  • Notre Dame Federal Credit Union: 120-day loan of $1,212.12 at an APR of 1.1212% (requires opening new credit card; link, screenshot #3)
  • USAlliance FCU: 12-month, 1.2% APY CD (new money only; link, screenshot #4)

Other 12/12/12 loan seemingly unrelated to Dec 12, 2012 (with links to the loan page):

  • Carolina Foothills FCU (link)
  • Clackamas FCU (link)
  • Ecusta Credit Union (link)
  • Freedom FCU (ran during the summer, link)
  • Fremont FCU (link)
  • Gulf Coast Educators FCU (link; see banner at top of post)
  • John Hopkins FCU (link)
  • Northwest Georgia Credit Union (link)
  • Northwest Resource FCU (link)
  • SRP Federal Credit Union (link)
  • Telhio Credit Union (link)

No banks seem to be joining the fun. Although Chase was promoting its sponsorship of the 12/12/12 Sandy benefit concert with an AdWords buy on Google yesterday (screenshot 5). 


1. L’Oreal USA FCU is offering a rate of just 0.12%
Note: Interest totals just $0.78 over the life of the loan, payroll deduction required


2. Meadowland Credit Union worked Aaron Rodger into its promo


3. Notre Dame FCU is the only FI that ran promotions on both 11/11/11 and 12/12/12 promotions
(11 Dec 2012)


4. USAlliance FCU was the only one with a deposit special


Chase Bank is the headline sponsor of a Sandy benefit concert (link)



1. We searched for “12/12/12 promotion credit union” and found many entries. The same search with “bank” instead of “credit union” turned about nothing (at least through the first dozen pages of results).