FinovateEurope 2011 / Silver Tail Systems

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Silver Tail Systems provides next generation fraud prevention to protect websites from various types of attacks. Silver Tail Systems’ products use behavior analytics to detect and alert on known threats and emerging threats like Man in the Browser, Zeus, and attacks by organized crime, then enable the business to disrupt these attacks in real-time. Founded by fraud prevention experts from eBay and PayPal, Silver Tail Systems significantly reduces online fraud losses, protects websites, and increases customer trust.

How they describe their product/innovation: Silver Tail Systems is debuting our new product: Forensics MT: the multi-tenancy version of our Forensics product.

Our Forensics product analyzes web session behavior to detect emerging threats. How can we make Forensics more powerful? Instead of monitoring the behavior of web sessions for one bank, monitoring the web session behavior across multiple banks makes suspicious activity even more obvious. This is the power multi-tenancy brings to our new product: Forensics MT. Since Forensics MT monitors sessions for banking aggregators, the analytics engine receives much more data, determines normal behavior more quickly, and identifies suspicious behavior immediately.


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