FinovateEurope 2012 / Nutmeg

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Nutmeg is an online investment manager that democratises saving and investing. We offer academically rigorous, diversified portfolios to people of all levels of wealth. Nutmeg is smart, fresh, straightforward and human. The simplicity of Nutmeg empowers the user by putting them in control of their money. Nutmeg translates what users tell us about their saving and investing ambitions and helps the user to achieve their goals for the lowest risk and volatility, through the application of the latest portfolio theory. Nutmeg is the product of twelve months design-led ethnographic research to discover how people think about, feel and treat money as a component of their everyday lives. The conclusions result in breakthrough ways of managing and facilitating savings and investments for retail clients, non-profits and corporations. Nutmeg’s financial personality tests are a paradigm improvement in the level of understanding of tolerance for volatility, relative to current industry standard.

How they describe their product / innovation: Nutmeg makes saving and investing simple. Simply choose your investing goals, when you will need your money and how much you can invest. Nutmeg then assesses your personal circumstances, checking affordability and suitability, before implementing and actively managing a personalised investment portfolio that is diversified across geographies and asset classes. Crucially, the user has control over the target level of volatility by considering probable outcomes on illustrations that demonstrate expected returns. Nutmeg offers a high class saving and investing experience and comprehensive user support, even for users with limited wealth. Regular portfolio rebalancing, a rewards scheme that improves returns by lowering fees, and intuitive data providing a clear portfolio breakdown allows anyone from the most experienced to the novice investor to take control. No longer will personal investing solely be the domain of the rich. Nutmeg offers a true alternative to expensive trading or being forced into a low-interest bearing bank account.


Bus. Dev and sales.: Nick Hungerford, CEO, [email protected]
Press: Jack Tavistock, [email protected]

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