Thoughts on Perkstreet’s Demise

image If you follow U.S. virtual banking (see note 1), you have likely heard that one of the biggest, at least in terms of venture funding ($15 mil), is closing its doors. Boston-based Perkstreet Financial is shutting down Sep 26 and will not be able to pay out the accumulated rewards balances held by its customers (rumored to be about $1 million, see note 2).

While I thought the startup had a great team (ex Capital One), I did not follow it as closely as Simple/Moven because it was not really a technology innovator. It was all about the rewards, which seemed like a good plan, especially since the money was paid out on merchant gift cards, presumably acquired below face (see our post on its launch). I never saw their business plan or heard their investor pitch, so this is all speculation.

I tweeted that they were done in by low interest rates, which made all those high balances (it took $5,000 on deposit to earn the top rewards tier) practically worthless. But they were founded in 2008 with $5 mil of VC funding in 2009 and $9 million in 2011. That was all done in the midst of the ultra low-rate environment, so clearly the low-rate deposit environment was no surprise to the bank and it’s investors. They were banking on rates going up, but like traders who place big bets on corn, oil or currency futures, commodity trading is a high-risk business.

Falling debit interchange rates didn’t help, but they were Durbin exempt, so that wasn’t as dramatic of a revenue hit as it was at the big banks. In fact, CEO Dan O’Malley told the NY Times last year that their interchange had remained unchanged.

My guess is they were done in by the problem that every financial startup faces: It’s really, really, really hard to get customers to send money to a web-based startup, especially when there is no immediate short-term gain. Their acquisition costs, especially in a low-rate environment, must have been unsustainable.  ING Direct (which wasn’t really a startup) was able to attract billions of deposits, but that was because customers were transferring in $30,000+ balances in order to immediately gain $500+ in annual interest (back in the 5% APY days 10 years ago).

Also, while Perkstreet had a great consumer-advocacy positioning, “use debit, avoid credit,” that was a bit of a mis-match for the customers they were targeting, big-spending rewards junkies which could afford to park $5,000 at the startup. Most existing big spenders are fond of using credit card programs with similar rewards, so changing their behavior was a continual challenge.


  • Traditional banks: They have one less aggressive online competitor to worry about. It also could put a damper on VCs future bets in this area.
  • Perkstreet customers who cashed out their VC-subsidized rewards prior to the Aug 12 shutdown.
  • NY Times personal finance columnist Ron Lieber who was was skeptical in mid-2010 about the long-term viability of Perkstreet’s then-2% rewards rate.


  • Perkstreet customers who had yet to cash out a significant chunk of their rewards balances.
  • Other virtual (aka neo) banks (Moven, Simple) may face increased skepticism from investors and prospective customers. However, their business plans are much different (no rewards for one thing), so this is probably a temporary setback.
  • The personal finance gurus who recommended Perkstreet (see Dave Ramsey ironic “companies we trust” screenshot below), especially those that pulled in affiliate dollars from the startup.

Bottom line: Perkstreet was a $15 million interest-rate bet that didn’t pan out (note 3). While I feel for their team, they are sharp and connected and knew they were in a high-risk business. For the most part, they will move on to next challenge with new-found insights. Had rates gone back to 3% or higher, Perkstreet would have likely been in good shape, enjoying its position of being highly recommended by Dave Ramsey and the other personal finance sites.

————————————- homepage (29 July 2013)


1. Our term for third-parties that function similarly to banks, but don’t hold the deposits, instead passing them through to FDIC-insured banks. We covered Perkstreet’s launch in 2009 here. We took an in-depth look at truly virtual banks (Personal Capital, Bank Simple, and PerkStreet) in our Oct 2011 Online Banking Report.
2. The $1 mil number was mentioned on Twitter from an unconfirmed source, so no claim to its accuracy. The company said previously it had paid out $4 mil in rewards. All deposits are held in FDIC-insured banks, Bancorp Bank or Provident Bank, and are safe and available to all Perkstreet customers. In better times, someone might have stepped in to honor the rewards and buy the company at a fire-sale. But paying $1 mil+ for a group low-margin customers was obviously a tough sell.
3. I’m sure the failure was a combination of hundreds of things and is way more complicated than I’ll ever know. I’m just addressing the big headwinds facing financial institutions, especially startups. 

The Bank Branch as a Retail Sales Channel

Old Bank Hotel, Oxford, England

There has been much discussion about the future of the branch. We’ve weighed in on it a few times (note 2). And of course, we are completely biased towards remote channels.

While it’s clear that branch transactions are headed downwards, many still believe the branch has a reasonable future as a center of for sales and marketing. Logically, this makes sense because most of us opened our primary accounts in a branch way back when. 

But what’s the reality going forward?

Certainly branches are a good source of new accounts. But what is the acquisition cost?  I’m not going to pretend to know the answer, but it’s interesting to look at how many new relationships a typical branch opens in a month.

Ignoring routine cross-sold savings accounts, credit lines and such (important, but usually less dependent on branch sales personnel), how many brand new primary account relationships (e.g., centered around a checking account) are sold in a typical branch each month? Would you guess 50? 100? More? 

What if I told you it was about 2 per month in the United States, if you ignore the top-20% of high-performers? Would that change your thinking about the future of branch-based account opening?

I haven’t seen any figures on this, so bear with me while I do a back-of-the-envelope calculation, which I think proves the point, even if there are a number of unsubstantiated estimates here:

  • There are about 100 million U.S. households with bank accounts
  • Annual account churn is in the 10% to 20% range. Let’s call it 20%, so that’s 20 million households in play each year 
  • There are 100,000+ bank and credit union branches

So it’s pretty simple to see that 20 million new accounts divided by 100,000 branches = 200 new accounts per year per branch, or about 4 per week.

That may sound low, but it’s overstates the value of the typical branch considerably. More refinement is needed:

  • Not every household uses a bank branch to open a new relationship. Let’s say say that online/mobile/call-center captures a 20% share, that cuts the branch number to 160/year. 
  • And of the 160 customers that chose to open a new account in the branch, a good portion would still have opened an account at the same bank even if the branch had not been there (because of the brand’s reputation, advertising, word-of-mouth, employer referrals, etc.). Let’s call that 30% of the total.

So now, we are down to 10 million “net new” accounts delivered by branches, or about 2 each week per branch.

But that’s still overestimates the impact of the “typical” branch. Using the Pareto principal (80% of new-account volume comes from 20% of the branches), then 80% of the 10 million “net new” accounts, or 8 million, were opened by 20,000 high-performing branches. The remaining 80,000 branches opened just 2 million net new accounts (note 3). 

Bottom line: If my assumptions are in the right ballpark, the lower-performing majority of branches (in the 80%) opens just 2 net new account relationships per month. That means on any given day there is only a 1 in 10 chance that a net new account relationship will be established (note 4).

So, ditch that $2 million branch remodel, re-energize your online/mobile services and start driving prospects to your remote channels (note 5).


Update (9 PM): A reader (thanks Mr. Pilcher) noted that the business market is also a big factor in branch sales activity. Agreed. Using the same logic as above, assuming 7 million U.S. businesses with employees and 20% annual churn, each of the 80,000 lower-performing branches would add 2 new business relationships per year. But given their value, that could be more important than the 2 new retail relationships added per month. 

Math: (7 mil biz x 20% churn x 80% sold in branch x 70% where branch was deciding factor x 20% going to the lower 80% of branches) divided by 80,000 branches = 2 new biz relationships each year per lower-performing branch

1. Photo of the Old Bank Hotel in Oxford (UK), which was a bank for 223 years until purchased in 1998 to be renovated into a hotel.  
2. Our one and only report on the subject was published in 2006 here (subscription). There is nothing wrong with branches. Customers like them and they are important brand ambassadors. But most locations are just not cost effective in an increasingly digital world.
3. I realize that most branches open dozens of accounts every week; but here I’m trying to focus only on “net new relationships.” In other words, new household relationships that would have gone to the competition if the physical branch hadn’t been there. It’s impossible to measure, so this is complete speculation.
4. The higher performing group does about 15x that volume, or 33 new accounts per month.
5. Our latest report published last week, 2013 Guide to Online & & Mobile Banking Products, Pricing & Strategy (subscription), sheds some light on your priorities going forward.

New Online Banking Report Published: 2013 Guide to Remote Banking Products, Marketing & Strategy

image Alright everyone, take a deep breath, summer is over and it’s time to get down to business. You are now officially behind on all the 2012 “stretch goals” that still seemed possible a few months ago.

And for many, September marks marks the beginning of the 2013 planning cycle. We are here to help. First, we moved FinovateFall up three weeks (to Sep 12/13) so you have more time to get those new ideas in to your plans.

Then there’s our annual reference, OBR’s 2013 Online/Mobile Banking Planning Guide. It’s a thorough resource for financial institution product/marketing managers prioritizing next year’s remote-banking efforts.

The latest version was posted online last night. 


About the report

2013 Product, Pricing & Strategy Guide for Remote Banking (link)
Embracing new business models for a digital world

Author: Jim Bruene, Editor & Founder

Published: 29 Aug 2012

Length: 76 pages (36,000 words)

Cost: No extra charge to OBR subscribers, $595 for others here


Table of Contents

The report contains a list of every idea that has appeared in Online Banking Report or this blog (sample page, below). There are more than 1,000 possible online/mobile tactics listed in the current report, divided into the following categories:

1. Product tacticsclip_image002
A. Checking & transaction cards
B. Deposits & savings
C. Loans & credit
D. Personal finance management
E. Insurance
F. Investing
G. Payments & transfers
H. Mobile services
I. Family (children, teens, tweens)

2. Sales & marketing tactics
A. Increase online sales
B. Selling behind the password
C. Enter new markets & segments
D. Attract new residents (movers)
E. Increase referrals and word-of-mouth
F. Social media and Web 2.0
G. PR: appeal to community

3. Service, security & retention tactics
A. Increase satisfaction levels
B. Enroll more online banking users
C. Encourage/reward self-service
D. Encourage paperless adoption
E. Address security concerns

4. Small business products and services

5. Pricing: Fees and subscriptions

6. Messages & alerts


U.S. Overdraft Revenues to Fall 50% by 2014

image Yes, that headline is pure fiction. 

No one can predict the fallout from the bank-bashing, CFPB-loving, election-year-posturing in 2012. But realistically, overdraft charges are about 100x more important to consumers than debit-card interchange, so it’s an area that will be debated in the months and years to come.   

While I’m not predicting Durbin-like NSF/OD price controls, there is a material probability that it could happen. And even if the U.S. government steers clear of explicit price controls, we’ve likely seen the peak of OD/NSF income. So here’s my take:

Best case: Real NSF fees drift slowly downward as penalty fees/pricing become more transparent through technology and various regulatory initiatives.

Worst case: See headline above


Action items

Hopefully, rising rates, higher home prices, and a healthier lending environment will provide enough revenue to overcome any declines in OD/NSF income. However, those macro factors are completely out of your hands. If you want to control your own destiny, I suggest you consider the following:

  • More overdraft protection credit lines: A credit line with a 12% to 18% APY (depending on credit score), paired with a $3 flat OD transfer fee, can be a very lucrative product. And it’s win-win. Instead of hammering consumers with a massive penalty fee, you entrust them to pay it back when they see fit.
  • Fees for value-added services: It’s not going to be easy charging fees for online/mobile services. But you are a business facing difficult choices in how to grow revenues, and subscription fees for new, value-added services are promising. 
  • image Insurance products: This is a huge, growing market that is relatively untapped by retail banks and credit unions. And distribution has yet to be moved to the online/mobile channel. So there is a huge opportunity for banks to be the ones to do that. At FinovateSpring, I was impressed by a startup, CoverHound, that has really interesting ideas on how to put a much-needed Web 2.0 spin to the product (demo here). We explored this in great detail in a December report. We also moved it to the number 1 priority for 2012 in our January report (note 2).
  • Offers and lead generation: Major banks already book major revenues through various third-party programs, such as credit monitoring, auto insurance, and statement inserts. The latest idea, which has attracted more than $200 million in venture capital, is tying merchant discounts and offers to credit and debit cards (note 3).
  • Branch right-sizing: I’m not saying that branches must go away, rather that the good ones morph into smaller, more efficient financial stores, with a big emphasis on small business, lending and yes, you guessed it, insurance. 


1. The neighbor test: Would you rather explain to your neighbor why you charged their daughter $36 for buying one too many lattes on their debit card, or would you rather tell them about your $3/mo “oops” service that warns parents when their child is about to do something stupid with their money. We write about value-added fees all the time in Netbanker, but the last full report is here (May 2011, subscription).
2. For more on banks offering insurance, see our full report here (Dec 2011, subscription)
2. For more on card-linked offers, see our full report here (Feb. 2011, subscription).

New Online Banking Report Published: 2012 Guide to Remote Banking Products, Marketing, & Strategy

It’s 479 days, 2 hours and 54 minutes until the end of the Mayan calendar* and you know what that means? Yep, it’s time to start putting together your 2012 business and marketing plans. imageAnd don’t think that the end of the world is any excuse to hold back. 

As usual, we’ve got your back. Announcing OBR’s 2012 Online/Mobile Banking Planning Guide. Its goal: to provide a resource for financial institution managers (product and/or marketing) to help prioritize potential remote-banking projects for the coming year.

The latest version was released just this afternoon.


About the report

2012 Product, Pricing & Strategy Guide for Remote Banking (link)
Preparing for the mobile-first future

Author: Jim Bruene, Editor & Founder

Published: 29 Aug 2011

Length: 76 pages

Cost: No extra charge to OBR subscribers, $695 for others here



The report contains a list of every idea that has appeared in Online Banking Report or this blog. There are more than 1,000 possible tactics listed in the current report, divided into the following categories:

1. Product tactics
A. Checking & transaction cards
B. Deposits & savings
C. Loans & credit
D. Personal finance management
E. Investments & insurance
F. Payments & transfers
G. Mobile banking/payments
H. Family (children, teens, tweens)

2. Online sales tactics
A. Increase online sales
B. Selling behind the password
C. Enter new markets & segments
D. Attract new residents (movers)
E. Increase referrals and word-of-mouth
F. Social media and Web 2.0
G. PR: appeal to community/shareholders

3. Service, security & retention tactics
A. Increase satisfaction levels
B. Enroll more online banking users
C. Encourage/reward self-service
D. Encourage paperless adoption
E. Address security concerns

4. Small business

5. Fee-based planner

6. Messages & alerts


*We don’t want to feed into the Mayan calendar hysteria, but you might want to pick up these super cool keychains here.

New Online Banking Report Available: Online & Mobile Banking Forecast through 2020

image The latest Online Banking Report: 2011 to 2020 Online & Mobile Banking Forecast is now available. It was mailed over the weekend to all OBR subscribers. It’s also available online here. There’s no charge for current subscribers; others may download it immediately for US$495.

The report includes our latest 10-year online & mobile banking and bill-pay forecast. While our reading of the tea leaves is unlikely to be perfect, it seems clear that the demand for online banking in the United States has reached a plateau (note 1); in fact, we are likely within a year or two of online banking penetration peaking and slowly heading down.  

How could that be? Mobile of course. In fact, through the end of 2020, we project an increase of 40 to 45 million U.S. households using mobile banking, to a total of nearly 60 million. During the same period, online banking penetration is actually expected to drop by a few million households.

If we are right, sometime near the end of the decade mobile banking will surpass online (note 2), although by then, the two will look pretty similar. 

The report also includes a revised 10-year forecast for U.S. peer-to-peer lending. After more than doubling in 2010, we expect continued strong growth of around 40% compounded annually through 2020.


Top innovations & trends of 2010

The report includes a summary of the top ten innovations or trends during the past year (in alphabetic order):

  • In-statement merchant rewards goes from zero to 100 financial institutions
  • Loan preapproval wizards reduce uncertainty for applicants
  • Location-aware mobile services for banking debut
  • Mobile banking goes mainstream
  • Mobile capture removes the paper from commerce
  • Mobile payments gains real momentum
  • Online personal financial management (outside of the bank) struggles
  • P2P lending solidifies its niche
  • Social media proves it can have real impact in financial promotions
  • Transaction streaming and sharing gain a foothold


New entrants on the list of the top 43 innovations of all time

Each year we rank the top online/mobile innovations of all time (North America). There are a total of 43 products listed from 42 unique companies:

  • 15 banks
  • 5 credit unions
  • 9 non-bank financial services companies
  • 13 technology companies

The class of 2010, which was unusual for being all technology companies rather than financial institutions (note 3):

  • Blippy for its automated transaction-sharing network
  • Cardlytics for its merchant-funded in-statement online rewards service
  • Finsphere for its location-aware fraud-targeting service, PinPoint
  • Mitek Systems for its mobile photo bill pay


1. The penetration of online banking into U.S. households is relatively flat going forward. However, because each households accesses a larger number of financial accounts, growth at individual financial institutions is still growing on average.
2. Forecast is for the United States. Mobile has already surpassed all types of banking in some developing countries.
3. Perhaps this can be explained by the necessary focus of financial institutions on getting through the global banking crisis beginning in 2008.

New Year’s Resolutions for Online and Mobile Banking

image Last year, one of my personal new year’s resolutions was published in the New York Times Bucks blog. That provided extra motivation to make it happen, though ultimately I still fell short in my goal to cancel one unused recurring service each month.

But I like the motivational benefits of making goals public, so in that vein I’m publishing my first annual list of new year’s resolutions for the online/mobile banking industry (roughly in priority order):

1. Make online/mobile banking a profit center: Cross subsidies work in many industries, e.g., giving away the razor to sell the blade. But with Congress determined to regulate the price of blades, it’s time to start pricing the razor for the value it delivers. Online/mobile banking provides enormous benefits for consumers and even more for businesses. It’s time to charge for it, at least for premium services.

2. Mobilize: Retail banks did a great job going mobile in 2010. And online-balance queries and transaction lookup are the all-important table stakes going forward. But that’s not the end of the project. Mobile is more important to your future than online, so work hard on your version 2.0 mobile service launching this year or next. 

3. Make it family friendly: Kids these days have grown up online and will do all their financial work via online/mobile services. Financial services companies should take a page from the telecom industry and start providing youth banking services via family bundles controlled by the parents.

4. Socialize: I’m in the camp that there is no such thing as a bad financial institution blog, Facebook page, or tweet. Boring? Yes. Lame? Sure. But, any reasonable effort is better than none. In 1996, there were a lot of bad Web pages. But was it better to get a page posted and learn from it or spend years developing a great “Web strategy” before doing anything? Early adopters are usually willing to cut you some slack on your first “beta version.” Just the fact that you are willing to get your feet wet automatically puts you above the competition.

image 5. Make it into a game: Over the holidays, I read a great article in Fast Company about how everything we do can, and probably will, be made into a game. And banking has a head start on other businesses looking to make a game out of everyday commerce. Frequent flyer points for credit card purchases started this movement more than 20 years ago. Now, everything a customer does financially can be rewarded with loyalty points all tracked through pervasive online/mobile connectivity.

I could go on, but then it would be harder to achieve my new year’s resolution of publishing an Online Banking Report on each of these topics.

New Online Banking Report Published: 2011 Guide to Online & Mobile Products, Pricing & Strategy

Washington new years license plateIn case you hadn’t looked at your calendar, it’s Q4 everyone.  Time to sharpen your pencil, fire up your spreadsheet and create that glorious semi-fictional piece of work, the business plan.

And we at Online Banking Report are on your side. That’s why every year we put every online/mobile idea we can think of into our Annual Planning Guide for Online & Mobile Banking.

Online Banking Report 2011 Planning Report coverThis year, it’s 84 pages long with a thousand or so possible tactics, tips, and strategic endeavors for your online and mobile services. But we don’t make you wade through all 1,000 to find the six you need. The ideas are separated into three buckets:

  • Best practices (5% of total): Must-have features to maintain parity with the competition
  • Best tactics for competitive advantage (25% of total): Ideas that will help you stand out from the pack and/or drive incremental revenue/profit
  • The rest (70% of total): Every company has different strengths and weaknesses; these tactics could be perfect for you

And we’ve also taken our favorite 20 and isolated them in their own section. Here is their alpha order:

  • Activity dashboard/ticker
  • Archives, long-term  
  • Automatic alert enrollment
  • Blog/Twitter and other social media
  • Credit score/report zone
  • Email channel
  • Home equity center
  • In-statement merchant ads
  • Lending center
  • Micro/small-business services
  • Native mobile app (iPhone/Blackberry/Android)
  • Personal finance functionality 
  • Premium/VIP online services
  • Prepaid/gift cards
  • Retirement planning center
  • Student banking/financial education center
  • Text (SMS) banking
  • Transaction streaming
  • Ultra transparent (flat fee) mortgages
  • Usage-based contests/rewards


About the report:


2011 Product, Pricing & Strategy Guide for Online & Mobile Banking (link)
Will online banking fees make a comeback?

Author: Jim Bruene, editor & founder

Published: 30 Sep. 2010

Length: 84 pages

Cost: No extra charge to OBR subscribers, $695 for others here


New Online Banking Report Available: The Case for Mobile Banking

image The latest Online Banking Report: The Case for Mobile Banking is now available. It will mail next week to OBR subscribers. It’s also available online here. There’s no charge for current subscribers; others may download it immediately for US$395.

There is little doubt that mobile is the next online, not just in banking, but with many information-rich, time-sensitive services. Even in the online-centric United States, we expect mobile banking to eclipse online by the end of the decade. 

Another way to look at it: Starting from essentially zero just three years ago, more than half of the U.S. online banking population will be using mobile banking, by 2015. That’s zero-to-40 million households in just eight years.

Most financial institutions should be making their mobile bets during 2010/2011. The report outlines ten ways that mobile banking supports overall strategic goals at financial institutions. It also includes our ten-year forecast for U.S. mobile adoption (note 1).

This report is number four in a series we’ve published on the mobile area during the past three years:

Num Date Title
177 Mar. 2010 The Case for Mobile Banking: Ten strategic reasons for investing in the channel
163/164 Mar. 2009 Mobile Banking 2.0 the iPhone Edition: How to build a smartphone app even your CFO will love
140/141 Apr. 2007 Mobile Money & Payments: Why credit & debit card issuers should embrace mobile delivery now
138/139 Feb. 2007 Mobile Banking: Leveraging the third screen

1. The mobile forecast was originally published last month in our year-end recap.

New Online Banking Report Published: 2010 Guide to Online & Mobile Products, Pricing & Strategy

imageBelieve it or not, there are just 23 business days left before Q4 2009. That means planning season is just around the corner. To help ease the pain, we offer you the ultimate idea-generation tool; our 15th annual Planning Guide for Online & Mobile Banking.  

imageThe 80-page report is packed with more than 500 product and marketing tactics designed to help you generate new ideas, plans, and strategies for 2010 and beyond.

Online Banking Report subscribers, may download it (here) free of charge. Others may purchase it (here).

Note: Yes, that’s USAA’s awesome native iPhone app on the cover. Mobile banking, specifically via the iPhone and text messaging, are top opportunities for next year.  See below.

  Twenty projects from the report were selected for our 2010 hot list (in alpha order):

  • Activity dashboard/ticker
  • Archives, long term  
  • Automatic alert enrollment
  • Blog/Twitter and other social media
  • Credit score/report zone
  • Friends-and-family loan facilitation
  • High-yield online savings/checking
  • Home equity center
  • Micro/small-business services
  • Native mobile app (iPhone/Blackberry/Android)
  • Personal finance functionality 
  • Premium/VIP online services
  • Prepaid/gift cards
  • Problem mortgage resource center
  • Retirement planning center
  • Service standards/guarantees for online/mobile interactions
  • Student banking/financial education center
  • Text (SMS) banking
  • Ultra transparent (flat fee) mortgages
  • Usage-based contests/rewards

Reference: Media Categories for Delivering Bank & Credit Union Marketing Messages

image I was reading Currency Marketing (note 1) founder Tim McAlpine’s ten-part blog opus (here) on so-called Challenge Marketing, a mix of social media, sweepstakes and viral marketing. It’s great reading, especially if you are thinking of embarking on a new-media marketing campaign.

In part 4, Tim created a list of media available for marketing messages. I started with his list, added to it, and rearranged the topics. Use this as a cheat sheet in your planning meetings to make sure you’ve covered all the bases. I know I’ve missed things, please add to the comments and I’ll update the list.

  • ATMs
    • Screens
    • Enclosures
    • Receipts
  • Blogs
    • Posting/commenting on your own blog
    • Guest posts on others
    • Commenting on other blogs
    • Asking for reciprocal blogroll listings
    • Sponsored blog post (tread carefully)
  • Branch
    • Posters
    • Brochures
    • Plasma screens
    • Floor decals
    • Window decals
  • Call center
    • On-hold messages
    • Press 1 for more info on ____
  • Charitable activities
  • Cinema advertising
  • Door-to-door
    • Flyers
    • Conversations
  • Ecommerce
    • Powered by your brand
    • Advertisements on confirmation screens/email receipts
  • Direct mail
    • Postcard
    • Letter
    • Welcome packages
  • Direct-to-desktop computer applications
    • Widgets
    • Toolbars
    • Buttons/alerts
  • E-mail
    • Direct messages to house or rented list
    • Advertisements/sponsorships within third-party email letters
    • Advertisements within triggered account alerts
  • Joint marketing (with other companies)
  • Mobile
    • Text messages
    • Downloadable app (iphone, Blackberry, Android)
    • Advertising in other apps
    • Sponsoring other apps
    • Featured at carrier/manufacturer site
  • Newsletters
    • Your email/printed/RSS  
    • Third-party properties
  • Online advertising on outside properties
    • Banners and other on-screen ads 
    • Advertorial
    • Sponsorships
    • RSS feed ads
    • Social networks (Facebook, MySpace, MSN, others)
    • Search engines (Google Adwords, Yahoo, Microsoft, others)
  • Online advertising on your properties
    • Main website
    • Online banking site
    • Logon/logoff splash screens
    • Microsites/landing pages
  • Outdoor
    • Billboards
    • Transit
    • Wall projection & other non-traditional outlets
    • Building site signage (construction loan clients)
    • Vehicle signage
  • Print/newspaper/magazine
    • Display ad
    • Classified ad
    • Column/op-ed articles
    • Inserts
    • College and other niche publications
    • Yellow pages/programs/directories/etc.
  • Promotional item giveaways
  • Public relations
    • Appearances and interviews
    • Press releases
    • Spokester (see Currency Marketing’s Young & Free)
  • Radio
    • 15/30 second spot
    • Advertorial
    • Sponsorship
  • Social media activity (note 2)
    • Facebook
    • MySpace
    • LinkedIn
    • Microsoft Live
    • Twitter
    • YouTube
    • Forums
    • Wikis
  • Sponsorships
    • Sports
    • Events
    • Charitable efforts
    • Schools
    • Green efforts
    • Anti-fraud education
  • Statements
    • Stuffers
    • Messages
    • Envelopes
    • Estatement advertising
  • Street-team marketing
  • Sweepstakes (on- and off-line)
  • Telemarketing
  • Third-party locations/publications
    • Advertising/messages
    • Signage
    • WiFi sponsorship
    • Billing statements
    • Websites
    • ATMs/kiosks
  • Television
    • 15/30 second spot
    • Product placement
    • Sponsorship
    • Infomercial
    • Online streams
  • Word of mouth

1. Tim McAlpine has achieved near-rock-star status in credit union social media circles as the mastermind of the hugely successful Young & Free campaign.
Update: 18 March 2009, Tim posted a comparison of the latest Y&F campaign at South Carolina Federal Credit Union compared to the original Alberta one. The latest version is up in every category, a partnership with a local radio station is credited with part of the gain.
2. If you need examples from outside banking, here’s a 2-part wiki (here and here) created by social media guru Peter Kim with almost 1000 examples of social media efforts by various brands.

Visiting the Center for Future Banking

imageYesterday, while visiting Boston, we had the opportunity to tour the Bank of America-sponsored Center for Future Banking, a part of the famed MIT Media Lab.

We talked to researchers looking at:

  • consumer behavior in budgeting and managing their finances
  • mobile ecommerce tagging
  • artificial intelligence at the point of purchase

It’s always energizing to be on campus and see what the bright minds are up to. It’s a great reminder that creative thinking, new ideas, and new technology always propel us forward.

The BofA folks were doing a great job maintaining a positive attitude, but it was also obvious that the events of the past six months have taken a toll. Hopefully, that’s temporary. 

A couple interesting conversation points:

  • The Center is absolutely open source, dedicated to helping move the industry forward, not just BofA; they hope more banks and industry players will at some point join their research efforts.
  • There may be more startups and more innovations due to the economic downturn as otherwise unemployed individuals start new companies. 
  • There’s more need than ever to rethink traditional models.
  • This could be the absolute best time to start a financial services company.  

Thanks to Abhishek Mehta, who splits his time between Bank of America in Charlotte and the MIT Media Laboratory, for spearheading the visit. Thanks also to Jeff Carter, Srini Nallasivan, and David Price from Bank of America for the inspiring conversation. And a special thanks to the grad students and staff at the lab for allowing us to interrupt their work and learn about their projects: Kwan Hong Lee, Katherine Krumme, Nathan Greenslit, and Sajid Sadi.