Fintech Fundings: 19 Companies Raise $204 Million in Week Ending Oct 10

It was another $200 million week, primarily due to Square’s $150 million round. Of the remaining $54 million raised, $38 million went to Finovate alums: Blockchain ($30.5 mil), BizEquity ($5.1 mil), Xpenditure ($1.25 mil), Spreedly ($750,000) and Powerlytics (undisclosed).  
Here are last weeks 19 deals by size (Oct 4 to Oct 10):
Mobile payments
Latest round: $150 million
Total raised: $591 million
Tags: Payments, POS, mobile, P2P, San Francisco, California
Source: Crunchbase
Bitcoin wallet
Latest round: $30.5 million
Total raised: $30.5 million
Tags: Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, payments, mobile wallet, London, UK, Finovate/FinDEVr alum
Source: Finovate
Business valuation engine
Latest round: $5.1 million
Total raised: $5.1 million
Tags: SMB, underwriting, analytics, Wayne, Pennsylvania, Finovate alum
Source: Finovate
Equity crowdfunding platform
Latest round: $3.5 million
Total raised: $4.9 million
Tags: P2P lending, crowdfunding, investing, credit, SMB, Los Angeles, California
Source: Crunchbase
Payments & ecommerce platform for wholesale food industry
Latest round: $2.5 million
Total raised: $5 million
Tags: B2B, payments, ecommerce, San Francisco, California
Source: Crunchbase
Bitcoin payment & exchange
Latest round: $2.5 million
Total raised: $3.3 million
Tags: Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, Seoul, South Korea
Source: Crunchbase
Latin American residential real estate marketplace
Latest round: $2 million
Total raised: $2.6 million
Tags: Homes, mortgage, Buenos Aries, Argentina
Source: Crunchbase
Credit platform for marketplace lending
Latest round: $2 million
Total raised: $2 million
Tags: P2P, loans, credit, crowdfunding
Source: Crunchbase
Digital currency acceptance for merchants
Latest round: $1.5 million
Total raised: $1.6 million
Tags: Payments, POS, mobile, cryptocurrency, zSan Francisco, California
Source: Crunchbase
Expense management software
Latest round: $1.3 million
Total raised: $3.0 million
Tags: Accounting, SMB, PFM, Cardwise (parent), Belgium, Finovate alum
Source: Finovate
Digital asset exchange
Latest round: $1.1 million
Total raised: $1.1 million
Tags: Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, Hong Kong, China
Source: Crunchbase
Real estate app for Google Glass
Latest round: $1 million
Total raised: $1 million
Tags: Home buying, mortgage, wearables, Peoria, Illinois
Source: Crunchbase
Cloud-based credit card vault
Latest round: $750,000
Total raised: $2.1 million
Tags: Payments, credit/debit cards, cloud, Finovate alum
Source: Finovate
Libratax software for bitcoin tax compliance
Latest round: $500,000
Total raised: Unknown
Tags: Cryptocurrency, tax, compliance
Source: Coinbase
South Korean bitcoin exchange
Latest round: $200,000
Total raised: $200,000
Tags: Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, exchange, marketplace, South Korea
Source: Crunchbase
Chinese P2P lending marketplace
Latest round: Undisclosed
Total raised: $12 million
Tags: P2P, credit, lending, crowdfunding, investing, Shanghai, China
Source: Crunchbase
Big data provider for financial services
Latest round: Undisclosed
Total raised: $5 million
Tags: Big data, analytics, underwriting, lending, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Finovate alum
Source: FT Partners
Curated insurance, investment and personal financial management
Latest round: Undisclosed
Total funding: Unknown
Tags: Mobile, PFM, investing, insurance, mobile ,wealth management, Zurich, Switzerland
Source: Crunchbase
Lending technology for community banks and credit unions
Latest round: Undisclosed
Total raised: Unknown
Tags: Lending, credit
Source: Crunchbase

Fintech Fundings: 14 Companies Raise $206 million in Week Ending Oct 3

It was quite a week in fundings, at least from Finovate’s standpoint. Not only was $200+ million raised this week, but 80% of that went to our alums: Yodlee ($75 mil), Credit Karma ($75 mil), Dwolla ($9.7 mil), and Expensify ($3.5 mil). 

And we had the first IPO from the very first Finovate Class of 2007. It’s a real Paul Graham moment for us. And we couldn’t be be prouder! Melanie, Joseph, Anil, Eric, Peter, and all the Yodlee folks we’ve worked with for 15 years, thanks for pushing fintech (and Finovate) forward. May you always hit your quarterly numbers 🙂

The weeks fundings by deal size (27 Sep through 3 Oct):

Account aggregation services
Latest round: $75 million (IPO)
Total raised: $199 million
Tags: PFM, SMB, online banking, mobile, Redwood City, California, Finovate alum
Source: Finovate
Free credit reports and monitoring services
Latest round: $75 million
Total raised: $193 milliion
Tags: PFM, personal finance, credit bureau monitoring, San Francisco, California, Finovate alum
Source: Finovate
Product pricing and lifecycle management software for financial services
Latest round: $15 million
Total raised: $20 millioin
Tags: Business intelligence, pricing, revenue, Vancouver, Canada
Source: Crunchbase
Virtual payments
Latest round: $9.7 million
Total raised: $32.5 million
Tags: Alt-money, ACH, funds transfer, mobile payments, Des Moines, Iowa, Finovate alum
Source: Finovate
Australian mobile payments company
Latest round: $9.1 million
Total financing: $13.5 million
Tags: mobile payments, Australia
Source: FT Partners
Crowdfunding real estate
Latest round: $7 million
Total raised: $41 million
Tags: P2P, mortgage, home buying, Washington DC
Source: Crunchbase
Bluetooth connected card (formerly Protean Payments)
Latest round: $5.8 million
Total raised: $6.8 million
Tags: Credit, debit cards, Bluetooth, payments, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Source: Crunchbase
Expense reports that don’t suck
Latest round: $3.5 million
Total raised: $10.2 million
Tags: Accounting, PFM, expense reporting, San Francisco, California
Source: Finovate
Virtual safe deposit
Latest round: $2.3 million
Total raised: $2.3 million
Tags: Investing, estates, safety deposit, San Francisco, California
Source: Crunchbase
Payments service to the unbanked in emerging countries
Latest round: $1.5 million
Total raised: $4.5 million
Tags: Mobile, payments, Laguna Hills, California
Source: Crunchbase
Bitcoin wallet
Latest round: $775,000
Total raised: $775,000
Tags: Cryptcurrency, bitcoin, payments
Source: Crunchbase
Flipboard for numbers
Latest round: $700,000
Total raised: $700,000
Tags: PFM, personal finance tracking, investing, Austin, Texas
Source: Crunchbase
Metrics for Stripe
Latest round: $500,000
Total raised: $500,000
Tags: Credit, debit card acceptance, merchants, business intelligence
Source: Crunchbase
Insurance industry software solutions
Latest round: Undisclosed
Total raised: Unknown
Tags: Insurance, Helsinki, Finland
Source: Crunchbase

Fintech Fundings: 17 Companies Raise $242 Million in Week Ending Sep 26

It was another stellar week in fintech fundings, simultaneously providing ammunition to those that think that private investments have peaked, while proving that it has not. The total included 2 Finovate alums: Bionym, which picked up $14 million and is scheduled to speak at FinDEVr next week and Taulia ($13 mil). Overall, the week saw 17 companies rack up a total of $242 million. 
For the month of September, a total of $770 million went into the sector (or about $600 million if you don’t classify Radius ($55 million) or Strategic Funding Source ($110 million) as fintech companies). That’s a $10 billion annual run rate. 
Data analytics (broader than just fintech, but has significant financial focus)
Latest round: $54.7 million
Total raised: $79 milliion
Tags: Big data, marketing, analytics, San Francisco, Finovate alum
Source: Crunchbase
Chinese mobile financial app developer
Latest round: $50 million
Total raised: $60 million
Tags: Mobile, China
Source: Crunchbase
Mobile SMB invoicing technology
Latest round: $35 million
Total raised: $35 million
Tags: SMB, mobile, accounting, invoicing, Sydney, Australia
Source: Crunchbase
German B2B payments provider
Latest round: $15 million
Total raised: 
Tags: B2B, payments, Germany
Source: Crunchbase
Healthcare payments network
Latest round: $15 million
Total raised: $77 million
Tags: Payments, healthcare, insurance, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Source: FT Partners
Bionym (meet them at FinDEVR Oct 1)
Biometric authentication technology
Latest round: $14 million
Total raised: $15.4 million
Tags: Security, biometrics, authentication, Toronto, Canada
Source: Crunchbase
Brazilian mobile financial services and prepaid card
Latest round: $14 million
Total raised: $14 million
Tags: Mobile, PFM, prepaid card, MasterCard, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Source: Crunchbase
Cloud-based invoicing and payments for enterprises
Latest round: $13 million
Total raised: $76 million
Tags: Accounting, invoices, billpay, receivables, Finovate alum
Source: Crunchbase
Zero-commission stock trading
Latest round: $13 million
Total raised: $16 million
Tags: Investing, stocks, trading, Redwood City, California
Source: Crunchbase
Budgeting and forecasting software for SMBs
Latest round: $9.5 million
Total raised: $9.5 million
Tags: SMB, accounting, receivables, Natick, Massachusetts
Source: FT Partners
Malaysian personal finance services comparison site
Latest round: $4 million
Total raised: $6.5 million
Tags: personal finance, Malaysia
Source: Crunchbase
SMB supply-chain financing
Latest round: $2 million
Total raised: $2 million
Tags: Crowdfunding, working capital, SMB, P2P, lending, New York
Source: Crunchbase
OmnyPay (unknown URL)
Stealth payment startup
Latest round: $1.5 million
Total raised: $1.5 million
Tags: Payments, San Francisco, California
Source: Crunchbase
French mobile POS provider
Latest round: $1.2 million
Total raised: $1.8 million
Tags: mobile, payments, SMB, POS, Paris, France
Source: FT Partners
Real estate crowdfunding
Latest round: $800,000
Total raised: $1.5 million
Tags: P2P, lending, credit, real estate, mortgage, Portland, Oregon
Source: Crunchbase


Mobile POS technology

Latest round: Undisclosed
Total raised: Unknown
Source: Crunchbase
Medical Payment Exchange (URL unknown)
Healthcare payments management for the enterprise
Latest round: Undisclosed
Total raised: Undisclosed
Tags: Healthcare, payments, insurance, Cleveland, Ohio
Source: FT Partners

Crowdflower Raises $12.5 Million in Funding

Crowdflower Raises $12.5 Million in Funding

CrowdFlower, the company that uses crowdsourcing for data scrubbing, announced yesterday it raised some cash to help it bloom.

The newest installment, which was led by Canvas Ventures, brings the San Francisco company’s total funding to $28 million. Other investors in this round include Bessemer Venture Partners and Trinity Ventures.


CrowdFlower, which does data work for companies such as Home Depot and Cisco, pays more than 5 million people to contribute to the data scrubbing. Some of the applications include:

    • Data Collection & Enhancement
    • Content Moderation
    • Search Relevance Tuning
    • Sentiment Analysis

CrowdFlower plans to use the new funds to grow its product and customer base.

To see CrowdFlower demo its newest technology live, come see them at FinovateFall next week in New York. We still have a few tickets left.

Fintech Fundings: $59 million Raised by 18 Companies in Third Week of September

Thanks to the $35 million Series-G funding of Finovate alum, Ping Identity, the fintech sector managed to pull in more than $50 million for the week. The 17 recipients of new investor cash included two financial comparison sites, Hong Kong-based CompareAsia which covers a broad range of personal finance products across Asia and Brooklyn-based Zapari, which focuses on U.S. health insurance. 
Here are the latest fintech fundings in order of magnitude (fundings from Sep 13 through Sep 19): 
Cloud-based identity management
Latest round: $35 million
Total raised: $110 million
Tags: Security, ID, authentication, Denver, Finovate alum
Source: Finovate
Automated debt recovery technology
Latest round: $5 million
Totals raised: More than $5 million 
Tags: Credit, collections, debt, lending, San Francisco
Source: Crunchbase
Asian financial products price comparisons
Latest round: $3 million
Total raised: $6 million
Tags: Lead generation, personal finance, Hong Kong
Source: Crunchbase 
Automated tracking of car mileage for expense reporting
Latest round: $3 million
Total raised: $3 million
Tags: PFM, expense reports, tax deductions, automobile, San Francisco
Source: Crunchbase
Connecting financial institutions and institutional investors to Bitcoin
Latest round: $3 million
Total raised: $3 million
Tags: Cryptocurrency, bitcoin, NYC
Source: Crunchbase
Digital payments technology for financial institutions
Latest round: $2.1 million
Total funding: $3.8 million
Tags: Mobile, payments, Omaha, Nebraska
Source: FT Partners
Gem (formerly BitVault)
Bitcoin platform for developers 
Latest round: $2 million
Total raised: $2.1 million
Tags: Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, 
Source: Crunchbase
DIY wealth management using ETFs 
Latest round: $1.9 million
Total raised: $1.9 million
Tags: Wealth management, investing, roboadvisor, Toronto, Canada
Source: Crunchbase
Social and information network for investors
Latest round: $1 million
Total raised: $1 million
Tags: Investing, news, Twitter, Linked:In
Source: Crunchbase
Crowdfunding via cryptocurrencies
Latest round: $1 million
Total raised: $1.4 million
Tags: Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, Mountain View, CA
Source: Crunchbase 
Italian P2P lending market
Latest round: $580,000
Total raised: $1.3 million
Tags: Lending, credit, crowdfunding, person-to-person, Italy
Source: FT Partners
Dedicated tip hardware for physical point-of-sale
Latest round: $420,000
Total raised: $420,000
Tags: Payments, PFM, credit and debit cards, hardware, POS
Source: Crunchbase
Bitcoin payments and storage
Latest round: $220,000
Total raised: $430,000
Tags: Bitcoin, payments, cryptocurrency, Luxembourg
Source: Crunchbase
Mobile remittance service provider
Latest round: $150,000
Total raised: $150,000
Tags: Remittances, funds transfer, mobile, payments, Dallas
Source: Crunchbase
Reinsurance technology platform
Latest round: Undisclosed
Total funding: More than $2 million
Tags: Insurance, Gibraltar
Source: Anthemis
Mutual fund and investing enterprise software
Latest round: Undisclosed
Total raised: Undisclosed
Tags: Investing, enteprise, Columbus, Georgia
Source: Crunchbase
Health insurance comparisons
Latest round: Undisclosed
Total raised: Undisclosed
Tags: Insurance, Brooklyn, New York
Source: Crunchbase

Debt funding
Patch of Land (presenting Sep 23/24 @FinovateFall)
Real estate crowdfunding
Latest round: $125,000
Total raised: $1.5 million equity, $125,000 debt
Tags: Crowdfunding, mortgage, P2P lending, Los Angeles, Finovate alum
Source: Crunchbase

Fintech Fundings: 11 Companies Raise $193 million in Week Ending Sep 12

Perhaps competition from Apple kept U.S. fintech quiet on the funding front this week. Through mid-day Friday, only 11 companies had announced fundings. But thanks to $77 million going to Chinese fintech companies, the total was an impressive $92 million, a $5 billion annual run rate! 
Then Friday afternoon it was widely reported that Square had raised another $100 million. If that’s confirmed, the weekly total will be a monster $192 million. 
But the big news around our offices was the $4 million A-round by Finovate Best of Show winner Tink. Tink is a Swedish mobile PFM with a killer UI (see full post here).  
Here are the fundings in order of size from Sep 5 to Sep 12, 2014: 
Mobile payment acquiring
Latest round: $100 million (at $6 billion valuation)
Total raised: $540 million ($440 million equity, $100 million debt)
Tags: Mobile, POS, acquirer, California
Source: Crunchbase
Chinese investment information provider
Latest round: $40 million
Total funding: $53 million
Tags: Investing, China
Source: Crunchbase
Chinese peer-to-peer lending startup 
Latest round: $37.2 million
Total raised: $47.2 million
Tags: Crowdfunding, P2P, lending, mortgage, SMB, China
Source: Crunchbase
Real estate investing platform
Latest round: $5.5 million
Total funding: $5.5 million
Tags: Crowdfunding, home buying, mortgage, California
Source: Crunchbase
Swedish mobile-optimized financial management
Latest round: $4 million
Total raised: $4.8 million
Tags: PFM, mobilie banking, Sweden, Finovate Best of Show
Source: Finovate
Crowdfunding platform for commercial real estate
Latest round: $3 million
Total raised: $3 million
Tags: P2P, lending, credit, mortgage, investing, California
Source: Crunchbase
Microlending in Latin America
Latest round: $1.3 million
Total funding: $1.3 million
Tags: Lending, credit, Mexico

Source: Crunchbase

Payment enabler for mobile and online commerce
Latest round: $1 million
Total funding: $40 million
Tags: Cards, mobile payments, prepaid, New York
Source: Crunchbase
Expense reporting software
Latest round:$175,000
Total raised: $1.1 million
Tags: PFM, accounting, SMB, predictive analytics, big data, Cleveland, Ohio
Source: Crunchbase
For-profit startup helping fund primary research
Tags: Fund-raising, payments, philanthropy, payments, California
Latest round: $150,000
Total raised: $150,000
Source: Crunchbase
Equity crowdfunding platform
Latest round: Undisclosed
Total raised: More than $540,000
Tags: Crowdfunding, SMB, lending, Sweden
Source: Crunchbase

Fintech Fundings: 20 Companies Raise $275 Million in First Week of Sept.

September is often a busy month in financial services. And it looks like 2014 is no exception. During the first week of September, 19 fintech firms attracted $269 million in new funding. Even if you exclude the $110 million to alt-biz lender Strategic Funding Source, it was still a huge week, despite the short week caused by the USA holiday Monday. 
Here’s your scorecard ranked by size of funding (Aug 30 through Sep 5, 2014):

Strategic Funding Source
Small business financing using advanced technology
Latest round: $110 million
Total raised: Unknown
Tags: SMB, lending, credit, New York
Source: Crunchbase


Alternative mutual funding trading platform
Latest round: $75 million
Total raised: $101 million
Tags: Investing, trading, exchange, New York
Source: Crunchbase
Real-estate marketing and CRM solution
Latest round: $20.1 million
Tags: Home buying, sales, marketing, mortgage, South Carolina
Source: Crunchbase
Insurance automation technology
Latest round: $16.7 million
Total raised: $16.7 million
Tags: Insurance, distribution, sales, mobile, California
Source: FT Partners
Equity crowdfunding platform
Latest round: $16.6 million
Total raised: $16.6 million
Tags: Crowdfunding, SMB, UK
Source: Crunchbase

Prepaid card in India
Latest round: $15 million
Total raised: Unknown
Tags: Prepaid, debit card, India
Source: Crunchbase
Technology for distributing shareholder and other investor information
Latest round: $7 million
Total raised: $7 million
Tags: Investing, proxies, communications, New York
Source: Crunchbase
Chinese big data technology for loan underwriting
Latest round: $6.5 million
Total raised: 
Tags: Big data, underwriting, credit score, China
Source: FT Partners
Health care billing and payments technology (aka
Latest round: $5 million
Total raised: $7.1 million
Tags: Payments, medical, Idaho
Source: VentureBeat
Automating private placements (
Latest round: $1 million
Total raised: $4 million
Tags: Investing, marketplace, private placements, equity, Virginia
Source: SEC
Manages receivables for healthcare providers
Latest round: $358,000
Total raised: Unknown
Tags: Billpay, accounting, SMB, healthcare, California
Source: SEC
Home search technology
Latest round: $275,000
Total raised: $275,000
Tags: Real estate, mortgage, Texas
Source: Crunchbase
Russian mobile-optimized bank
Latest round: $46,000
Total raised: $446,000
Tags: Near bank, mobile, Russia, Finovate alum (FF13)
Source: Crunchbase
Mobile identity and fraud protection
Latest round: $46,000
Total raised: $1.8 million
Tags: Security, authentication, mobile, MasterCard accelerator, Finland
Source: Crunchbase
Mobile identity and fraud protection
Latest round: $46,000
Total raised: Unknown
Tags: Security, authentication, mobile, MasterCard accelerator, Ireland
Source: Crunchbase
Mobile loyalty with bank integrations
Latest round: $46,000
Total raised: $46,000
Tags: Mobile, loyalty, cards, MasterCard accelerator, Poland
Source: Crunchbase
Indian mobile payments company
Latest round: Undisclosed
Total raised: At least $2.2 million
Tags: Payments, mobile, India
Source: FT Partners
Technology to underwrite credit using mobile phone behavior
Latest round: Unknown (series B)
Total raised: More than $1.5 million
Tags: Credit, lending, underbank
ed, mobile, underwriting, Massachusetts 
Source: FT Partners
Asian payments gateway
Latest round: Undisclosed
Total raised: Undisclosed
Tags: Payments, Singapore
Source: Crunchbase
Russian credit assessments for microfinance applications
Latest round: Undisclosed
Total raised: Undisclosed
Tags: Credit, underwriting, microfinance, Russia
Source: Crunchbase

Ayondo Lands Additional $4 Million from Luminor Capital

Ayondo Lands Additional $4 Million from Luminor Capital


In a week when Moven and Braintreehave both announced international expansion efforts, Germany-based ayondo announced funding that helps deepen its international roots.

Ayondo, which specializes in a social trading technology that enables users to follow and copy the moves of top traders, brought in $4 million ($5 million Singapore Dollars) from Singapore-based Luminor Capital.

Prior to this newest round, ayondo has held four rounds of funding, all of undisclosed amounts.


This new installment comes just a month after ayondo opened its Singapore offices, and six months after Luminor became a stakeholder in the company.

Ayondo demonstrated at FinovateEurope 2013.

Fintech Fundings: 16 Companies Raise $270 Million this Week

Late summer has proven to be red-hot in the fintech sector. This week, 16 companies received new funds, with 15 equity investments totaling $67 million and one massive debt placement of $200 million to AvantCredit. Combined with the $102 million of equity raised in the first half of August, the sector has attracted $170 million so far this month (not counting the $200 million in debt).  
New equity rounds this week:
Listed by size of deal (Aug 16 through Aug 22, 2014)

Discount real estate agency in UK
Latest round: $11.7 million
Total raised: $11.7 million
Tags: Real estate, rent, mortgage, UK
Source: Crunchbase
Digital bill presentment and payments
Latest round: $11 million
Total funding: $36.7 million
Tags: Electronic bill presentment, billpay, payments, North Carolina
Source: Crunchbase 

Continuity Control
Compliance as a service (CaaS)
Latest round: $10 million
Total funding: $12 million
Tags: Compliance, legal, regulations, Finovate alum, Connecticut
Source: Finovate
Provides fast access to the block chain for bitcoin developers 
Latest round: $9.5 million
Total funding: $13.7 million
Tags: Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, California
Source: Crunchbase
Helps identify and reduce hidden financial fees in investment accounts
Latest round: $6.5 million
Total funding: $9.5 million
Tags: Investing, fees, disclosures, 401(k), IRA, New York
Mobile biometric security
Latest round: $6 million
Total raised: $10.4 million
Tags: Security, biometrics, Wells Fargo accelerator, Finovate alum, Kansas
Source: Finovate
Mobile security
Latest round: $6 million
Total funding: $9.4 million
Tags: Security, Wells Fargo accelerator, Finovate alum, California
Source: Finovate 
Virtual agent technology
Latest round: $2.3 million
Total funding: $2.3 million
Tags: Customer service, mobile, BBVA (investor), SRI (spin-out), California
Source: Crunchbase
Crowdfunded real estate projects
Latest round: $1 million
Total funding: $1 million
Tags: P2P, investing, debt crowdfunding, rehab, mortgage, lending, North Carolina
Source: Crunchbase
Cryptocurrency distribution platform
Latest round: $800,000
Total funding: $800,000
Tags: Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, India
Source: Crunchbase 

Toopher (see them demo at FinovateFall 2014)
Two-factor authentication
Latest round: $791,000
Total funding: $2.8 million
Tags: Security, Finovate alum, Texas
Source: Crunchbase 
Platform for bitcoin/cryptocurrency intelligence & research
Latest round: $500,000
Total funding: $500,000
Tags: Cryptocurrency, payments, Amsterdam
Source: Crunchbase
Social lending for technical talent development
Latest round: $400,000
Total funding: $400,000
Tags: P2P, crowdfunding, student lending, California
Source: Crunchbase
Payments gateway in Bangkok
Latest round: $300,000
Total raised: $300,000
Tags: Payments, mobile, Thailand
Source: Crunchbase
Crowdsourced cash currency exchange
Latest round: $20,000
Total funding: Unknown
Tags: Fx, P2P, currency, transfers, Paris
Source: Crunchbase
Debt Funding:
Near-prime lender
Latest debt funding: $200 million
Total debt raised: $425 million
Total equity raised: $104 million
Tags: Subprime, credit, lending, Chicago
Source: Crunchbase 

BlueVine Brings in $1.5 Million in Funding

BlueVine Brings in $1.5 Million in Funding

Last week, in an extension of its latest seed round, BlueVine raised an additional $1.5 million. This, along with the $4 million round in March, brings its total funding to $5.5 million.

While the specific investor was not stated, investors in previous installments include:

    • Greylock Partners Israel
    • Lightspeed Venture Partners
    • Kreos Capital
    • Correlation Ventures
    • Kima Ventures

BlueVine’s platform frees up cash flow for small businesses by providing expedited payment to bridge the gap between outstanding invoice payments and working capital for business operations. After the small business connects their invoicing software to BlueVine, here’s what happens:

    • They select the invoices for which they want immediate funding
    • BlueVine funds 85% of the invoice amount up front
    • When the invoice is due, the customer pays and the small business receives a rebate

BlueVine will demo live on stage at FinovateFall this September 23 and 24 in NYC.

Fintech Fundings: 24 Startups Land $102 Million in First Half August

It’s mid-August. Who is even working now? Evidently, the folks cranking out new fintech (and their investors) are not letting up. So far this month, 24 startups have received a total of $102 million in new capital. 

Here are the newly funded, in order of deal size (fundings reported from Aug 1 through Aug 15, 2014). 


Pollen (no URL)
Working capital exchange
Latest round: $27 million
Total funding: $27 million
Tags: Working capital, treasury, marketplace, Kansas
Source: Crunchbase
SumUp (Finovate alum)
mPOS (point-of-sale) technology
Latest round: $13 million (per Crunchbase)
Total funding: $33 million
Tags: mobile, point of sale, payments, Ireland
Source: Finovate 
Online platform for private company financings
Latest round: $11 million
Total funding: $19.5 million
Tags: Investing, financing, New York
Source: Crunchbase
8 Securities
Social trading and wealth management platform
Latest round: $9 million
Total funding: $21.5 million
Tags: Investing, wealth management, Hong Kong
Source: Crunchbase
Online and mobile payments
Latest round: $8.5 million
Total funding: $8.5 million
Tags: Payments, mobile, Canada
Source: Crunchbase
Automated 401(k) management tools and portfolio analytics
Latest round: $6.1 million
Total funding: $6.1 million
Tags: Investing, 401(k), analytics, Chicago
Source: Crunchbase
Find the best real estate agent for your house
Latest round: $6 million
Total funding: $6 million
Tags: Real estate, mortgage, California
Source: Crunchbase
Helps underbanked access accrued wages through payroll cards
Latest round: $3.5 million
Total funding: $3.5 million
Tags: Underbanked, payday lending, California
Source: Crunchbase 
Mobile payment system for vending machines
Latest round: $2.8 million
Total funding: $3.2 million
Tags: Mobile payments, Oregon
Source: Crunchbase
Ecommerce technology enabling easy checkout and payment
Latest round: $2.7 million
Total funding: $2.7 million
Tags: Ecommerce, checkout, wallet, payments, Y Combinator, California
Source: Crunchbase
BlueVIne (debuting at FinovateFall 2014)
Working capital to small businesses
Latest round: $1.5 million
Total funding: $5.5 million
Tags: SMB, lending, credit, California
Source: Crunchbase
Equity crowdfunding platform
Latest round: $1.5 million
Total funding: $1.5 million
Tags: crowdfunding, California
Source: Crunchbase
Restaurant ordering and payment technology
Latest round: $1.5 million
Total funding: $1.5 million
Tags: Payments, order ahead, restaurants, Ukraine
Source: FT Partners from TechCrunch
Financial management software for small biz and individuals
Latest round: $1.4 million
Total funding: Unknown
Tags: PFM, accounting, payroll, SMB, Australia, UK
Source: Crunchbase 
Gift cards integrated with credit cards
Latest round: $1.4 million
Total funding: $1.4 million
Tags: Gift cards, prepaid cards, credit cards, California
Source: Crunchbase
Capital Float
Online platform providing small business financing in India
Latest round: $1 million
Total funding: $3 milllion
Tags: SMB, lending, financing, India
Source: Crunchbase
Real estate crowdfunding platform
Latest round: $1 million

Total funding: $34 million
Tags: Crowdfunding, real estate, investing, Washington D.C.
Source: Crunchbase
Lending technology for the SMB market
Latest round: $1 million
Total funding: $1 million
Tags: SMB, lending, B2Bank, Oregon
Source: Crunchbase
Geolocation technology for location-based services and payment solutions
Latest round: Undisclosed
Total funding: $920,000
Tags: Mobile payments, geolocation, Australia
Source: Crunchbase
Real estate discovery
Latest round: $550,000
Total funding: $550,000
Tags: Real estate, Philippines
Source: Crunchbase
Bitcoin peer-to-peer lending
Latest round: $270,000
Total funding: $270,000
Tags: P2P lending, Bitcoin, Germany
Source: Crunchbase
Coinmonk (Unocoin)
Bitcoin processor 
Latest round: $250,000
Total funding: Unknown
Tags: Bitcoin, India
Source: FT Partners from TechCrunch
Cash Sentinel
Facilitating payments for person-to-person vehicle sales

Latest round: $170,000
Total funding: $650,000
Tags: Escrow, vehicle lending, Switzerland
Source: Crunchbase
Identity theft protection
Latest round: $170,000
Total funding: Unknown
Tags: Security, identity, Scotland
Source: FT Partners from Finextra

Taulia Raises $27 Million in Series D Funding

Taulia Raises $27 Million in Series D Funding


Taulia, a company that aims to ease cash flow issues faced by small and medium sized businesses, announced today it raised $27 million in Series D funding.

This newest installment, which brings Taulia’s total funding to $67.2 million, comes from QuestMark Partners, which led the round, and existing investors Trinity Ventures, Matrix Partners, Lakestar and DAG Ventures.


When Taulia launched in 2009, its primary service was Dynamic Discounting, a product that helps suppliers receive faster cash flow, and gives buyers more flexibility and discounts if they pay early. Now Taulia offers seven products, including einvoicing and supplier management tools that help small businesses interact with their suppliers.

Of the 225,000 suppliers on Taulia’s platform, 55 rank among the largest corporate companies. The San Francisco-based company plans to use the funding to sign more large corporate clients and expand into Asia.

Taulia is now valued at $200 million.

To learn more about Taulia, check out its FinovateSpring 2012 demo where it debuted its Early Payment Network.