The Best of FinovateAsia 2016 in Photos

The Best of FinovateAsia 2016 in Photos


We had a blast at FinovateAsia in Hong Kong earlier this month and now we get to re-live the experience through pictures. The show, which was held on 8 November, was our largest conference in Asia to-date, and we can’t wait to return next year with an even bigger crowd.

Here are some of our favorite photos from the event:

30777350990_3bb7a48639_kIn the networking hall at PMQ
Taking a break for a selfie
31005619702_67a9af5ec9_kSentifi presenter Tran Huyen preps for her live demo

You can check out all of the photos from FinovateAsia on our Flickr page. Aside from the lively photos, the Twitter conversation was quite engaging. And in case you missed it, check out our press coverage from the event:

Thanks to everyone who participated in our very first event in Hong Kong. We look forward to seeing you at FinovateEurope in February 2017 or at next year’s event in Asia!

FinovateAsia 2016: A Tale Told in Tweets

FinovateAsia 2016: A Tale Told in Tweets

img_2092We are thrilled so many people came out to attend FinovateAsia 2016, our first foray into Hong Kong. It was a great opportunity to see firsthand how one of Asia’s most dynamic economies is embracing the worldwide revolution in fintech innovation.

For those unable to attend FinovateAsia in person, our live coverage on Twitter (@Finovate) was a way for fintech fans to follow along. And as always, our live tweeting was supplemented by the insights and observations from our knowledgeable attendees. Here’s a small sample of what they saw and had to say this week in Hong Kong via Twitter.












FinovateAsia 2016 “Best of Show” Winners Announced

FinovateAsia 2016 “Best of Show” Winners Announced



The votes are in and the Best of Show winners of FinovateAsia 2016 have been announced. Thanks to all 36 companies that demoed in Hong Kong this week and a hearty congratulations to the four audience favorites.

The winners are as diverse as the financial technologies they represent. Whether providing merchants with a broader range of payment options via the cloud, or extending the boundaries of what a piece of plastic can do to make commerce better for consumers and card issuers alike, the Best of Show winners reflect an industry that is as interested in making positive incremental change as it is in dazzling us with the latest innovations in biometric authentication and chatbot technology.

Here are the Best of Show winners of FinovateAsia 2016 (in alphabetical order):

AlphaPaymentsCloudLogoAlpha Payments Cloud for its new joint venture with Australia Post that will bring a variety of innovative payment options to online merchants in Australia.


DynamicsLogoDynamics for its continued re-invention of the payment card to make multicurrency transactions easier and more efficient for cardholders and merchants, while at the same time delivering significant savings to issuing banks.


eyeverify-hi-res-copyEyeVerify whose innovations in biometric authentication technology are a part of the company’s larger initiative to develop a global identity management platform that provides better security for businesses and consumers. for its white-label, virtual banking assistant that uses natural conversational language to help consumers manage their finances wherever they are.


We want to thank everyone who helped make Finovate’s debut in Hong Kong such a big success. From our presenters, sponsors, and partners to our attendees and the hundreds of fintech fans following the conference via our Live Twitter feed @finovate, it is your dedication to and appreciate of financial technology that makes all the hard work possible and so worthwhile. We’ll see you next year!

Notes on methodology:
1. Only audience members NOT associated with demoing companies were eligible to vote. Finovate employees did not vote.
2. Attendees were encouraged to note their favorites during each day. At the end of the last demo, each chose their three favorites.
3. The exact written instructions given to attendees: “Please rate (the companies) on the basis of demo quality and potential impact of the innovation demoed.”
4. The four companies appearing on the highest percentage of submitted ballots were named “Best of Show.”
5. Go here for a list of previous Best of Show winners through 2014. Best of Show winners from our 2015 and 2016 conferences are below:
FinovateEurope 2015
FinovateSpring 2015
FinovateFall 2015
FinovateEurope 2016
FinovateSpring 2016
FinovateFall 2016

Welcome to FinovateAsia!

Welcome to FinovateAsia!


FinovateAsia 2016 is here! After months of planning and preparation, Finovate’s Hong Kong debut has arrived, and we could not be more excited to see what our 36 fintech innovators from around the world have in store for our largest FinovateAsia audience yet.

Today’s show is divided into four sessions, punctuated by intermissions and networking opportunities designed to make sure you have every opportunity to meet and mingle with both our demoing companies as well as your fellow attendees. As we like to say: come for the high-paced, live fintech demonstrations and stay for the high-caliber networking with some of the most creative and visionary professionals in the business.

So whether you are here with us in the Fragrant Harbor, or following us via our Live Twitter feed @finovate, grab a cup of your favorite morning beverage and maybe a little snack as the house lights dim and the spotlights shine on the presenters of FinovateAsia 2016.

Here’s the agenda for today’s event.

Registration begins at 8:00 a.m.

8am to 8:45 a.m. Registration with Continental Breakfast

8:45 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. First Demo Session featuring:

10:15 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Intermission with Refreshments

10:45 a.m. to 12 noon Second Demo Session featuring:

12 noon to 1:00 p.m. Lunch

1:00 p.m. to 2:10 p.m. Third Demo Session featuring:

2:10 p.m. to 2:40 p.m. Intermission with Refreshments

2:40 p.m. to 3:50 p.m. Fourth Demo Session featuring:

3:50 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Networking Session with Open Bar and Appetizers

Best of Show winners will be announced at 5:15 p.m. during the end-of-day networking session.

All demo videos will be available for free in a few weeks in our video archives.

Pitch Practice at FinovateAsia 2016

Pitch Practice at FinovateAsia 2016


We’re here at PMQ rehearsing demos for tomorrow’s FinovateAsia conference and it’s shaping up to be a great show. This is our largest FinovateAsia event to-date, and innovation-quality is top-notch! Don’t miss out: Tickets are still available online and at registration tomorrow morning.

Think you’re ready? Here’s what you need to know:

  • We’re using Bizzabo for our event app. Download Bizzabo from the app store and search Finovate. From there you can connect with other attendees, find more information about the presenting companies, and view the schedule for the day.
  • Registration opens at 8:00 a.m. and the first demo will begin at 8:45 a.m.

FinovateAsia 2016 is sponsored by: DBS Bank (Hong Kong); InvestHK/Hong Kong Fintech Week; and KPMG.

FinovateAsia 2016 is partners with: Aite Group, The Asian Banker, BankersHub, Banking Technology,, Big Data Made Simple, Byte Academy, Celent, CoinTelegraph, CrowdFundBeat, Cyberport, FemTechLeaders, Finolab, Fintech Finance, Fintech News Singapore, The Fintech Times, Harrington Starr, Hong Kong Economic Times, The Hong Kong Foreign Financial Institutions Association, IDC Financial Insights, Korea FinTech Forum, Miss FQ, SME Finance Forum, Swiss Finance + Technology Association, and Verdict Financial.

Start Your Hong Kong Fintech Week with FinovateAsia 2016

Start Your Hong Kong Fintech Week with FinovateAsia 2016


The Finovate team has arrived in Hong Kong in preparation for FinovateAsia 2016 this Tuesday, 8 Nov. And we’re looking forward to a full day of live demonstrations of some of the most compelling innovations in fintech. Tickets are still available and we hope to see you here at PMQ on Tuesday as our 35 presenting companies demo their technologies live on stage.

This year, we are especially excited to be a part of InvestHK’s Hong Kong Fintech Week, which features discussions and presentations on the blockchain, the rise of regtech, as well as a hackathon and ample opportunities for networking among attendees. It’s a great setting for professionals from every corner of the fintech world, and we hope you’ll be on hand to be a part of it.


So for everyone who’s making plans to be with us in Hong Kong on Tuesday, here are a few tips and reminders to help you make the most of your FinovateAsia experience:

  • When: Tuesday, 8 November 2016
  • Why: To introduce the latest fintech innovations developed by 35 companies from countries including Singapore, Switzerland, Canada, India, Australia, Spain, Korea, United Kingdom, Taiwan, Japan, and Israel, as well as Hong Kong and the United States.
  • How: With our unique, 7-minute demo-only format and networking opportunities both during and after the conference, FinovateAsia is designed to enable our presenters to show their technologies live before a professional audience. At the same time, our agenda ensures that our attendees have every opportunity to meet, ask questions, and network with our demoing companies.

Whether you will be here in Hong Kong joining us or following all the action from afar, you can catch every demo of the event by following our Live Twitter feed @Finovate. We’ll share pictures from the stage, information on the presenters, and interesting background on the demoing companies. And if you want to take to Twitter to share your own insights and ideas about the technologies on stage, please be sure to add #Finovate to your tweets to make them easier for everyone to see.

We’re happy to answer any questions you might have about FinovateAsia. Check out our responses to some of the most common queries in our FinovateAsia FAQ. For more, feel free to email us your question at [email protected].

FinovateAsia 2016 is sponsored by: DBS Bank (Hong Kong), InvestHK/Hong Kong Fintech Week, and KPMG.

FinovateAsia 2016 is partners with: Aite Group, The Asian Banker, BankersHub, Banking Technology,, Big Data Made Simple, Byte Academy, Celent, CoinTelegraph, CrowdFundBeat, Cyberport, FemTechLeaders, Finolab, Fintech Finance, Fintech News Singapore, The Fintech Times, Harrington Starr, Hong Kong Economic Times, The Hong Kong Foreign Financial Institutions Association, IDC Financial Insights, Korea FinTech Forum, Miss FQ, SME Finance Forum, Swiss Finance + Technology Association, and Verdict Financial.

Live Safe and Prosper: The Themes of FinovateAsia 2016

Live Safe and Prosper: The Themes of FinovateAsia 2016


Let there be no doubt as to trends driving fintech innovation. Providing greater security and encouraging better financial health—if not prosperity—are among the major organizing principles for fintech innovators around the world. And this is especially true for those CEOs bringing their teams to demo at FinovateAsia 2016 next week.

FA2016-V1revThere’s still time to pick up your ticket. Join us in Hong Kong, on 8 November for our day-long exploration of tomorrow’s financial technology today. See live demonstrations of next-generation biometric authentication solutions, and aggregation tools that bring better data to bear on everything from e-commerce and credit decisioning to investment planning and wealth management. After demos are done, we’ve set aside time to make it easy to meet and network with our presenting companies, your fellow attendees, and other industry professionals.

FinovateAsia 2016 will feature 35 companies on stage at PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong Kong. Learn more about the demoing companies in our Sneak Peek series, and be sure to visit our FinovateAsia FAQ page for further information about the companies and the event. You can also email us your questions at [email protected]. See you in Hong Kong on November 8th!

FinovateAsia 2016 is sponsored by: DBS Bank (Hong Kong), InvestHK/Hong Kong Fintech Week, and KPMG.

FinovateAsia 2016 is partners with: Aite Group, The Asian Banker, BankersHub, Banking Technology,, Big Data Made Simple, Byte Academy, Celent, CoinTelegraph, CrowdFundBeat, Cyberport, FemTechLeaders, Finolab, Fintech Finance, Fintech News Singapore, The Fintech Times, Harrington Starr, Hong Kong Economic Times, The Hong Kong Foreign Financial Institutions Association, IDC Financial Insights, Korea FinTech Forum, Miss FQ, SME Finance Forum, Swiss Finance + Technology Association, and Verdict Financial.

From Advisers to VPs: A Profile of FinovateAsia Attendees

From Advisers to VPs: A Profile of FinovateAsia Attendees


Coming to FinovateAsia in Hong Kong next week? On 8 November at PMQ, a range of fintech companies will show off their latest technologies. Tickets are still available so register today.

We’ll host 35 companies as they step up to the stage to show off the hottest trends to the fintech elite, an audience that consists of high-profile representatives ranging from C-level executives and engineers, to analysts, and business developers. Here’s who you can expect to see:wordcloud2


For more information on what to expect at next week’s show, check out sneak peeks from the 35 presenters.

Questions? Visit the FAQ section on the website or email [email protected]. We’ll see you in Hong Kong!

FinovateAsia 2016 is sponsored by: DBS Bank (Hong Kong), InvestHK/Hong Kong Fintech Week, and KPMG.

FinovateAsia 2016 is partners with: Aite Group, The Asian Banker, BankersHub, Banking Technology,, Big Data Made Simple, Byte Academy, Celent, CoinTelegraph, CrowdFundBeat, Cyberport, FemTechLeaders, Finolab, Fintech Finance, Fintech News Singapore, The Fintech Times, Harrington Starr, Hong Kong Economic Times, The Hong Kong Foreign Financial Institutions Association, IDC Financial Insights, Korea FinTech Forum, Miss FQ, SME Finance Forum, Swiss Finance + Technology Association, and Verdict Financial.

Last Call for FinovateAsia 2016 Tickets

Last Call for FinovateAsia 2016 Tickets

FinovateAsia 2016 is right around the corner. Pick up your ticket before it’s too late! We’ve got an impressive roster of companies ready to show off their latest and greatest fintech innovations and you won’t want to miss it.

We recently released the full presenter list last month. Below, you can check out the amazing companies hitting the stage next week (read more about them in our “Sneak Peek” blog post series):


Our one-day show will be packed with live demos of new fintech innovations, as well as great opportunities for high-quality networking with the movers and shakers of fintech. Here’s the final schedule:


Visit our registration page today and we’ll see you in Hong Kong next week!

Revealed: The Full Presenter Roster for FinovateAsia 2016

Revealed: The Full Presenter Roster for FinovateAsia 2016


As we approach the home stretch with just under two weeks to FinovateAsia 2016, we’re thrilled to announce the full presenter roster. This list includes 36 presenting companies and 252 minutes of the most cutting-edge innovations in fintech—all in just one day.

The full presenter roster is on our website and below:

To get an inside look into our presenting companies and their innovations, check out our sneak peek blog series that we’ll continue to update up until the event.

We hope you’ll join us as we launch Finovate’s first Hong Kong event. Tickets are on sale at Space is limited, so get your ticket soon!

FinovateAsia Sneak Peek: FixNix

FinovateAsia Sneak Peek: FixNix


FA2016-V1A look at the companies demoing live at FinovateAsia on 8 November 2016 in Hong Kong. Pick up your tickets today and save your spot.

FixNix was born as a bootstrapping entrepreneurial venture to build an affordable cloud GRC suite for growth markets and SMBs.


  • User friendly: It doesn’t deliver a product, it delivers an experience
  • Automation: There is no magic, nor are there hidden tricks, but FixNix’s technology can take you there
  • Simple reporting

Why it’s great
Cloud-ify your regulatory compliance in just 2 minutes!


Shanmugavel Sankaran, CEO, founder
Sankaran, aka Shan, worked for Capillary Technologies as CISO, gaining extensive experience and deep understanding of software and cyber security.

FinovateAsia Sneak Peek: Sentifi

FinovateAsia Sneak Peek: Sentifi


FA2016-V1A look at the companies demoing live at FinovateAsia on 8 November 2016 in Hong Kong. Pick up your tickets today and save your spot.

Winner of the 2016 Swiss Fintech award, Sentifi generates real-time, actionable crowd intelligence from over 3 million financial sources not yet available via traditional news outlets.


  • Real-time insights for your investment portfolio
  • Targeted content and analysis from over 3 million sources
  • Custom solutions for media platforms to increase traffic, revenue, and user engagement

Why it’s great
Sentifi makes it simple to maximize your investment strategy. Using the power of the crowd, “Sentifi” your portfolio to gain real-time insights from over 3 million qualified sources. All in one place.


Dr. Anders Bally, CEO
With a passion for financial technology and crowd intelligence, Bally has used his 25+ years of experience in global financial markets to connect the world with innovative insights previously unavailable.