CEO Interview: Peter Kwakernaak of AcceptEmail

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This month, we interviewed Peter Kwakernaak, CEO of AcceptEmail, a company that enables e-billing and payments via email. Kwakernaak became CEO of AcceptEmail in August 2008, and before doing so founded two companies, OK Rent in the Netherlands and Coulorful Manor in South Africa.

AcceptEmail recently demoed at FinovateEurope 2012, where it unveiled its Short Invoicing Service (check out the demo video).

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Finovate: Can you take a shot at convincing our readers that AcceptEmail’s email billing and payment solution is the right solution in under 50 words?

Kwakernaak: Managing and paying all your bills straight from your inbox or mobile phone in just a few clicks is extremely fast, simple and safe. No duplications. No errors. No paper, no portals, no registration. AcceptEmail facilitates a smooth, transparent bill payment process. See for yourself and try our demo on 

Finovate: How have you seen the billing industry changing and how is that affecting your strategy?

Kwakernaak: The billing industry is now really moving towards digitalization under the influence of trends in the payment landscape (SEPA), legal/tax regulations (level playing field for paper and digital bills) and efficiency goals (collecting your bills faster with less costs). This opens up endless opportunities for AcceptEmail. The billing industry used to be predominantly focused on business-to-business that shifts more towards business-to-consumer and business-to-small business, which is also helping us. Furthermore we see that billers are more open for a multi-channel approach towards billing – give the customer a choice. E-mail and mobile definitely play a role in that approach.

Finovate: What advice would you give a fintech entrepreneur who is just starting?

Kwakernaak: Find a niche, focus on that until the end, create credibility with all stakeholders and choose a sustainable and scalable business model.

Finovate: How do you ease consumer concerns of AcceptEmail’s security?

Kwakernaak: Communication is key. We help our billers educating and informing their customers about AcceptEmail. It is essential that billers explain their customers what to expect, how it works, how you can be assured an AcceptEmail is safe.  Furthermore we ease consumer concerns about security first and foremost by being completely transparent ourselves. We are very easy to find and to contact, our billers can be found on our website and so are our security measures. Also we are being audited by e.g. banks frequently.

Finovate: What are the biggest growth markets for AcceptEmail? 

Kwakernaak: Any replacement market for either paper bills, cheques, non-SEPA payment methods or my portals is a growth market for AcceptEmail. Geographically we focus on Europe and will make the step towards the US next year. Vertically the large growth markets are in Insurance, Telecom, Government and Retail.

Finovate: If you could have dinner with any other CEO or entrepreneur, who would it be and why?

Kwakernaak: If he was still alive I’d have liked to have dinner with Steve Jobs. I was fascinated by his biography and with what he has achieved with Apple and Pixar.

Finovate: Can you give us a sneak peek of what’s next for AcceptEmail? 

Kwakernaak: We will be announcing several key partnerships with global financial institutions and software companies shortly. That enables us to play in a different league and pave the path for serious international expansion.

To learn more about AcceptEmail, watch its FinovateEurope 2012 demo. Stay tuned for another CEO interview next month.

Personal Capital Launches iPad App for Wealth Management Platform

Thumbnail image for PersonalCapitalLogo9.11.jpgPersonal Capital, an online wealth-management platform with $2 billion worth of assets, invites its 10,000 users to “touch” their net worth with the launch of its iPad app this week.

The crisp and colorful graphics have been described as a Mint-like interface:

The launch has received a lot of press over the past few days:
by Rafe Needleman 
by Ryan Kim
by Darrell Etherington
San Francisco Chronicle
by Casey Newton
by Sarah Lacy

To see the platform in action, download the free iPad app and watch Personal Capital’s public launch at FinovateFall in September of 2011.

Clairmail and VocaLink Partner to Combine Real-Time Payments with Mobile Solutions


With the rise in smartphone usage, financial institutions are increasingly aware of their need for a mobile payments solution. Mobile solutions company, Clairmail, announced a partnership with VocaLink that will help clients fulfill this need.

“The partnership will enable banks to use Clairmail’s Smart Client technology to deliver new services to their customers, such as Person-to-Person Mobile Payments, enabled by VocaLink’s real-time capabilities, such as Faster and Immediate Payments and multi-channel service options.”


VocaLink’s Immediate Payments solution and Multi-Channel Gateway product, married with Clairmail’s mobile solutions will enable financial institutions to take advantage of the mobile channel.

To learn more about Clairmail, watch its FinovateFall 2010 demo.

Finovate Alumni News– March 15, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgAmerican Banker reports LifeLock buys ID Analytics to boost its appeal to banks.
  • Practical Ecommerce profiles Kabbage, highlights future endeavors.
  • CNN Money discusses how SecondMarket escaped clashes with the new SEC ruling.
  • Convenient Cards, Rapid Financial, & Plastyc partner with Arroweye Solutions to get prepaid cards to market faster.
  • Silver Tail Systems introduces profile analyzer to protect websites from cyber attacks & fraud.
  • Check Point wins 2012 SC Magazine Readers Choice Award for best intrusion prevention solution.
  • Syphr and launch ad platform pilot for CUs.
  • American Banker reports Bancorp Bank announces NetSpend, InComm prepaid card deals.
  • PayPal introduces PayPal Here to compete with Square.
  • Finextra discusses ebilling adoption rates, reviews Striata’s strategy.
  • H&R Block Canada and Yodlee partner to deliver tax applications to financial institutions.
  • Clairmail and VocaLink partner to combine real-time payments with mobile solutions.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You
can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

Commonwealth Bank’s Kaching App Has No-Login Option, Simple Balance

imageThere are two problems with the current state of online/mobile login:

  • It’s too hard for customers to log in to their own accounts, especially using mobile keyboards
  • Yet, it’s too easy for crooks to log in to other people’s accounts

Since the dawn of online banking, the industry has struggled to balance user experience with security. And tiny mobile keyboards make the login experience even more frustrating.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

A number of banks are using 4-digit passcodes making mobile login a breeze. But Commonwealth Bank (Australia) has gone one step further, with no-login pulldown access to account balances in its new Kaching (ka-ching) mobile app (note 2). 
(Update 16 Mar: New Zealand’s Westpac also has a no-login mobile option called Cash Tank). 

obr_bestofwebCommonwealth calls the no-login option Simple Balance. With a quick swipe users pull down a read-only account balance (see screenshot below). The no-login option must be  enabled within the app before the first use. See it in action here (at the 29-second and 54-second marks).

We are awarding Simple Balance our second OBR Best of the Web award for the year (note 3). While it may not be as novel as City Bank’s debit card on/off switch, it’s likely to be used 100x more.

Bottom line: Requiring full username and password to see your account balance is antiquated, or at least it’s rapidly headed that way. The four-digit PIN is a good first step. But ultimately, it needs to get even easier than that for low-risk activities (note 4).


A single swipe on the top of the Kaching app allows users to download their account balance (click to enlarge, see note 2)

Pull down Simple Balance on Commonwealth Kaching


1. Many thanks to Australian reader Saif Hazarika, Innovation Manager at Australia Post, for clueing us in on the Kaching feature and creating the illustration above.
Facebook integration into Kaching's P2P payments area2. The Financial Brand published a good overview of Kaching several weeks ago.
3. Since 1997, our Online Banking Report has periodically given OBR Best of the Web awards to companies that pioneer new online or mobile banking features. It is not an endorsement of the company or product, just recognition for what we believe is an important industry development. If anyone knows of other financial institutions offering a similar feature, let us know and we’ll update the post. Commonwealth Bank is is the 85th company to win the award and the second in 2012. Recent winners are profiled in the Netbanker archives.
4. USAA’s “stay logged in” option is another promising approach, though not quite as user friendly as the Kaching swipe.
5. The Kaching app (inset, click to enlarge) includes integration to the user’s Facebook friends to facilitate P2P payments. A cool feature that I will add to the 50 or so discussed in last month’s Banking on Facebook report (OBR subscription).

FinovateEurope 2012 Demo Videos Now Available


We’re very excited to announce that we’ve just released the demo videos of the 35 new financial technology innovations that debuted last month in London at FinovateEurope 2012. If you were unable to attend the event, these fast-paced, 7-minute demo videos are your chance to check out the cutting edge of European fintech quickly and easily.

As usual, this new wave of videos is available free in the Finovate archives along with videos from all the other Finovate conferences over the past 5 years. FYI, we’ve recently upgraded the video player for all the videos in the archives for a better viewing experience.

If you’re looking to catch our next showcase of new fintech innovations live, tickets for FinovateSpring 2012 (May 8/9 in San Francisco) are selling fast but still available. And we just announced FinovateFall 2012 (September 12/13 in New York) with a special “Launch” ticket discount of $500 off but only through this Friday (get your ticket now to lock in the savings).

We hope you enjoy the videos!

P.S. As we put FinovateEurope to rest for 2012, we’d also like to thank our sponsors (Bluerock Consulting & The Bancorp Bank) and partners (BankerStuff, BankInnovation, Celent, Deutsch Startups, Finance on Windows, The Financial Services Club, The Financial Services Innovation Centre, Juniper Research, & on the event one last time.

FinovateEurope 2012 Demo Videos Now Available


We’re very excited to announce that we’ve just released the demo videos of the 35 new financial technology innovations that debuted last month in London at FinovateEurope 2012. If you were unable to attend the event, these fast-paced, 7-minute demo videos are your chance to check out the cutting edge of European fintech quickly and easily.

As usual, this new wave of videos is available free in the Finovate archives along with videos from all the other Finovate conferences over the past 5 years. FYI, we’ve recently upgraded the video player for all the videos in the archives for a better viewing experience.

If you’re looking to catch our next showcase of new fintech innovations live, tickets for FinovateSpring 2012 (May 8/9 in San Francisco) are selling fast but still available. And we just announced FinovateFall 2012 (September 12/13 in New York) with a special “Launch” ticket discount of $500 off but only through this Friday (get your ticket now to lock in the savings).

We hope you enjoy the videos!

P.S. As we put FinovateEurope to rest for 2012, we’d also like to thank our sponsors (Bluerock Consulting & The Bancorp Bank) and partners (BankerStuff, BankInnovation, Celent, Deutsch Startups, Finance on Windows, The Financial Services Club, The Financial Services Innovation Centre, Juniper Research, & on the event one last time.

Geezeo Launches Effort to Build Awareness of PFMs within Online Banking Platforms

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A recent survey by Celent found that only 3.8% of U.S. online banking users were actively using personal financial management services. 

Geezeo is hoping to raise that figure with Geezeo Interactive, a marketing initiative to help banks market PFM capabilities. Jim Craig, the former VP of marketing at 1st Advantage FCU, has been hired to lead the push. 

To learn more about Geezeo, watch its Finovate 2007 demo.

Reference: Bank Technology News coverage. 

BancVue Launches Kasasa360 to Help Compete with Megabanks

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Yesterday, Austin-based BancVue announced the launch of Kasasa 360, a PFM and rewards management platform.

“Kasasa 360 provides account holders around-the-clock access to personal finance management (PFM) tools through an online and mobile-based platform. Designed to deliver a user experience that leapfrogs even the best megabank systems, the latest Kasasa innovation allows consumers to securely aggregate and manage all of their financial products, including those they hold at other financial institutions.”

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The product aims to help community financial institutions compete with megabanks.

Almost 150 community financial institutions have already signed up for Kasasa 360. Gabriel Krajicek, CEO of BancVue, is projecting that number to double by the end of 2012 and reach 1,000 members in 3-5 years. Krajicek also claims that if the growth pattern continues, the Kasasa network will be larger than BofA, Chase, or Wells Fargo and will have a marketing budget equal to such megabanks.


To learn more about Kasasa, watch its Finovate 2009 demo.

Finovate Alumni News– March 14, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgThe Paypers reports Google selects MoBank as vendor for its GetMo initiative in the UK.
  • VentureBeat receives an insider demo on PayPal’s new digital wallet interface.
  • TradeKing earns 4-star rating for 6 years in a row in Barron’s 2012 Online Broker Survey.
  • RTN Federal CU selects Tyfone for m-banking.
  • Personal Capital launches new version of iPad app.
  • Nine Lives Media Inc. names ProfitStars to the MSPmentor 100 Global List.
  • BancVue launches Kasasa360 to help compete with megabanks.
  • Geezeo launches effort to build awareness of PFMs within online banking platforms.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You
can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

CashStar Upgrades Web Gifting Interface

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Yesterday, digital gifting company CashStar announced Web Gifting 2, a new user interface that will make the user experience more engaging, interactive, and convenient. 

With this new interface, CashStar’s 250+ retail customers will see upgrades such as:

    • Capability to upload personalized videos and photos
    • Animated gift cards 
    • Option to print gift cards
    • Tool to remind users of holidays and occasions
    • More card design options

In another release, CashStar also announced that The Home Depot, Staples, CVS/pharmacy, and Landry’s have renewed their digital gifting offerings.

To learn more about CashStar, watch its FinovateFall 2011 demo.

eToro Closes $15 Million Funding Round Led by Spark Capital

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Social investing network eToro announced today it has secured $15 million (U.S.) in funding. Spark Capital led the round, which is intended to expand the trading platform and fuel growth in international markets.

Within the past year, eToro has experienced growth across the board:

    • Active user base doubled 
    • Workforce doubled to 200 employees
    • Trading volumes doubled in size
    • Number of traded positions increased 5x

To learn more about eToro, watch its FinovateEurope 2012 demo.