From AI Hype to Reality: Key Strategies for Financial Institutions to Achieve Business Value

From AI Hype to Reality: Key Strategies for Financial Institutions to Achieve Business Value

In the financial services sector, artificial intelligence (AI) is often heralded as a transformative force capable of revolutionizing everything from customer engagement to fraud detection. However, as the excitement around AI continues to grow, so do the challenges associated with its implementation. According to the latest McKinsey Global Survey on AI, AI adoption is accelerating, with 72% of organizations using AI in at least one business function in 2024, up from 50% in previous years. However, the challenges of achieving tangible business value remain substantial. The survey highlights that organizations need to focus on aligning AI projects with strategic business goals to achieve success (McKinsey, “The State of AI in Early 2024”).

The journey to successful AI implementation in financial services is not about jumping on the latest technology bandwagon; it is about identifying core business challenges, choosing the right AI strategy, and following a robust engagement methodology. Here’s how financial institutions can move beyond the AI hype and achieve real, measurable business value.

1. Start with the business challenge, not the technology

The key to successful AI deployment begins with a comprehensive understanding of the specific business problems that need to be addressed. Too often, organizations are drawn to AI’s potential without a clear roadmap for its application, leading to projects that flounder in development or fail to deliver a return on investment (ROI). McKinsey notes that “the business goal must be paramount,” emphasizing the importance of identifying the most promising business opportunities and working backward to potential AI applications rather than pursuing tech for tech’s sake (McKinsey, “The State of AI in Early 2024”).

For financial institutions, this means asking critical questions: What are the pain points that, if resolved, would yield the most significant benefits? Whether it’s enhancing customer engagement, improving fraud detection, or optimizing operational efficiency, defining the challenge upfront ensures that AI initiatives are grounded in strategic business needs rather than technological fascination.

2. Evaluate: build, buy, or partner

Once the business challenge is identified, the next step is to determine the most effective strategy for deploying AI. This involves a critical decision: whether to build a custom solution, buy an existing one, or partner with an AI expert.

  • Build: Custom solutions offer the highest degree of specificity and alignment with unique business processes, but they require significant time, resources, and in-house expertise. For institutions with complex, industry-specific needs, building an AI solution may be the most effective approach, but it also carries the highest risk.
  • Buy: Off-the-shelf solutions provide a faster route to deployment and can be cost-effective for common challenges. However, they may not offer the flexibility needed to adapt to specific business environments. McKinsey’s latest research shows that while 50% of organizations are using off-the-shelf generative AI models, the high performers are increasingly moving toward significant customization or developing proprietary models to meet specific needs (McKinsey, “The State of AI in Early 2024″).
  • Partner: Partnering with a specialized AI consultancy, like Intelygenz, allows organizations to leverage deep technical expertise and experience while focusing on rapid implementation. A trusted partner can guide institutions through the complexities of AI deployment, ensuring that the solution is tailored to deliver the maximum business impact. This approach combines the benefits of both build and buy strategies, mitigating risks and accelerating time to value.

3. Implement with a proven engagement methodology

The pathway from AI concept to value realization is rarely linear. To navigate this complexity, financial institutions need a structured, end-to-end engagement methodology that enables rapid development and deployment while ensuring alignment with strategic objectives. Accenture’s “Tech Vision 2024” report emphasizes that adopting an agile, iterative approach to AI deployment enables organizations to see faster returns on investment and adjust quickly to evolving business needs (Accenture, “Tech Vision 2024″).

Intelygenz’s “Day Zero Promise” embodies this approach. Our methodology begins with a rigorous scoping session to align AI projects with strategic business outcomes from the very beginning. This is followed by:

  • Agile Development: An iterative approach that allows for continuous refinement and adaptation of AI solutions to evolving business needs.
  • Seamless Integration: Close collaboration with internal IT and business teams ensures that AI solutions integrate smoothly with existing systems and workflows.
  • Accelerated Deployment: Fast-tracking the time to value by deploying AI solutions in a matter of weeks, not months or years.

By maintaining a relentless focus on delivering measurable ROI, Intelygenz helps financial institutions avoid the common pitfalls of AI implementation and ensures that AI initiatives contribute directly to business growth.

4. Focus on flexibility and cost-efficiency

For many financial institutions, one of the barriers to AI adoption is the perceived cost and complexity. However, AI does not have to be prohibitively expensive or rigid. Intelygenz positions itself as a more flexible and cost-efficient alternative to top-tier AI companies. We deliver high-quality AI solutions without the overhead and rigidity often associated with larger providers, making us an ideal partner for organizations looking to innovate while managing costs.

5. A collaborative approach to AI success

AI projects are not just technical endeavors; they are fundamentally business transformations. A collaborative approach between the AI partner and the organization is crucial for success. At Intelygenz, we engage closely with our clients throughout the entire process, ensuring that every AI solution is not only technically robust but also aligned with the organization’s strategic goals. This partnership approach has led to real-world success stories where financial institutions have transformed AI from a buzzword into a business-critical capability.

Learn More at FinovateFall

For financial services leaders looking to leverage AI effectively, the path to success involves a thoughtful strategy that prioritizes business value over technology for technology’s sake. At FinovateFall, Chris Brown, President of Intelygenz USA, will delve deeper into these themes during his keynote session, ‘Beyond the Hype: Delivering Real Business Value with AI in Financial Services’. Attendees will learn how to identify the right business challenges, evaluate strategic options for AI deployment, and implement solutions that drive tangible ROI.

Join us on day two of FinovateFall to gain actionable insights and see how Intelygenz’s expert consultancy and implementation services can help your institution harness the true potential of AI.

Putting the Recipient First: How to Prioritize the Customer Experience in Your Payments Strategy

Putting the Recipient First: How to Prioritize the Customer Experience in Your Payments Strategy

 📅 Wed, August 21, 2024     🕙 10:00 am ET     ⌛ 1 hour

In today’s instant digital economy, providing your customers with a unique experience can translate to a crucial advantage for your firm. Your payments strategy plays a critical role in this.

Join this webinar and discover how to design a customer-centric payments strategy driven by choice, convenience, and speed.

Key takeaways:

  • Understanding Customer Needs: Learn how to identify and analyze the specific needs and preferences of your customers when it comes to payment options.
  • Seamless Payment Processes: Explore strategies for creating smooth and frictionless payment experiences that enhance customer satisfaction.
  • Discover: Find out how to personalize payment experiences to build stronger customer relationships and loyalty.

Hear from:

10 Strategies Fintechs Can Use to Acquire More Customers Right Now

10 Strategies Fintechs Can Use to Acquire More Customers Right Now

This is a sponsored article by Glassbox.

Fintech leaders, C-suite executives, and investors are facing an epic challenge: How do we adapt our customer acquisition strategies as the landscape becomes more competitive? In this article, we’ll highlight the challenges fintech companies face in customer acquisitions and the benefits of digital experience intelligence (DXI) in understanding your customer behaviors and challenges. Armed with those insights, you’ll be better able to navigate the ever-evolving fintech environment to grow your customer base and nurture your existing customers.

Want to know which of your marketing assets was most viewed by new conversions? Done!

Wondering where the common dropoff points are in your mobile app? No sweat.

Here are ten ways DXI can inform and refine customer acquisition strategies for fintech companies to acquire more of their ideal customers.

1. Identifying Acquisition Opportunities

Digital experience intelligence enables your organization to measure and analyze how users interact with your website or mobile app. Analyzing these journeys provides insight into pain points and areas of high engagement for potential customers. This initial informational process can help you tailor your product offerings and marketing outreach to engage your ideal customers.

Note: Be sure you’re targeting your ideal customers – the ones who truly need and will benefit from your products or services. Understanding who they are, and making that extra effort, will pay off with a client base that is bought in and wants your solutions to work for them.

2. Data-Driven Optimization

Leveraging insights from digital experience intelligence can help identify which marketing channels attract your target audience. In addition, user behavior analysis can measure the effectiveness of ad campaigns to optimize them across different channels.

👉🏻 For tips on gaining and retaining digital banking customers, check out this guide: 5 Mobile App Optimization Best Practices for Banks.

3. Personalization at Scale

Personalizing customer experiences is one of the most effective ways to increase engagement and conversion rates, especially during the consideration and decision-making stages. A digital experience intelligence platform like Glassbox is the easiest and most effective way to gain critical insights into how users interact with your platform.

You can then use that data to segment customers by a variety of metrics to provide more relevant, personalized digital experiences. The data gained can also be used to inform product recommendations, web content, and marketing messages, as well as cater to specific preferences, all of which can boost engagement and conversions.

4. Mobile Optimization

Nearly 40% of app uninstallations occur because people are simply not using the app. The best way to understand why customers are abandoning your app is by measuring and monitoring your customer journeys. Armed with that information, you can refine your app to ensure it’s relevant, intuitive, and user-friendly so your users are never tempted to select “Remove app.”

5. A/B Testing for Optimization

Data-driven insights are the holy grail of refining customer acquisition strategies. A/B testing enables companies to understand which versions of websites, apps, and offers perform best in attracting and converting potential customers. The insights you gain can inform continuous improvement of user experience and refine your customer acquisition strategies.

6. Proactively Addressing Customer Pain Points

Technology like Real User Monitoring (RUM) and newer iterations like Real User Experience (RUX) enable fintech companies to quickly detect and resolve technical issues.

The ability to swiftly address user experience pain points and intercept technical snags before they escalate can transform your customer’s journey from one of frustration into a smooth and responsive experience that makes them feel valued. With 80% of consumers reporting that customer experiences need to be improved, proactive engagement is your golden ticket to differentiation.

7. Unlocking More Substantial Customer Feedback with AI

Voice of the Customer (VoC) data captures customer feedback so you can gain a deeper understanding of their digital experiences. However, VoC data only represents the vocal minority—our internal analysis found that only about 4% of users provide feedback.

Fintech companies can now leverage AI to automatically compare these rated interactions to similar interactions across the entire user base. We do this at Glassbox with our Voice of the Silent (VoS) tool, which makes it easier to understand what the majority is experiencing, even when they blow off satisfaction surveys.

8. Building Customer Trust Through Transparency

Building customer trust is the most direct path to loyalty. Digital experience intelligence reveals where users hesitate to provide information or engage, which can reveal areas for improving transparency about data privacy and security measures. Addressing those concerns demonstrates your commitment to user safety, which puts you further along the path to customer trust and loyalty.

9. Clear The Biggest Hurdle: Knowing What Your Customers Want

With fintech products and services flooding the market, customers have an exhausting supply of options if you fall short of their expectations for seamless digital experiences. Understanding how they experience interactions with your website or mobile app is critical to effectively measuring, analyzing, improving, and ultimately ensuring customers feel understood and appreciated.

10. Make Customer Acquisition Everyone’s Business

Customer acquisition should be an all-encompassing, organization-wide effort – not just the job of marketing or product development. Lasting relationships are supported at multiple levels and in diverse ways, and playing that message on repeat is essential to making it stick.

Want to see what DXI actually looks like in action? Click around in Glassbox’s self-guided platform tour.

Technology and AI: Redefining Customer Interactions, Banking Operations, and Human Empathy

Technology and AI: Redefining Customer Interactions, Banking Operations, and Human Empathy

This is a sponsored article by LiveBank by Ailleron

In this digital age, the banking sector is not just undergoing change; it is at the cusp of a revolutionary transformation that is poised to redefine the very fabric of financial services. This transformative wave is powered by the synergistic relationship between human intelligence and artificial intelligence (AI). Far from merely mechanizing existing processes, this collaboration aims to completely reimagine how banking services are delivered, making them more intuitive, efficient, and customer-centric.

Transforming Human-to-Human Interaction through Technology

At the heart of this transformation is the role of Generative AI. This advanced form of AI is transforming modern banking by enhancing the human element rather than replacing it, particularly in complex sales processes. For example, while simpler banking products have become largely automated and can be easily accessed online by customers independently, more intricate products – like those involving mortgages or business financing – still benefit significantly from human insight. However, AI tools in banking is not replacing the need for human interaction; instead, it enhances the advisory services provided by banking professionals, making these interactions more productive and customer-friendly.

Entirely Digital Mortgage Application Process

A vivid demonstration of this innovative approach was showcased by LiveBank in collaboration with ING Bank on the London stage. They illustrated how digitization could reinvent the mortgage process, which has traditionally relied heavily on face-to-face interactions and extensive paperwork. By integrating AI with digital technologies, LiveBank has transformed this process to better align with contemporary customer expectations, which include a seamless digital experience, personalized service, and simplified procedures that significantly cut down on processing times.

As a leader of Retail Banking in ING emphasized during a joint speech, “Customers seek the convenience of applying for a mortgage online, uploading required documents electronically, and monitoring their application’s progress in real-time. They also prioritize transparency, clear communication, competitive interest rates, and personalized guidance throughout the mortgage journey. Ultimately, they desire a smoother and more efficient experience compared to traditional paper-based methods.”

With 45% of consumers favoring digital channels for banking product purchases, LiveBank aligns perfectly with the modern client’s preferences. It streamlines banking operations and enhances customer service by offering real-time human-to-human assistance through the customer’s first-choice communication channel.

The entire presentation and more insights are available here.

How to Redefine an Online Mortgage Experience?

ING Bank has been expanding its remote customer service capabilities, particularly for clients interested in mortgage offerings. The journey began with the option to submit applications via phone through the Contract Center, which was later extended to include customers using the services of specialists in ING’s branches.

Recognizing the evolving landscape of customer expectations, ING took the initiative to introduce video call options, marking a significant advancement in providing clients with a seamless remote banking experience. This decision entailed evaluating both customer needs and advisor perspectives.

Success Story of ING Bank & LiveBank by Ailleron

To ensure alignment with customer expectations, ING conducted comprehensive research, actively seeking feedback and insights. Valuable suggestions emerged from this process, including the need for video meetings with specialists in local branches, especially in emergency situations.

In response to these insights, ING embarked on a journey to integrate customer expectations with the capabilities offered by video support tools. This strategic alignment not only enhances the remote banking experience but also underscores ING’s commitment to innovation and customer-centricity.

This transformation is crucial in today’s banking landscape, where customer expectations are increasingly geared towards digital solutions. The transition involves not only adopting new technologies but also rethinking the customer journey to make it as frictionless as possible. By reducing the need for in-person meetings and streamlining documentation, banks can address significant pain points, making the process quicker and more pleasant for customers while also optimizing operational efficiency.

The successful digital transformation of complex banking products like mortgages requires thorough organizational preparation. It entails understanding and integrating the needs and expectations of all stakeholders involved – both customers and bank employees. This preparation is critical to ensure that the new digital channels are not just new tools but are part of a holistic strategy to improve both customer and employee experiences.

Bank Branches and Their Role in Building Customer Relations

The recent pandemic has accelerated the shift away from traditional branch-based banking towards more dynamic, digital models. This shift has prompted banks to rethink the role of physical branches. Despite their reduced footfall, branches continue to play a critical role, particularly in fostering stronger customer relationships. Recognizing this, LiveBank has innovated a new approach where loan specialists are made available to clients through convenient video calls, allowing for digital collaboration throughout the loan application process. This approach not only maintains the personal touch that is often crucial in banking but also enhances convenience and efficiency.

Furthermore, LiveBank’s method allows clients to choose how they wish to engage with the bank, emphasizing the flexibility and client autonomy that modern customers desire. This model has proved successful, leading to a majority of remote interactions with over 400 branch mortgage specialists (60% of new meetings were on video) while maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction 4.9/5 – a testament to the effectiveness of integrating personalization with digital efficiency.

How to Increase Sales in Banking Using AI & GenAI Capabilities?

The expansive capabilities of Generative AI were further highlighted at FinovateEurope in London, where banking experts showcased how AI could elevate the credit process. AI assists bank advisors by managing vast amounts of data and providing insights, thereby enhancing their ability to offer tailored advice. Additionally, the use of advanced AI-driven avatars can pre-qualify customer needs, ensuring that when a client is handed over to a human advisor, the groundwork is already laid for productive interaction.

This blend of human empathy and machine precision is crucial. It leverages the strengths of both to optimize banking operations and tailor services to individual needs, thereby not only elevating the efficiency and effectiveness of banking services but also enriching the customer experience with a personal touch that technology alone cannot provide.

Human Empathy Meets Machine Precision to Optimize Banking Operations

LiveBank exemplifies this future, standing at the forefront of the transformative journey in banking. Its platform is meticulously designed to integrate the capabilities of humans and machines seamlessly, ensuring that every customer interaction is a blend of efficiency, personalization, and security. The key to their success lies in finding the optimal balance between human and artificial intelligence, using the unique attributes of both to deliver high-quality service in real time.

In conclusion, as the banking sector moves forward, the integration of human and machine intelligence holds incredible potential. Innovations like those pioneered by LiveBank are not just enhancing operational efficiencies; they are fundamentally enriching how customers experience banking. This is a visionary journey, one that promises to transform the landscape of financial services and set new standards for the banking industry worldwide.

Mateusz Grys, LiveBank by Ailleron speaker said, “Generative AI is a major trend reshaping our industry, but the human aspect remains critical, especially in sales and advisory roles. It’s crucial for dealing with complex banking products that customers may encounter only once in their lifetime. By integrating AI, we enhance these interactions, but the empathy and understanding of human advisors are irreplaceable when navigating such significant financial decisions.”

How Will You Create the Next Generation Customer Experience?

How Will You Create the Next Generation Customer Experience?

Today’s customers want personalized experiences, but how can companies drive meaningful one-on-one connections at scale?

Data wins!

Handled correctly, well-orchestrated data reaches customers the way they want to be reached: fast and seamless while facilitating loyalty and trust.

The next generation customer experience is made easier with LeanData, the leading Revenue Orchestration platform. LeanData connects the dots for over 1,000 companies, increasing speed-to-response and aligning go-to-market motions with efficiency.

  • 90% reduction in data duplication
  • 78% decrease in time needed to research records
  • 5 hours per week saved by eliminating manual processes
  • Time-to-response decreased from 1 to 2 days to less than 1 hour
  • 35% increase in customer retention rates

Join LeanData at FinovateSpring next week and see it in action.

Mastering AI Deployment in Banking and Fintech

Mastering AI Deployment in Banking and Fintech

As the banking sector stands at the precipice of a new era powered by fintech innovation, mastering the rapid deployment of AI technologies is not just beneficial—it’s imperative. At FinovateSpring 2024, Chris Brown, President of Intelygenz USA, will share pivotal insights during his keynote on “Accelerating Bank-Fintech Fusion: Deep Tech & AI Solutions in Action.” However, the core themes of his talk resonate beyond the conference, offering valuable lessons for all financial institutions navigating the complex terrain of digital transformation.

Chris Brown’s address will confront a stark reality in the fintech space: while many AI projects begin with promise, few successfully bridge the gap from development to production. An overwhelming 85% of these initiatives falter, yet Intelygenz has carved a niche in ensuring projects land within the successful 15%. This capability is not just a differentiator but a strategic imperative that positions banks to lead rather than follow in the digital age.

The keynote will explore three strategic areas where AI can significantly impact banking operations, tailored to both conference attendees and the broader industry audience:

Building Data-Driven Architecture with AI

Leveraging AI to enhance data architectures transforms the foundational operations of banking. By integrating predictive analytics for credit scoring, automated compliance monitoring, and real-time fraud detection systems, banks can enhance decision-making, ensure compliance, and secure transactions, streamlining operations while significantly improving risk management and customer trust.

Streaming AI to Automate Day-to-Day Operations

The deployment of streaming AI moves the technology from a conceptual stage to an operational necessity, automating critical operations such as transaction monitoring and customer interactions. This shift not only boosts operational efficiency but also enhances the quality of customer service, providing real-time, actionable insights that empower banks to make informed decisions swiftly.

Implementing Human Experience-Centric AI Solutions

At the heart of technological advancements lies the need to enhance human interactions. By focusing on AI-driven enhancements in customer service operations and user interfaces, banks can forge deeper connections with their customers, resulting in increased loyalty and satisfaction. From AI-enhanced financial wellness programs to advanced biometric authentication and accessibility improvements, these technologies are reshaping how banks interact with their customers.

These areas underscore Intelygenz’s expertise in rapidly transitioning AI projects from development to deployment, ensuring they not only meet but exceed their intended goals swiftly.

For those attending FinovateSpring, Chris Brown’s session will not only illuminate pathways to leveraging AI but also provide practical insights into overcoming the implementation challenges often encountered by financial institutions. For the broader audience, these themes serve as a blueprint for understanding and deploying AI technologies effectively within their organizations.

For a deeper dive into these transformative strategies, attend Chris Brown’s session at FinovateSpring, or reach out directly via his contact details for more personalized insights and solutions from Intelygenz.

By embracing these insights, banks and Fintechs can ensure they not only participate in the digital revolution but lead it, transforming potential technological disruptions into opportunities for significant growth and customer satisfaction.

About Intelygenz:

Intelygenz is a leading deep tech and AI services consultative company, specializing in delivering tailored solutions that leverage advanced technologies to drive business transformation in the banking and fintech sectors. With over two decades of expertise, Intelygenz specializes in enhancing operational efficiency and elevating customer engagement, thereby delivering measurable returns on investment. As a full-service end-to-end consultancy, Intelygenz collaborates closely with its clients’ internal teams from concept through to deployment, helping to develop, integrate, and maintain customized solutions.

Intelygenz’s key strength is its ability to facilitate rapid deployment, enabling its clients to realize tangible ROI within weeks, not months or years. Banks and fintech companies trust Intelygenz to tackle their most complex challenges, confident in the company’s capacity to support their teams in delivering critical AI-enabled projects on time and within budget.

To learn more about Intelygenz and how we can empower your organization, visit our website at Intelygenz Banking and Fintech Solutions.

About Chris Brown

Chris Brown, President at Intelygenz USA, is a seasoned leader in the AI and tech industry, specializing in transformative solutions for banking and fintech. Leading a team dedicated to innovation, Chris drives the development of tailored Deep Tech solutions to meet evolving client needs. LinkedIn

“Digitize or Die”: A Call to Arms for Building Societies

“Digitize or Die”: A Call to Arms for Building Societies

Moneyhub recently commissioned research into building societies and consumers, which involved interviews with building society leaders from the likes of Nationwide, Skipton, Yorkshire, Coventry, and The Building Societies Association. Additionally, 2,000 British adults were surveyed to find out about the sector’s digital readiness and the opportunities a more data-led proposition might offer.

Here’s what Moneyhub found:

  • Nearly 1 in 2 building society members report difficulties in engaging with their services.
  • 80% of consumers believe that a good online platform is important when choosing a new financial provider.
  • 66% of 18-34 year olds would like more convenient access to products and services without the need to visit physical bank branches.

Building societies are at a pivotal juncture. Traditionally known for their community focus and customer-centricity, they now face the urgent need to digitize to meet evolving consumer demands.

“Digitize or die”, a senior sector stakeholder said.

Moneyhub’s research highlights a stark reality: there is a gap between consumer expectations and the digital offerings of building societies. The company’s report – Digitize or Die: A Call to Arms for Building Societies – serves as a roadmap for building societies ready to embrace this essential transformation, ensuring they meet the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s consumers.

Download the report now

Finovate eMagazine: The State of Fintech Ecosystem in 2024

Finovate eMagazine: The State of Fintech Ecosystem in 2024

The funding drought in fintech is a very well-documented concern. Nevertheless, FinovateEurope 2024 featured more early-stage demoing companies than any of our events to date.

There’s certainly reason to be optimistic about the future of our industry. We’re seeing more innovation and more creativity every time we convene. We’re not only seeing new solutions to emerging problems. We are also getting first-hand accounts of how these solutions are being deployed within financial institutions.

In this eMagazine, we hear from key decision makers at ABN AMRO Bank, BBVA, Raisin, Zurich Insurance Group, and beyond on how they’re adopting technologies and how their customers benefit from them.

Access the eMagazine and find insights on:

  • The future of embedded finance and open finance in Europe, plus the arrival of CBDCs in the region 📱
  • The latest AI innovations 🤖 in financial institutions and other industries
  • Key investor trends in fintech 💸 and the areas that are most attractive right now
  • Data security innovations that are leading us to a passwordless world 🔑
  • What you can do to make positive changes in fintech 🤝

Enhancing Customer Engagement with AI-Based Hyper-Personalization

Enhancing Customer Engagement with AI-Based Hyper-Personalization

This webinar explores the cutting-edge partnership between Central Bank and Personetics, aimed at revolutionizing the way community banks deliver meaningful value by proactively helping customers better manage their finances. Hear directly from experts Daniel Westhues, Executive Vice President and CMO at Central Bank, and Jody Bhagat, President of Americas at Personetics.

Why watch?

  • Future-Forward Banking: Get a glimpse of the future of community banking, where customer engagement leads the way.
  • Proactive Customer Support: Discover how Central Bank leverages Personetics’ capabilities to offer proactive assistance, helping customers navigate their banking needs with ease.
  • Hyper-Personalized Insights: Learn about the scalable, personalized insights provided by Central Bank, ensuring every customer feels understood and valued.

Dive into the innovative approaches Central Bank is adopting to enhance financial wellness and customer satisfaction. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from industry leaders about shaping the future of banking through personalized, proactive customer engagement.

In collaboration with:

4 Game-Changing Benefits of Modernizing Your Fraud & Dispute Management

4 Game-Changing Benefits of Modernizing Your Fraud & Dispute Management

Finovate webinar on demand, in collaboration with Quavo, on digitizing fraud & dispute management.

Financial institutions suffer billions in losses, expenses, and fines every year due to fraud, and the resultant impact on customer trust and loyalty presents an even bigger problem. 77% of customers say they would leave their bank if they do not receive a refund in the event of fraud yet, conversely, 80% say they would leave their bank for blocking a legitimate transaction.* Is there any way to win this battle?

Absolutely! But financial institutions must be willing to move away from antiquated systems and outdated processes that can no longer keep up with ever-evolving fraud and account holder expectations.

After nearly 20 years of working disputes at a top two bank and dealing first-hand with the challenges of outdated systems, Joseph McLean, Founder & CEO of Quavo Fraud & Disputes stepped out on his own to develop a better solution to significantly:

  • Reduce losses
  • Enhance the account holder experience
  • Improve operational efficiencies
  • Ensure regulatory and network compliance

How did he do it? What were the results? What are financial institutions saying about the AI-driven automation technology that has transformed fraud and dispute management? 

*Data sourced by Feedzai

In collaboration with

Key Themes & Changes in Wealth Management Client Experience and the Impact of Generative AI

Key Themes & Changes in Wealth Management Client Experience and the Impact of Generative AI

Finovate webinar on demand, co-sponsored by Genesys and AWS

Hear wealth management experts from Genesys and AWS discuss how to navigate the changing client experience landscape. Learn how to leverage cloud technology to optimize your service model, balance shifting priorities, and enable goals-based wealth management. We’ll also explore how new technologies like generative artificial intelligence (AI) can enhance the client experience.

Webinar takeaways:

  • Learn about the evolution of the different service models, including Advisor-led, Self-serve and Hybrid approaches and growing client needs from UHNWI, HNWI, Family office, and Mass affluent customers
  • Gain a deeper understanding of client experience priorities including onboarding, service and channels, personalization, security, and education/financial literacy
  • Understand the potential and client use cases for generative AI – what’s real now and what’s coming next, the approach, and using it for internal vs. external workflows

Led by David Penn, Senior Research Analyst, Finovate, the panel will feature:

  • David Porter, Managing Director, Genesys
  • Christopher R. McDonald, Leader, Wealth Management Sector, AWS

Mastering Personalization: The Key to Elevating Customer Experiences in Financial Services

Mastering Personalization: The Key to Elevating Customer Experiences in Financial Services

Finovate webinar, on demand, in collaboration with Yext

The financial services industry is undergoing significant transformation driven by evolving customer expectations, the macroeconomic landscape, and the consumer need for personalization across their experience.

In today’s financial services environment, consumers are asking more questions than ever. The days of using family advisors and banking institutions are over, and the age of the personalized banking experience is here.

Watch this webinar and you’ll learn:

  • The current happenings in financial services
  • How consumer preferences are changing and why personalization is taking over the industry
  • Technology and tools to make personalization easy
  • And much more!

Led by Julie Muhn, Senior Research Analyst, Finovate, the panel will feature:

  • Shane Closser, Head of Industry/General Manager for Financial Services, Yext
  • Steve Ramirez, Advisor, Financial Services, Yext